分類番号 | 意味 | |
000 | 一般 | general |
011 | 各種団体 | groups |
021 | 世論 | public opinion |
023 | 反戦・平和運動 | peace movement |
025 | マスメデイア、ジャーナリズム | mass media, journalism |
031 | 婦人・青少年問題 | women, youth |
047 | 気象 | weather |
050 | 沖縄一般 | Okinawa, general |
060 | 沖縄の歴史・地理 | history, geography |
061 | 自然、風土、民族 | nature, ethnic |
070 | 沖縄の住民 | Okinawans, Ryukyuans |
071 | 人口 | population |
073 | 戸籍 | family register |
075 | 請願・抗議・要請 | petition, complaint, protest, request |
080 | 沖縄の地位 | status of Okinawa |
081 | 施政権返還 | reversion |
082 | 復帰・返還運動 | reversion movement |
083 | 一体化及び「一体化」政策 | Unification with Japan proper, "Ittaika" plan |
100 | 軍事 | military affairs |
105 | 太平洋戦争、沖縄戦 | Pacific War, Battle of Okinawa |
107 | POW | prisoners of war |
110 | 復員、引き揚げ、疎開、収容所 | demobilization, repatriation, evacuation, camps |
130 | 旧日本軍 | Japanese Imperial Army and Navy |
140 | 自衛隊 | Japanese Self Defense Forces |
150 | 米軍 | U.S. military |
151 | 陸軍 | Army |
152 | 海軍 | Navy |
153 | 海兵隊 | Marine Corps |
154 | 空軍 | Air Force |
160 | USCAR以前の軍政 | military government |
170 | 兵器・弾薬 | weapons, ammunition |
180 | 基地・施設・区域 | military bases, military facilities |
185 | 基地従業員(軍雇用員) | |
190 | 軍事裁判 | military trial, Court martial |
200 | USCAR | U.S. Civil Administration for the Ryukyu Islands |
201 | 高等弁務官、民(副)政官 | High Commissioner, Civil Administrator/Deputy Civil Administrator |
205 | 事務管理、文書管理 | office management, records management |
206 | 法務 | legal affairs |
208 | 運営 | administration |
210 | 組織 | organization |
220 | 人事 | personnel |
225 | 視察・出張 | official visit, trip |
230 | 財務 | treasury |
240 | 補給・輸送、接収、調達 | supply and transportation, requisition |
250 | 調査、情報、諜報 | investigation, information, intelligence |
251 | 人的情報、団体情報 | personal, group information |
252 | 検閲 | censorship |
253 | 検査・査察 | inspection |
255 | 広報、宣撫活動 | public relations, propaganda |
260 | 渉外 | liaison |
270 | 司法 | judiciary |
271 | USCAR裁判所 | USCAR Courts |
280 | 公社(電力公社、水道公社、開発公社) | USCAR corporations |
300 | 政治、行政 | government, politics |
301 | 琉球政府以前の住民側統治機構 | pre-GRI government |
320 | 琉球政府 | Government of the Ryukyu Islands (GRI) |
321 | 立法 | legislation |
322 | 行政 | administration |
323 | 司法 | judiciary |
330 | 法令 | laws, orders, regulations |
331 | 布告、布令、指令 | proclamations, ordinances, directives, and executive orders |
332 | 民立法 | legislation by GRI and pre-GRI government |
340 | 選挙、選挙制度 | election |
350 | 政治活動、政党 | political activities, political parties |
360 | 市町村、郡部 | municipalities, districts |
370 | 自治権 | autonomy |
400 | 国際関係 | international relations |
401 | 国際法 | international laws |
402 | 条約、協定 | international treaties, agreements |
410 | 日本本国及び政府 | Japan, Government of Japan (GOJ) |
411 | 日本政府沖縄出先機関 | GOJ representative offices in Okinawa |
413 | 国会 | Diet |
415 | 安全保障政策 | national security |
416 | 日米関係 | U.S.-Japan relations |
417 | 日米安保条約、地位協定 | Security Treaty, Status of Forces Agreement |
420 | 米国及び政府 | United States, United States Government (USG) |
421 | 大使館 | Tokyo Embassy |
422 | 領事館 | Consulate |
423 | 議会 | U.S. Congress |
440 | その他各国 | other countries |
450 | 国際機関 | international organizations |
460 | 領土、領海 | territory, geographical boundaries |
