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by Humanities Room
※Please check 【Motion pictures】, if you want to search Animation.
Basic information on works
- My Anime List
- Mangapedia
- Media Arts Database, Manga (Agency for Cultural Affairs) Union catalog. Basic information on works, early Meiji era-
Library catalogs ・ Bibliographies ・ Indexes
- Center for International Children's Literature chose Material Format>図書>漫画 and search
- Kadokawa Culture Museum
- Kawasaki City Museum Library
- Kitakyushu Manga Museum
- Kyoto International Manga Museum Searchable the collection of Kikuyo Town Library
- Hiroshima City Manga Library including books of study about Manga
- Yonezawa Memorial Library of Manga and Subculture & Contemporary Manga Library
- Manga and Anime Museum national map
- Researching on Manga, Websites (Research Navi) (National Diet Library)