Here is a list of pages on the theme with images.

Gyokushu shuga-cho (Gyokushu’s drawing lesson book)


Genjimonogatari emaki (A narrative picture scroll of the Tale of Genji)


Keinen flower-and-bird paintings (kacho-ga): Winter by IMAO Keinen

Keinen flower-and-bird paintings (kacho-ga): Autumn by IMAO Keinen

Keinen flower-and-bird paintings (kacho-ga): Summer by IMAO Keinen

Keinen flower-and-bird paintings (kacho-ga): Spring by IMAO Keinen

Betsugonomi kyozome: Miyako no omokage

Mutant Japanese morning glories painted by TAKANAWA Kido

Tohi shukyo

Santo iccho

Asagao Zusetsu (Illustrated guide to Japanese morning glory)


Yokuon-en Renpu

Yokuon Shunju Ryoen Baito Sokafu

Keiraku tokorodokoro (Various places in Kyoto)

Keiraku Meisho (Famous places in Kyoto)

Yokai drawn by TORIYAMA Sekien

Kinpu (Fungus album) by SAKAMOTO Konen

Baien kinpu (Baien fungus album)

Seiho gahaku hitsu junishijo (The Twelve Zodiac Signs by Painter Seiho)

Kyosai rakuga (Kyosai's Drawings for Pleasure)

Dobutsuzu (Chart of animals)

Kachofu (An illustrated book of birds) by HATTORI Sessai

Creatures painted by MORI Shunkei

Shakuyaku kafu (Peony illustrations)

Peony illustrations

Meiji zuan bunmeiburi

Kacho gafu (Flower-and-bird paintings) by KONO Bairei

Keibun kacho gafu (Keibun flower-and-bird paintings) by MATSUMURA Keibun

Cho senshu (Thousand butterflies)

Landscape prints by TAKAHASHI Shotei

Saigoku 33 sho junrei gakan (A picture album of the thirty-three pilgrimage places of the Western Provinces)

Tokyo Meisho-e (Tokyo landscapes) by INOUE Yasuji

Musashi Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of Musashi) by KOBAYASHI Kiyochika

Tokai Meisho Kaisei Gojusan Eki (Famous Places in Tokai – The Revised Fifty-Three Stations)

Meisho Edo Hyakkei (One Hundred Famous Views of Edo)

Shokoku Meisho Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of Famous Places in the Provinces)

Tokaido meisho fukei (Famous Views of Tokaido Road)

Fuji hyaku shokei (100 fine views of Mt. Fuji)

Hana shobu zufu (An illustrated collection of irises) (Eisai)

Shobu zufu (An illustrated collection of irises)

Tango gangu shu (A collection of toy paintings)

Snowy landscape

Tide picking, playing in the field, picking weeds

The first bonito of the season

Tsutsujifu (An album of Azaleas) by SAKAMOTO Konen

Yurifu (An album of Lilies) by SAKAMOTO Konen

Tango-no-Sekku (Boy's Day celebration)

Seiyo Kusabana Zufu (Western Flowers and Plants: Autumn and Winter)


Korin Fan Painting Book

Oson gafu by SAKAI Hoitsu

Korin Gafu by NAKAMURA Hochu

A painting book by IKEDA Koson


All sorts of cherry blossoms

Yokuon Shunju Ryoen Oukafu

Primroses painted by SAKAMOTO Konen

Cherry blossoms painted by SAKAMOTO Konen

Cherry blossom paintings in the Kokon Yoranko

Cherry blossom designs by TAKIZAWA Kuniyuki

Hundred hina dolls

Joshi-no-Sekku (Momo-no-Sekku (Peach Festival), Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival))

Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) in Edo

Umemi (Plum blossom viewing)

Yumeji-style beauty

Yatsuo no tsubaki

Nihonsan tsubaki no zu(Japanese Camelia blossoms)

Waritsuke to sarasa

Illustrations for NATSUME Soseki's Wagahai wa neko de aru (I am a cat)




Tsukimi (moon viewing)

Tsuki no Hyakushi (One Hundred Aspects of the Moon)

For remembrance : sixty views of sights and scenes in unique Japan

Tanabata (Festival of the Weaver)


Seji Gaho

Seiyo Kusabana Zufu (Western Flowers and Plants: Summer)

Seiyo Kusabana Zufu (Western Flowers and Plants: Spring)


Toy Pictures

Omochiya chikusa (An anthology of toys) by KAWASAKI Kyosen

Lithograph Works of ODA Kazuma

Enjoying the Cool of the Evening



Natsu-matsuri (Summer festival)

Listening to the Sound of Insects

Autumn-leaf viewing

Ouka gafu

Hanashobu zufu

Mincho shiken

Kyuko zufu

Kyuko Zuroku

Kyosai hyakki gadan (Kyosai’s paintings of the demon horde)

Flower and Bird Paintings by OBARA Koson

Koishikawa Botanical Garden Illustrated Guide to Plants and Trees

KOBAYASHI Kiyochika’s Kosen-ga

River Opening and Fireworks

Kairo (Sea Route)


Souvenirs from Temples and Shrines in the Edo Period


Hyaku cho zuan (One hundred butterfly designs)

Cover and illustration of the magazine Hototogisu



Hokusai Moyo Gafu (Pattern Album by KATSUSHIKA Hokusai)

Hisui Sosaku Zuanshu

SUGIURA Hisui's Mitsukoshi related work

Hisui hyakka-fu (Flowers drawn by SUGIURA Hisui)

Shin-hanga of KAWASE Hasui

HASHIGUCHI Goyo Hanga shu

Mt. Fuji

Fugaku Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji) by KATSUSHIKA Hokusai

Ehon mizu ya sora

Ehon Momochidori

Choyo-no-Sekku (Chrysanthemum Festival)

Chiyogami Samples

Chiyogami Collection

Bunpo Soga



Famous Places of the Sixty Provinces

Hyakki yagyo emaki (Night parade of the demon horde)

Famous scenes in Japan
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