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Materials of local assemblies

Local assembly materials

This webpage introduces how to search materials of the assemblies of local governments (local assemblies) via the internet.
Japanese local assemblies exist in each prefecture, municipality, and special ward based on Article 93 of the Constitution and Article 89 of the Local Autonomy Act. The total number of prefectures, municipalities (i.e. city, town and village), and special wards amounts to 1,788 as of February 2025 (Reiwa 7).

1. Materials and internet information of local assemblies

There are two general types of materials of local assemblies.
a) Minutes: Records of plenary sessions and committees' deliberations. These are the most basic materials.
b) Bills: Issues of ordinances, budgets, account settlement, etc., that are submitted to and discussed at local assemblies.

Many local assemblies have proceeded with digitization and have published recent minutes, bills, etc. on the internet. Minutes of plenary sessions are generally posted on local government websites. Committees' minutes and bills are often published differently.
Websites of each prefecture and ordinance-designated city's assemblies are available through the links below. As for assemblies of other municipalities, users can find them through the word "議会(Assembly)" on the top page menu of each local government by following the relevant links. In each case, users can find the minutes and bills from the "Assembly" page.

A website named "Search engine for minutes of local assemblies by prefecture" operated by an individual (East Japan editionLeave the NDL website. , West Japan editionLeave the NDL website. ) also contains links to websites of local assemblies which have public search engines.

2. Reference: Japanese local autonomy system and statistics on local assembly members

The following files are materials about the local autonomy system posted on the website of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. They describe the roles of assemblies and their relationships with local chief executives.

And the following file is also posted on the website of CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations).

The website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsLeave the NDL website. has the latest statistics about local assembly members (in Japanese).

3. Links: Websites of prefectural and ordinance-designated city assemblies

Each category is arranged in the order of the prefecture code (JIS X 0401: 1973) and municipal code (JIS X 0401: 1973) set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
The latest materials of assemblies are available at each website (Japanese).

3-1. Prefectural assemblies


On the following websites of local assemblies, you can view recent documents of their assemblies (in Japanese).

Hokkaido Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Special Committee Meetings on Budget and Special Committee Meetings on AuditLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resolutions, etcLeave the NDL website. )
Aomori Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutions, etcLeave the NDL website. )
Iwate Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Special Committee Meetings on Budget and Special Committee Meetings on AuditLeave the NDL website. )
Miyagi Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Akita Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Yamagata Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings/ Proceedings of Special Committee Meetings on Budget / Other DocumentsLeave the NDL website. )
Fukushima Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Regular Meeting data file including a list of billsLeave the NDL website. )
Ibaraki Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Standing Committee Meetings / Proceedings of Special Committee Meetings on BudgetLeave the NDL website. )
Tochigi Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Standing Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Gunma Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Saitama Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / resolutions, etc.Leave the NDL website. )
Chiba Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Standing Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Tokyo Metropolitan AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kanagawa Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bill discussion results, etcLeave the NDL website. )
Niigata Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Toyama Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Special Committee Meetings on Budget and Committee Meetings on PolicyLeave the NDL website. / Bills and decisions, etcLeave the NDL website. )
Ishikawa Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Fukui Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Yamanashi Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / List of bills, etc.Leave the NDL website. )
Nagano Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and decisions, etcLeave the NDL website. )
Gifu Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Shizuoka Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and petitionLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutions, etc.Leave the NDL website. )
Aichi Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Mie Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Shiga Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kyoto Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Osaka Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bill discussion resultsLeave the NDL website. )
Hyogo Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Nara Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Wakayama Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Tottori Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Shimane Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Okayama Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Hiroshima Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly /a>Leave the NDL website.
(Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Standing Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Tokushima Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kagawa Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Ehime Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Kochi Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Fukuoka Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Information on Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Saga Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Results of deliberations on bills, etc.Leave the NDL website. )
Nagasaki Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Standing Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kumamoto Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Oita Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Miyazaki Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kagoshima Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Okinawa Prefectural AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions and resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )

3-2. Assemblies of Ordinance-designated cities

Sapporo City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions and resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Sendai City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions and resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Saitama City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Material retrieval systemLeave the NDL website. )
Chiba City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resultLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Yokohama City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resultLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Kawasaki City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resultLeave the NDL website. )
Sagamihara City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / BillsLeave the NDL website. )
Niigata City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / BillsLeave the NDL website. )
Shizuoka City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / BillsLeave the NDL website. / Opinions, resolutionsLeave the NDL website. )
Hamamatsu City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Nagoya City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Deliberation progress of billsLeave the NDL website. )
Kyoto City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Schedule and resultsLeave the NDL website. )
Osaka City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / List of Bills, etc.Leave the NDL website. )
Sakai City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kobe City AssemblyLeave the NDL website. [English pageLeave the NDL website. ]
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / ResultsLeave the NDL website. )
Okayama City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Hiroshima City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )
Kitakyushu City AssemblyLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resultsLeave the NDL website. )
Fukuoka City CouncilLeave the NDL website. [English pageLeave the NDL website. ]
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. / Bills and resultsLeave the NDL website. )
Kumamoto City CouncilLeave the NDL website.
(Proceedings of Plenary Meetings / Proceedings of Committee MeetingsLeave the NDL website. )

4. The PDOP Room holding materials

The PDOP Room has proceedings of some of the prefectural assemblies in the Meiji era, prefectural assemblies after World War II and city councils after 1985. For details of the stored proceedings, please make an inquiry to The PDOP Room.

Please note that only some of the budget bills submitted to the local assemblies are stored.