What Documents Tell Us about the Great East Japan Earthquake
At 11:58 a.m. on September 1, 1923, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale struck with its epicenter in western Kanagawa Prefecture. The earthquake, which caused extensive damage over a wide area of the Kanto region, was called the "Great Taisho Earthquake" or "Great Taisho Earthquake and Fire" at the time, and is now known as the Great Kanto Earthquake. The total number of people killed in the earthquake is estimated to be over 105,000, of which about 92,000 were killed by fire. The total number of houses damaged, including those completely or partially destroyed, was 372,659, of which 212,353 were destroyed by fire.
関東大震災調査報告 地震篇 1(中村左衛門太郎)
関東大震災調査報告 地震篇 1(中村左衛門太郎)
Various Publications
Immediately after the earthquake, various publications were issued to report on the disaster. In addition to newspapers and magazines, other media of the time, such as pictorial magazines and postcards, also played a role in conveying the disaster throughout Japan.
Now, 100 years after the earthquake, these publications are valuable materials for conveying the situation at the time.
Pictorial Magazines
Pictorial magazines were published by newspapers and other publishers.
*The above pictorial Magazines are available on the Internet at the National Diet Library Digital Collections. You can view all pages from the link.
Magazines such as women's and boys' magazines also featured the earthquake disaster and reported on the disaster through photos and text.
The magazines listed above are available in the National Diet Library Digital Collections only at the National Diet Library.
Maps showing the damage caused by the disaster were also published.
關東大震災圖 : 東京横濱罹災地圖詳報
震災燒失區域明細東京市全圖 最新調査改訂版
The above images are not available in the NDL Digital Collections. You can view them in relatively high resolution by right-clicking or otherwise downloading the images. For a more accurate picture of the damage, please refer to Research Navi "Maps showing the damage from the Great Kanto Earthquake" (in Japanese) or the public records mentioned below.
Many postcards were also published, as they were popular at the time.
The National Diet Library has a very small collection of postcards. In addition, they are not listed in the NDL Digital Collections.
Please refer to Research Navi "Searching postcards" (in Japanese)
Collections of Paintings
Collections of paintings depicting the Great Kanto Earthquake were also published.
Public Records
Numerous records of the disaster by ministries and local governments were published.
Records by Ministries
- 社会局 編, "震災調査報告" (社会局 1924)
- 内務省社会局 編, "大正震災志 上" (内務省社会局 1926)
- 内務省社会局 編, "大正震災志 下" (内務省社会局 1926)
- 内務省社会局 編, "大正震災志 附図" (内務省社会局 1926)
- "大正大震火災誌" (警視庁 1925)
- 中央気象台 編, "関東大震災調査報告 気象篇(藤原咲平)" (中央気象台 1924)
- 中央気象台 編, "関東大震災調査報告 地震篇 1(中村左衛門太郎)" (中央気象台 1924)
Records by Municipalities
- 東京市 編, "東京震災録 前輯" (東京市 1926)
- 東京市 編, "東京震災録 中輯" (東京市 1926)
- 東京市 編, "東京震災録 後輯" (東京市 1926)
- 神奈川県 編, "神奈川県震災誌 : 神奈川県震災誌附録付 詔書,御沙汰書" (神奈川県 1927)
- 神奈川県 編, "神奈川県震災誌 : 神奈川県震災誌附録付 附録" (神奈川県 1927)
- 横浜市市史編纂係 編, "横浜市震災誌 第1冊" (横浜市市史編纂係 1926)
- 横浜市市史編纂係 編, "横浜市震災誌 第2冊" (横浜市市史編纂係 1926)
- 横浜市市史編纂係 編, "横浜市震災誌 第3冊" (横浜市市史編纂係 1926)
- 千葉県安房郡 編, "安房震災誌" (安房郡 1926)
- 埼玉県北足立郡役所 編, "埼玉県北足立郡大正震災誌" (昭文堂 1925)
- 静岡県 編, "静岡県大正震災誌" (静岡県 1924)
Exhibition Panels
Damage in the Kanto Region(PDF)
Damage in Yokohama, Yokosuka and Kamakura(PDF)
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