Alternative TitleOkinawa Collection Part 2, Vol. 2
Note (General)[版本]2冊 上巻47丁、下巻29丁26×18.2cm 1876(明治9)年宜湾朝保が編集した和歌集。上巻に宜湾の自序、歌友の税所敦子の序文があり、四季歌967首を収める。下巻には恋歌187首と雑歌285首を収め、香川景樹の高弟である渡忠秋の跋文がある。「二編」の名が示すとおり、1870(明治3)年に刊行された『沖縄集』の続編をなすもので、『沖縄集』が宜湾以前の歌人の作品を沖縄三十六歌仙としてまとめたものであるのに対して、「二編」は宜湾と同時代の歌人の作品を集成したものである。歌人109名、和歌1439首を収録し、当時の和歌の隆盛を誇るものとなっている。
Two books (woodblock print); forty-seven pages in volume one; twenty-nine pages in volume two; 26 cm by 18.2 cm; completed in 1876. These book are a collection of waka (classic Japanese poetry) edited by Chōho Giwan. Volume one contains a preface by Giwan and his poet friend Atsuko Saisho, and 967 verses about the four seasons. Volume two contains 187 verses on love, and 285 verses on miscellaneous themes, as well as an afterword by poet Tada’aki Watari who was Kageki Kagawa’s leading disciple. As “Part 2” in the title indicates, volumes one and two are a sequel to the 1870 book Okinawa shū (Okinawa Collection)—a compilation of works by thirty-six great Okinawan poets before Giwan’s time, as opposed to these books in part two which are a compilation of poetry written by Giwan and other poets of his time. The books together contain 1439 verses by 109 poets, serving as a testament to how waka flourished during this period.
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