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Long-term statistics of Japan

This webpage introduces long-term statistics in Japan. The statistics in this page include the source statistic names; thus, users can broaden their research.

For materials without a call number, the call number varies depending on the version. To search these materials, please enter the title on NDL Search.

1. Internet resources

  • The Historical Statistics of Japan (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (Japanese, English)
    This is a website of time-series data collected from statistics of Japanese land, population, economy, society, and culture from 1868 to 2011. It ceased to be updated as of April 2012. Now, it is available on WARP (Web Archiving Project).

2. Statistics materials published before the Second World War

3. Statistics materials published after the Second World War

  • Nihon Choki Tokei Soran (Historical Statistics of Japan) (Japan Statistical Association / 1987-1988 / our call no.:DT31-E1) (Japanese, English)

  • Nihon Choki Tokei Soran-Shinpan (Historical Statistics of Japan-New Version) (Japan Statistical Association / 2006-2007) (Japanese, English)

    This material includes long-term statistics in a wide range of fields from the Meiji period to the Heisei period. Data contained in this material is published by government agencies or similar organizations.

  • Kanketsu Showa Kokusei Soran (TOYO KEIZAI INC. / 1991 / our call no.:DT31-E7) (Japanese)
    This material includes main statistics in extensive fields during the period from 1920, when the first census was carried out, to 1988. It also contains statistics during the Second World War and those of former colonies (Korea, Taiwan, etc.).

  • Suji de miru nihon no hyakunen (Yano Tsuneta Kinenkai / irregular) (Japanese)
    This is a long-term version of Nihon Kokusei Zue (Yano Tsuneta Kinenkai / annual / our call no.:Z41-107), with comprehensive statistics of the economic and social fields.

  • Nihon Keizai Tokei Shu: Meiji, Taisho, Showa (Nihon Hyoron Shinsha co., Ltd. / 1958 / our call no.:330.59-N689n) (NDL Digital Collections) (Japanese)
    This material contains economic statistics such as for the mining and manufacturing industry, the agriculture economy, national wealth, and national income during the period from the early Meiji era to the early Showa era. It also includes statistics of former colonies (Korea, Taiwan, etc.).

  • Choki Keizai Tokei: Suikei to bunseki (Long-term Economic Statistics: Estimation and Analysis) (TOYO KEIZAI INC. / 1965-1988 / our call no.:330.59-Ty9924) (NDL Digital Collections)(Japanese, English)

    This material consists of a total of 14 volumes in long-term statistics that processed statistics after the Meiji era. The contents of each volume include national income, labor, capital stock, capital formation, savings and currency, personal consumption expenditure, fiscal expenditure, prices, the agroforestry industry, the mining and manufacturing industry, the textile industry, railways and electricity, regional economic statistics, trade and the balance of payments.

  • Meiji iko Honpo Shuyo Keizai Tokei (The Bank of Japan Statistics Bureau / 1966 / our call no.:330.59-N684h2) (NDL Digital Collections) (Japanese, English)
    This material contains key indicators of the Japanese economy during the period from the early Meiji period to around 1965. There is a reprint titled Meiji iko honpo shuyo keizai tokei (Namiki Shobo / 1999 / our call no.:DT321-G3).

  • Nihon Keizai Tokei Shu. 1868-1945 (Nichigai Associates, Inc. / 1999 / our call no.:DT321-G2) (Japanese)

  • Nihon Keizai Tokei Shu. 1946-1970 (Nichigai Associates, Inc. / 1999 / our call no.:DT321-G2) (Japanese)

  • Nihon Keizai Tokei Shu. 1971-1988 (Nichigai Associates, Inc. / 2009 / our call no.:DT321-J1) (Japanese)

  • Nihon Keizai Tokei Shu. 1989-2007 (Nichigai Associates, Inc. / 2009 / our call no.:DT321-J2) (Japanese)
    These are reedited materials of the statistics included in Nihon Teikoku Tokei Nenkan and Nihon Tokei Nenkan (Japan statistical yearbook). The materials also include chapters on education and people's daily lives.

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