Color not only has aesthetic significance, e.g., an object may be produced in various color versions to meet different needs or personal preferences, but also has the practical significance, e.g., the traffic lights are placed at interactions to indicate the traffic, or the red and green candlesticks are used to indicate the change of stock price in the stock market. In this research, the effects of OCT (Open Caption TELOP) color on the news value perception were explored in the specific context, i.e., the perceptions of the news importance, news novelty and news timeliness were clarified through the OCT color manipulation in the emotional and application context. According to the theme, this research is consisted of several experiments, including the perception of news value on the color OCT pattern alone, on the OCT hue and tone in the emotional context, and in the media application context. Generally, OCT that can be considered as a designed subtitle is employed to indicate the news information that the news editor intends to convey. Within the study, two specific contexts, i.e., the emotional context and the application context which correspond with the news practice, were elaborated as the factors to explore the color effects. The methodology of this research consists of the following parts, i.e., the stimulus, participants and apparatus, procedure. The stimuli consists of nine colors (Chapter 2-5) for OCT, including eight chromatic hues (four primary hues and four intermediate hues), and one achromatic hue, with three tones (bright, vivid, and deep) which were selected from the PCCS color system (hue ring & tone chart); an OCT pattern (Chapter 2-5, reference to the actual usage); three news images (Chapter 3 & 4) that were selected based on its negative, neutral, or positive emotional tendencies, as well as the application scenes, i.e., the broadcast and social media (Chapter 5). Within all experimental sessions, a total of 110 participants were recruited, including 60 males and 50 females. All of them had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity and color vision. The apparatus mainly included different sized LED monitors, which was varied according to the session of the experiments. The specific specification of these monitors can be found in the method. Concerning the procedure, it varied according to the experimental sessions. The experimental measurements are the semantic difference method (Chapter 2-4) and the measurement of reaction time / correct response rate (Chapter 5). Regarding the results, the color effect was clarified by ANOVA, in which significant differences were observed on the conditions that were composed of the color factors, i.e., the hue and tone, as well as the emotional and application context. For example, the OCT pattern colored by primary hue, e.g., the bright-toned yellow, vivid-toned red, and deep-toned blue can make the news perceived more important than other conditions (Chapter 2). The OCT colored by blue series hues, i.e., blue and LB/BG in all emotional news contexts may inhibit the news novelty perception (Chapter 3). The bright-toned orange OCT was superior to the same tone purple OCT on the perception of news timeliness (Chapter 4). A significant difference was observed on the news importance perception in the LB/BG OCT among the three tones in the social media (SM) context, while there was no difference observed in the broadcast (BC) context in this condition (Chapter 5). Besides, in this research, an OCT color solution plan especially for the realization of news novelty was systematically proposed. Moreover, the results of the correlation test reveal that the most chromatic hues and corresponding tones can integrate the news value dimensions simultaneously in the specific context. Each chapter was followed by a discussion. In summary, OCT processed by color can significantly affect the perception of news value in the specific context. Based on the findings, it can be broadly discussed as follows. First, the cognitive effects brought about by OCT color processing are context-dependent, i.e., although OCT was processed with the same color condition, the perceptions of the same news value dimension varied in different emotional and application contexts. Then, the physical properties of color, i.e., the hue and tone (lightness and saturation), are related to the perception of news value in varying degrees. Finally, the cognitive effect of color processing on OCT is also correlated to some extent with the cultural attributes such as color-orthodox consciousness inherent to the viewer, i.e., the participants in this research. Chapter 6 as the last chapter is a general conclusion for the whole research. Within it, the practical significance of the selected theme was explained; the research methods in the thesis were summarized; the experimental results were reviewed; the room for improvement especially in the part of methods was mentioned. Concerning future research, the designs of OCT and other issues have been prospected.
(主査) 教授 川端 康弘, 特任教授 和田 博美, 准教授 瀧本 彩加