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- Subject Heading...olicy -- Great Britain Blacks -- Medi......earch -- Great Britain Discrimination in medical care -- Great Britain Black people -......olicy -- Great Britain Black people -......earch -- Great Britain Black persons Great Britain
- Subject Heading (ID)...olicy -- Great Britain Blacks -- Medi......earch -- Great Britain Discrimination in medical care -- Great Britain Black people -......olicy -- Great Britain Black people -......earch -- Great Britain Black persons Great Britain
- Note (General)Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-240) and index
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- Note (General)Imprint varies: Orient Blackswan Ser...
- Related MaterialTravels to Europe : self and other in Bengali eradication and its discontent......ney through an international public health (un)civil war Modern medicine and international aid......66-1998 The making of a small st......l mobilisation and the Hindi press in the Uttarakhand movement Woman and empire : representations in the writings of British India, 1858-1900 ......commerce, medicine, and science in the Age of Empire Low and licentious Europeans : race, class, and "White subalternity" in colonial India Pathways of......'public works' and social space in colonial Oriss......nowledge, medicine : ayurvedic pharmaceuticals ...
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- Related MaterialInformation technology as business history : issues in the history and management of ......itical economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Veblen : unres......y : with guidelines for the economic and social develop...... for 1981-1985 and for the period ending in 1990 Dollars t...... of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recrui......ese automobile investment and economic development in the American Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of sustainability in Eritrea, communities and the creeping shadows of hegemony The impa...
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- Related Material...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......luids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d......ques : ou sont inserées les The anatomy and philosophy of ......x Memoir, containing an abridged t......he cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus d......he philosopher and the hope of th......eschichte von einigen Liebhabern......Wissenschaften Introduction a l'......en age Les origines de la statique The foot-pri...
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- Note (General) title Numbering "xxx" from "ILS xxx" on back...
- Related Material...ogy, legality, and personality Mobility, space, and culture Homo l......e play-element in culture Social......on for old age in Great Britain The Danube basin and the German economic sphere Race and suicide in South Africa Adolescents and morality : a s......e moral values and dilemmas of working adolescents in the context of a changing climate of opinion Sociology b......ization, class and control Urbani......, colonialism, and the world-economy : cultural and spatial founda......estors The marginal situation : ......une Psychology in the Soviet Union Frustration and aggression The changing social structure of England ...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociolo...
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- Related MaterialThe Motion picture in its economic and social aspects Russia since Stalin: old trends and new problems F......onal migration and the emergence of new minorities The American industrial opport......n control : an international com......tions to crime and violence Partn......for progress : international China social and economic condi......ons The second Industrial Revolution and its significan......n : modern selling : a dynamic wealth producing force Social ......ution by the aging The cost of living Immigration and American publi......olicy Problems in banking and finance Proceedings of the Conference of Americ...
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
- Alternative TitleThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science The annals
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- Note (General)...: George Allen and Unwin, New York : Charles Scribner'...
- Related MaterialAn introduction to c......causes, signs, and results Education and heredity : a study in sociology The ......on of marriage and of the family ......a study of machine production Th......psychology The industries of ani......quakes The origin of the Aryans ......oric ethnology and civilization o......hild : a study in the evolution of man The making of citizens : a study in comparative ed......tion Manual training in education Sexu......tudy of borderland questions Hypn......eligion Sanity and insanity The natu......estion The criminal Electricity in modern life Man and woman : a Apparitions and thought-transference : an exa...
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- Related MaterialBodies, sex and desire from th......ial hair : framing the face New approaches in history and theology to same-sex love and desire What is masculinity? : historic......tiquity to the contemporary world Common prostitutes and ordinary citizens : commercial sex in London, 1885-1960 Men, masculinities and religious change in twentieth-century Britain Men of war : masculinity and the First World War in Britain Queer domestic...... homosexuality and home life in twentieth-cent......ment, welfare, and masculine citizenship :......onest poverty" in Britain, 1870-1930 Authority, gender and emotions in late medieval and early moder...
- Alternative TitleGenders and sexualities in history series
- Alternative TitleGenders and sexualities in history series
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- Related MaterialResearching Difference in Sport and Physical Activ......or development and peace : transn......theory, policy and practice Transforming sport : knowl......rt development in the United performance and mass participa......ives on sports and christianity Women and exercise : the body, health and consumerism Ethics and governance in sport : the fu......e of sport imagined Designing the olympics ......on Host cities and the Olympics : an interactionist approach Sport and peace-building in divided societies : playing with enemies Sport and discrimination Sport, co......on, governance and development : a comparative g...
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- Related MaterialCollaboration in the pharmaceutical industry : changing relationships in Britain and France, 1935-1......netic research and its legacy : the mapping cultures of t......ntury genetics Instruments, travel and science : itineraries of prec......Soviet science and engineering in the shadow of the Cold War Interferon : the science and selling of a miracle ......h Blumenbach : race and natural histor......1750-1850 Crossing boundaries, building bridges : comparing the history of women engineers, 1870s-199......toriography of contemporary science and technology Science and ideology : a c......ation therapy, and the market Science, Cold War ...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the history of science, technology and medicine
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the history of science, technology and medicine
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- Related Material...1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. ......dicalism Crime in its relations ......ties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ra......l constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of I...... of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a development Intermarriage in New York City ...... Congressional investigations : ......udy of the origin and development of......of Congress to investigate and punish for con......Prison methods in New York State...... of the theory and practice of correctional institutions in New York State T...
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- Related MaterialBarbed-wire imperialism : Britain's empire of ca......trangers : how Britain became modern ......hunger strikes and fasts in the British Em...... 1890-1948 Serving a wired world......ations workers and the making of an information capit......ism, genocide, and the birth of t......w world people and popular imperial culture in Britain, 1710-1795 Edmund Burke and the conservati...... bodies : medicine and political cult......ire Liberalism in empire : an al...... history Governing systems : modernity and the making of public health in England, 1830-1910 Dilemmas of decline : British intellectuals and world politics, 1945-1975 Imp...
- Alternative TitleBerkeley series in British studies
- Alternative TitleBerkeley series in British studies
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- Related MaterialEthnic and racial minorities in Asia : inclusion or excl......der, migration and the media Mult......ocial cohesion and immigration : shifting conceptions in the UK Gender, race and religion : intersections and challenges Met......snational turn in empirical migration research Intersectionality and ethnic entrepr......neurship Belonging to the nation......ange, identity and the Chinese diaspora Di......oras, cultures and identities New racial landscapes : contemporary Britain and the Nationalism and national identities Fighting discrimination in Europe : the case for a race-conscious appr......ims, migration and citizenship : processes of in...
- Author HeadingBulmer, Martin Solomos, John
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- Related MaterialLife, death, and the elderly : ......ives, society, and childbirth : debates and controversies in the modern per......ople with learning disabilities ......, architecture and the built envi......hiatric spaces in historical con......n : historical and cultural studies Financing medicine : the British experience since 1750 Medicine and colonial identity Sex, sin and suffering : venereal disease and European society since 1870 The risks of medical innovation : risk perception and assessment in historical con...... of the normal and the abnormal : social and cultural histories of norms and normativity Race, science and medicine, 1700-1...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the social history of medicine
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in the social history of medicine
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- Related MaterialCrisis of legitimacy and political violence in Uganda, 1979 to 2016......15 Foreign aid and the future of ......frica Kenyatta and Britain : an account o......29-1963 Africa and globalization ...... of governance and creativity Ken......50 : reconfiguring education, gender, and policy Mugabei......ory, politics, and power in Zimbabwe Priso...... of Rhodesia : inmates and detainees in the struggle f...... Popular media in Kenyan history : fiction and newspapers as ......ion, democracy and oil sector reform in Nigeria Sudan'......ern problem" : race, rhetoric and international rel......ons, 1961-1991 Race, ethnicity, and violence in S...
- Author HeadingFalola, Toyin Heaton, Matthew M.
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- Related MaterialFilm, history and cultural citiz......onialism : writing the empire from below The insanity of place/the place of insanity : essays......hiatry Tobacco in Russian history and culture : from......its at the margins : missions and missionaries in the Marianas, ......668-1769 Genre and cinema : Ireland and transnationali......fic tool : shaping scientific across time and national tradi......dernity Luxury and gender in European towns...... Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Francophon...... revolt, city, and society in Europe : from ......esent The body in history, culture, and the arts The politics of information in early modern Euro...
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- Related MaterialOccupation and class consciousness in America The so...... EC New trends in employment practices : an international sur......h, pay equity, and public policy development and class capaciti......Marxist theory and union organiza......labor conflict and the destructio......of Eastern Airlines American labor in the era of Wor...... Between class and nation : the f......the Jewish working class in the period bef......abor relations in Europe : a history of issues and developments E......liberalization and labor markets ......iances : labor and politics in Evansville, Indiana, 1919-195......munity, labor, and the state in Saint-Nazaire's ...
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- Related Material...rial authority and institutional coalitions, and market reforms in Latin America The po......ral strategies and social policy in Mexico Imagined economies : ......nalism Challenging the state : crisis and innovation in Latin America and Africa Taxation, wage bargaining, and unemployment P......epresentation, and inter-party coope......ers' movements and globalization since 1870 authority, and centralization in Latin America elections : inequality, ethnic identity, and democracy Institutions on t......edge : the origins and consequences of inter-branch crises in Latin America Changing course...
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- Note (General)Series editor: Bernard Johnpoll (as of 1987) Also published by Praeger in Westport
- Related perspective International theory : to the brink and beyond Harry S......, the man from Independence County governments in an era of change Getting the donkey ou......mocratic Party in search of itse......te release" : candidate press releases in American polit......foreign policy and post-president......h for autonomy in southern Afric......oreign policy, and conflict : the Palestine area conflict......ystem Lyndon Baines Johnson and the uses of po......orporatist decline in advanced capit....... Constitution and foreign policy : terminating the Taiwan Treaty International dyn......cations policy and the political process Ideolog...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... geometry : an inquiry into the place of geometry in the school mat......s Neurological and neurosurgical nursing : an introduction The ......enship How to find out about lit......iety, schools, and progress in Australia The ......iew of the criminal law Society, schools and progress in the U.S.A development and Europe : report of a seminar of the International Stu......ciety, schools and progress in Nigeria The ol......m theory Marketing and the brand manager A mode......f the law relating to employment......cs with understanding Vector analys......s, scientists, and engineers Russian companion Marketing technological products to in...
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international, engineering The commonwealth and international lib......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international lib......y The American and international, engineering and liberal studies
- Alternative TitleThe commonwealth and international, engineering The commonwealth and international lib......ce, technology and engineering The commonwealth and international lib......y Commonwealth and international lib......y The American and international, engineering and liberal studies