470 | 出入域管理 | immigration control, entry and departure |
475 | 在沖外国人 | aliens in Okinawa |
480 | 移民 | immigration and emigration |
481 | 海外就業者 | temporary workers abroad |
490 | 訪問、使節、使節団 | visit, delegation, mission |
500 | 治安 | public safety |
510 | 警察 | police |
516 | 交通問題 | traffic |
520 | 消防、災害 | fire, disaster |
530 | 海上保安 | maritime safety |
540 | 犯罪、刑罰、更正 | crime, punishment, correction |
550 | 事故、事件 | accident, incident |
551 | 軍人・軍属関係 | U.S. military personnel, civilian personnel, and dependents |
560 | 保険 | insurance |
600 | 経済 | economy |
601 | 企業、経営 | business, management |
605 | 所得 | income |
606 | 消費、貯蓄、物価 | consumption, saving |
607 | 投資 | investment |
610 | 経済政策 | economic policy |
620 | 財政 | treasury, audit |
625 | 租税 | tax |
630 | 金融 | finance, money order |
636 | 通貨 | currency |
640 | 貿易、対本土取引 | trade, trade with Japan |
641 | 関税 | customs |
650 | 財産、土地問題 | property, land issue |
660 | 援助、補助金 | subsidy, assistance, fund |
661 | 米国政府援助 | U.S. assistance |
662 | USCAR一般資金 | USCAR General Fund |
663 | 高等弁務官資金 | HICOM Fund |
664 | ARIA資金 | ARIA Fund |
666 | 日本政府援助 | GOJ assistance |
700 | 産業、天然資源 | industry, natural resources |
710 | 農林水産 | agriculture, forestry, fishery |
711 | 食糧 | food |
715 | 農業、畜産業 | agriculture, livestock industry |
718 | 林業 | forestry |
719 | 水産業 | fishery |
720 | 鉱・工業 | mining and industry |
721 | 製造業 | manufacturing |
725 | エネルギー、電力 | energy |
728 | 建設 | construction |
730 | 商業、サービス、観光 | commerce, services, tourism |
740 | 運輸、交通 | transportation |
741 | 陸上 | land transportation |
742 | 海上 | water transportation |
743 | 航空 | air transportation |
750 | 郵便 | postal services |
760 | 通信、放送 | telecommunications, broadcasting |
800 | 社会、民政、厚生 | society, welfare |
805 | 復興、再建 | rehabilitation, reconstruction |
810 | 公共事業 | public works |
811 | 都市開発 | urban development |
812 | 土地開発 | land development |
813 | 道路 | road |
814 | 河川、港湾、臨海 | river, port, coast |
815 | 貯水池、上下水道 | reservoir, water supply, sewage system |
816 | 空港、離着場、滑走路 | airport, airfield, air-strips |
820 | 基地返還 | land return |
821 | 跡地利用 | land use |
830 | 公害、汚染 | pollution, nuisance, contamination |
833 | 基地公害 | base-related pollution, nuisance, and contamination |
840 | 雇用、職業 | employment, occupation |
841 | 失業 | unemployment |
842 | 保険、保障 | compensation |
843 | 職業訓練 | job training |
844 | 賃金 | wage |
850 | 労働問題・労働運動 | labor relation, labor movement |
853 | 労働争議 | strike |
860 | 社会福祉、社会保障 | social welfare, social security |
870 | ボランティア、非営利活動 | volunteer, non-profit activities |
880 | 医療、医療保険、衛生 | medical services, medical insurance, sanitation |
890 | 住宅 | housing |
900 | 文化、教育 | culture, education |
910 | 教育、研究 | education, research |
911 | 初等教育 | kindergarten, elementary/junior high school |
912 | 中等教育 | high/senior high school |
913 | 高等教育、研究施設 | university, research institute |
914 | 奨学・留学制度 | scholarship, studying abroad |
915 | 社会教育 | social education |
916 | 語学教育 | language education |
920 | 宗教 | religion |
940 | 文化財 | cultural assets |
950 | 科学、技術 | science, technology |
960 | 芸術、文学、芸能 | arts and literature |
970 | 娯楽、スポーツ | recreation, sports |
980 | 図書館、博物館、文化施設 | library, museum, and cultural facilities |
999 | 複合主題 | multi-subject |