Tsuki no Hyakushi (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon)
Tsuki hyakushi (One hundred aspects of the moon) is a collection of 100 large, moon-themed nishiki-e (multicolored woodblock prints) by TSUKIOKA Yoshitoshi (1839−92). They depict various aspects of the moon, drawing upon Japanese and Chinese anecdotes, historical events, and mythology, and relate to a wide range of subjects, including famous warriors, notable women, birds and animals, and goblins and ghosts.
TSUKIOKA Yoshitoshi was an ukiyo-e artist from the school of UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), active from the Bakumatsu (final years of the Shogunate) into the Meiji Period. He created a wide range of works, including bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women), fuzoku-ga (pictures of manners and customs), and pictures of historical and literary characters.
Image List
つきの百姿 君は今駒かたあたりほとゝきす たか雄
月百姿 月下の斥候 斎藤利三
月百姿 南屏山昇月 曹操
月百姿 原野月 保昌
つきの百姿 花山寺の月
月百姿 史家村月夜 九紋竜
つきの百姿 法輪寺の月 横笛
月百姿 忍岡月 玉渕斎
月百姿 南海月
月百姿 石山月
月百姿 五條橋の月
月百姿 孤家月
月百姿 霜満軍営秋気清数行過鳫月三更 謙信
月百姿 赤壁月
月百姿 かしかまし野もせにすたく虫の音よ 我たになかくものをこそおもへ