Alternative TitleThe characteristics of gerotranscendence in frail oldest-old individuals who maintain a high level of psychological well-being : A preliminary study using the new gerotranscendence questionnaire for Japanese elderly
Note (General)本研究の目的は,日本人高齢者に適した老年的超越質間紙を開発し,心理的well-beingが高い虚弱超高齢者の老年的超越の特徴を検討することであった.10人の高齢者へのインタビューから質問紙を作成し,在宅高齢者500人(男性198人,女性302人)に実施した.因子分析の結果,「ありがたさ」「おかげ」の認識,内向性,二元論からの脱却,宗教的もしくはスピリチュアルな態度,社会的自己からの解放,基本的で生得的な肯定感,利他性,無為自然と命名された8因子を抽出した.次に,在宅超高齢者149人(男性51人,女性98人)をクラスター分析により高機能高well-being(以下,WB)群,低機能高WB群,低機能低WB群に分類し,質問紙の下位尺度得点を比較した.低機能高WB群は低機能低WB群より内向性,社会的自己からの解放,無為自然の得点が高く,宗教的もしくはスピリチュアルな態度の得点が低かった.これらの結果から老年的超越の一部の下位因子は心理的well-beingの高さと関連し,その低下を緩衝する可能性が示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to develop a new questionnaire to investigate gerotranscendence in Japanese elderly individuals aged 65 yr and over, and to clarify the characteristics of gerotranscendence in physically frail but emotionally adapted oldest-old aged 85 yr and over.We developed the new questionnaire on the basis of interviews with 10 elderly individuals, and employed the questionnaire on 500 community-dwelling elderly(men 198, women 302).Factor analysis of the questionnaire suggested an eight-factor solution that included “Awareness of arigatasa and okage”, which is a concept in Japanese culture that all people and living creatures are inter-dependent, “lntroversion”, ‘Transcendence from dualism”, “Religious/Spiritual attitude”, “Release from the social self”, “Basic and innate affirmation”, “Altruism”, and “Let it go”. Using cluster analysis, we classified the 149 community-dwelling oldest old (men 51, women 98) into three groups: a group with high function and high well-being (HF-HWB), a group with low function and high well-being(LF-HWB), and a group with low function and low well-being(LF-LWB). “lntroversion”, “Release from the social self”, and “Let it go” in the LF-HWB group were significantly higher than those in the LF-LWB group, and the score for “Religious/Spiritual attitude” was significantly lower in the former than in the latter. These results suggest that some gerotranscendence factors are important for maintenance of psychological well-being in the frail oldest-old.
学位取得時氏名:中山幸恵首都大学東京, 2013-09-30, 博士(学術), 乙第86号
Collection (particular)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
Date Accepted (W3CDTF)2016-03-01T12:53:35+09:00
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Data Provider (Database)国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション