Seji Gaho
The magazine Seji Gaho depicted a wide range of customs and manners from the Edo period to the mid-Meiji era. The illustrations were done by various artists including KOBORI Tomoto, TOMIOKA Eisen, and OTAKE Kokkan.
Image List
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(1)
世事画報 1(2)
世事画報 1(2)
世事画報 1(2)
世事画報 1(2)
世事画報 1(2)