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Exploring Japanese Landmarks in Nishiki-e and Photographs


A posting station located on both the north and south banks midstream of the Shakujii-gawa River. The Kawagoe-kaido Road Kami Itabashi Station was located Kami Itabashimura, and the Nakasendo Highway Shimo Itabashi Station was located in Shimo Itabashimura. The origin of the name is from the ita (wooden plank) hashi (bridge) which spanned the Shakujii-gawa River. It is an old region name from the end of the Heian Period which also appears in the "Tale of the Heike".

Nishiki-e and Paintings

第二 木曽街道板橋之駅

第二 木曽街道板橋之駅

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