Sanno Gongen Shrine
During the Bunmei Era (1469-87), Ota Dokan enshrined the Kawagoe Hie-jinja Shrine as a guardian deity inside the Edo Castle. It became the ubusunagami (the protective deity of one's birthplace) for the Tokugawa Clan. The shrine was later transferred outside of the castle, and was relocated to its current location in 1659. The annual festival on June 15 was called the Sanno Festival (another name, Goyomatsuri or Tenkamatsuri) and was one of 3 major festivals in Edo. In 1869 the shrine was renamed Hie-jinja Shrine.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
江戸名勝図会 山王
江戸自慢三十六興 日吉山王祭り子
旅の家つと 第29 都の巻
東京市史蹟名勝天然紀念物写真帖 第1輯
Other Materials
- 日吉山王神社(本文) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [7]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 日吉山王神社(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [7]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 山王祭其一(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [2]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 山王祭其二(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [2]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
- 山王祭其三(挿絵) 松濤軒斎藤長秋 著 et.al, "江戸名所図会 7巻 [2]" (須原屋茂兵衛[ほか] 1834)
Landmarks around Sanno Gongen Shrine
Akasaka Kasumigaseki Toranomon Kojimachi Sotosakurada Atagoshita Atagoyama Hibiya Icigaya Hachimangu Shrine Zojo-ji Temple