Search results 23
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRNAi / BRAF / Skp-2 / melanoma / lung can...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading大腸癌 / 発癌 / 遺伝子診断 / エピジェネティックス / BRAF / マイクロサテライト不安定性
National Diet Library
- Subject Headingサイログロブリン / 甲状腺ホルモン合成障害 / 甲状腺腫 / 甲状腺癌 / RETキメラ遺伝 / BRAF遺伝子
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading甲状腺癌 / 癌遺伝子 / BRAF / 臨床病期 / 予後判定 / 穿刺吸引細胞診 / 分子標...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAKT BRAF fluvastatin melanoma vemurafe...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading頭蓋咽頭腫 乳頭型 GLUT-1 HXK-Ⅱ BRAF
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEpithelioid glioblastoma BRAF V600E Targeted therapy Precis...
- Note (General)... alterations – BRAF V600E tumors with BRAF V600E mutation......d therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibi...... GBM harboring BRAF V600E mutation...... retaining the BRAF V600Emutation,......treatment with BRAF and MEK inhibi......lioid GBM with BRAF V600E mutation can be conside...
- Alternative TitleBRAF阻害剤とMEK阻害剤の併用療法が奏功した類上皮性膠芽腫の1例...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingKRAS BRAF microsatelite instability col...
- Alternative TitleKRAS/BRAF遺伝子変異と高頻度マイクロサテライト不安定性は原発大腸癌-転...
- Alternative TitleKRAS/BRAF遺伝子変異と高頻度マイクロサテライト不安定性は原発大腸癌-転...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBRAF CDKN2A/B diffuse astrocytoma ...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingCiliated muconodular papillary tumor CMPT Next-generation sequencing Mutation BRAF RAS AKT1
- Alternative Title肺の線毛性粘液結節性乳頭状腫瘍におけるKRAS/BRAF/AKT1の変異
- Alternative Title肺の線毛性粘液結節性乳頭状腫瘍におけるKRAS/BRAF/AKT1の変異
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingHigh-grade astrocytoma Circumscribed astrocytoma BRAF V600E ATRX CDKN2A/B
- Alternative TitleBRAF V600E, ATRX, CDKN2A/BJ遺伝子異常を有...
- Alternative TitleBRAF V600E, ATRX, CDKN2A/BJ遺伝子異常を有...
National Diet Library
- Subject Heading...ukemia-variant BRAF mutation (V600E) cyclin D3 cy...
- Note (General)... regarding the BRAF mutation (V600......nalysis of the BRAF mutation (V600......ned cases. The BRAF mutation (V600......Cases with the BRAF mutation (V600......hat lacked the BRAF mutation. Thes......ggest that the BRAF mutation might......ficance of the BRAF mutation should be evaluated ...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....esting for the BRAFV600E mutation ......air (dMMR) and BRAFV600E mutation....... evaluated for BRAFV600 mutation s......their dMMR and BRAFV600 mutation s......both dMLH1 and BRAFV600E mutation ...... harboring the BRAFV600E mutation and exhibiting ...
- Subject HeadingBRAF colorectal cancer DNA mismatc...
- Alternative TitleMLH1欠損とBRAFV600E変異の両方が大腸髄様がんの特徴である:観察研究
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading非小細胞肺癌,BRAF,希少肺癌
- Note (General)... (非小細胞肺癌の約5%) にBRAF遺伝子変異が認められた。V60......ロウィルスベクターを作成し、各BRAF遺伝子変異を導入したBa/F細胞株を4種類を作成、BRAF阻害薬、MEK阻害薬とその併用...... in Japan. The BRAF gene mutation ...... carrying each BRAF gene mutation ......ity tests with BRAF and MEK inhibitors and their ...
- Alternative TitleBRAF イデンシ ヘンイ ヨウセイ ......イ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ BRAF idenshi hen'i ......sensitivity of BRAF mutation-positive lung cancer
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBRAF CDKN2A/B diffuse astrocytoma ...
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nic mutations (BRAF V600E, AKT1 E17K, and KRAS G1...
- Subject HeadingCiliated muconodular papillary tumor CMPT Next-generation sequencing Mutation BRAF RAS AKT1
- Alternative Title肺の線毛性粘液結節性乳頭状腫瘍におけるKRAS/BRAF/AKT1の変異
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingHigh-grade astrocytoma Circumscribed astrocytoma BRAF V600E ATRX CDKN2A/B
- Alternative TitleBRAF V600E, ATRX, CDKN2A/BJ遺伝子異常を有...
- Alternative TitleBRAF V600E, ATRX, CDKN2A/BJ遺伝子異常を有...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading黒色腫 BRAF 悪性黒色種 癌遺伝子 癌抑制遺伝子
- Note (General)...患者血清中のDNAから腫瘍由来BRAF変異遺伝子を検出し、微小転移の......能性を調べた.これまでに腫瘍にBRAF遺伝子変異を認めた進行期黒色腫......torTMTrimGen)にてBRAF変異遺伝子を試みた。昨年度の予......n Assayの検出感度は正常BRAF遺伝子中の1%のBRAF変異遺伝子が検出可能であったが、患者血清DNAからBRAF変異遺伝子は検出できなかった。......えられた。腫瘍由来血清DNAのBRAF変異遺伝子とこれまで測定されて......y(MIA)との感度の比較ではBRAF変異遺伝子ができなかった例の8......本人に多い末端黒子型黒色腫ではBRAF遺伝子変異の頻度が少ないこともあり、腫瘍由来BRAF変異遺伝子の転移発見のマーカー......6 出典:「悪性黒色腫におけるBRAF変異遺伝子の機能解析と臨床応用への検討」研究成果報告書 課題...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading悪性黒色腫 BRAF TWIST
- Note (General)...浸潤・転移していく過程におけるBRAF変異遺伝子とTWISTの発現の......ルでともに高度に発現していた。BRAF変異遺伝子の有無とTWISTm......「悪性黒色腫の浸潤転移におけるBRAF変異とTWISTの関与」策定と実践モデルの構築」研究成果報告...
- Alternative TitleThe correlation between TWIST expression and BRAF mutation in melanoma progress...