Kanei-ji Temple
A temple of the Tendai Buddhist Sect. Founded in 1625. The temple was named Kan’ei in connection with the era in which it was constructed. The sango (honorific mountain name prefixed to a temple's name) is Toeizan (Meaning eastern Mt. Hiei) and the ingo (a title given to a Buddhist temple) is Endon’in. The monk Tenkai, who built the Toshogu Shrine at Mt. Nikko, was granted land in Edo Shinobugaoka by the Shogunate government where he constructed the temple with the name Toeizan being transferred from Toeizan Kitain Shrine in Kawagoe, Musashi Province. Thereafter, the Toshogu Shrine, which enshrined Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Kiyomizu Kannondo Temple which imitated the Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera Temple, were constructed, flourishing under the protection of the Shogunate government. The area was also successful as a site for pleasure trips as well as a famous spot for cherry blossoms. This began with the transplant of cherry blossoms from Yoshino by Tenkai who loved cherry blossoms. In 1868, the area became a battlefield between Shogitai (anti-government group) and government forces, and most of the temples were burnt to ashes. This area is present day Ueno Park.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
江戸名所発句合之内 上野
東都花暦 上野清水之桜
名所江戸百景 上野清水堂不忍ノ池
江戸名所 上野東叡山境内
東都名所 上野東叡山全図
東都名所 上野東叡山ノ図
江戸八景 上野の晩鐘
浮絵 東叡山中堂之図
江戸自慢三十六興 東叡山花さかり
東都八勝 上野晩鐘
東都名所 上野清水堂
晩鐘 (上野清水堂)
Other Materials
- 東叡山寛永寺(本文) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 東叡山寛永寺[其一](挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 東叡山寛永寺其二(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 東叡山寛永寺其三(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 東叡山寛永寺其四(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 東叡山寛永寺其五(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 清水堂花見図(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [14]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
Landmarks around Kanei-ji Temple
Yanaka Nippori Nezu Shinobazu no ike Pond Iriya Ueno Hirokoji / Shitaya / Yamashita Dokanyama Sendagi Otori-jinja Shrine Asakusa Hongan-ji Temple