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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA03467236
- Subject HeadingAgriculture -- Soviet Union -- ...
- Related MaterialRussian Research Center studies
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This volume is a thorough examination of Slavic settlement and migration from the Muscovite era to the soviet period. It examines the policies, cultural representations, and daily-life of Slavic settlement in non-Russian regions of Eurasia from the 16th century to the 1960s.
- ContentsRussian colonizations : an introduction / Nicholas B. Breyfogle, Abby Schrader, Willard Sunderland Claiming Siberia : colonial possession and property hol......he seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries / Valerie Kivelson Containment vs. colonization : Muscovite approaches to settlin......he steppe / Brian J. Boeck Grant, settle, negotiate : military servitors in......the middle Volga region / Matthew P. Romaniello Agriculture and the environm......the nineteenth century / David Moon The "ethic of empire" on the Siberian borderland : the peculiar case of the "rock peop......," 1791-1878 / Andrei A. Znamenski Resettling ...
- Subject HeadingEmigration and immigration -- Russia -- History. Emigration and immigration -- Soviet ......Siedlung. Russia -- Territorial expansion -- History. Russland. Sowjetunion. Slawen.
National Diet Library
- ContentsRussia's economic performance : entering the 21st century / William H. Cooper Russian economy : how far from sustainable growth? / Ben Slay Unlocking eco......growth in Russia / Vincent Palmeda and Bill Lewis Administration and reform of the Russian economy / Paul Gregory and Wolfram Schrettl Russian crime and corruption in an era of globalization : implications for the United States / Jonathan M. Winer and Phil Williams Tax reform in Russia / Z. Blake Marshall Putin's dilemma : austere budgeting in a poor state / James A. Duran, Jr. Russian defense spendi......topher J. Hill Russian financial transition : the development of i...
- Subject HeadingRussia (Federation) -- Economic conditions -- 1991- Russia (Federation) -- Economic policy -- 19...
- Note (General)Part of the series of committee prin......the Congressional Research Service.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contentspt. I. The PDPA regime, 1978-8...... bridge on the Amu Darya / Micheline Ce......lvres-Demont ; All roads lead to Rome / Aziz Zekrya ; The geopolitical stakes from the Soviet point of view / Michel Foucher ; Pakistan on the frontline / Jean-Christopher Victor ; The land reform of 1979 and its aftermath / Erwin Grötzbach ; The Kabul government ......stitutions / Chantal Lobato ; What is becoming of the Kyrgyz in ......émy Dor ; The Afghan situation in summer ......ivier Roy ; Towards a Soviet withdrawal? / Olivier Roy ; Afghan women today / Pierre Centlivres and Micheline Ce......vres-Demont ; Pakistan and the Afghan issue / ...
- Subject HeadingAfghanistan--History--20th century. Afghanistan--History--21st century. Afghanistan--Politics and government--20th century. Afghanistan--Politics and government--21st century. Afghanistan. Politics and government.
- Related MaterialLibrary of modern Middle East studies
National Diet Library
- ContentsEncounter, by E. Allworth People, languages, and migrations, by K.H. ......enges The population and the land, by I.M. Matley Systematic conquest, 1......o 1884, by H. Carrère d'Encausse Organizing and colonizing t......tories, by H. Carrère d'Encausse The stirring of national feeling, by H. Carrère d'Encausse Social and political reform, by H. Carrère d'Encausse The fall of the Czarist Empire, by H. Carrère d'Encausse Civil war and new governments, by H. Carrère d'Encausse The national republics los......ndence, by H. Carrère d'Encausse Agricultural development, by I.M. Matley Industrialization, by I.M. Matley The changing intellectual...
- Subject HeadingAsia, Central.
- Authority(Title Heading/broader/narrower)L'empire éclaté
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsStandards of living in eighteenth century China: regional differences, temporal trends, and incomplete e....../ Kenneth Pomeranz Farm labour productivity in Jiangnan, 1620-1850 / Li Bozhong Wages, inequality, and pre-industrial growth in Japan, 1727-1894 / Osamu Saito Agriculture, labour, and the standard of living in eighteenth-century India / Prasannan Parthasarathi Real wages in Europe and Asia: a first look at the long-term patterns / Robert C. Allen Sketching the rise of real inequality in early modern Euro......e / Philip T. Hoffman, David S. Jacks, Patricia A. Levin, and Peter H. Lindert What happened to the standard of ...
- Subject HeadingCost and standard of living -- Asia -- History. Cost and standard of living -- Europe -- History.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe development of civil law in Georgia / Lado Chanturia The trajectory of Georgian administrative law: impressions of an advisor / Gerd W......tions in Georgia / Marie-Carin von Gumppenberg Stateness and democratisation in Georgia / Nino Chkoidz......ution in Georgia: a never-ending story? / Marietta S. König Ethni......s during the transitional period / Mamuka Komakhia Challenges of decentralisation in the Republic of Georgia / Tanja Kim, Elguja Khokrishvili Investment climate: challenges of transition / George Tomaradze The European vector of economic refor......volution Georgia / Vladimer Papava The national economic mod...
- Subject HeadingÜbergangswirtschaft. Rechtsrefor......Gruppe. Dezentralisierung. Umweltbelastung. Umweltsc....... Politischer Wandel. Demokratisierung. Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Georgia (Republic) -- ......itions -- 21st century. Georgia (Republic) -- Politics and government -- 21st century. Georgia (Republic) -- Social conditions -- 21st century. Georgien -- Wirtschaftsentwicklung -- Aufsatzsammlung. Aufsatzsammlung.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http:......ervice&doc_library=BVB01&doc_nu......rvice_type=MEDIA. Related URL: http: ......93868959/04 Inhaltsverzeichnis.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNeue Beiträge zur Geschich......heinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die Gesellschaft nüsslicher F......820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichin......y, might not readily be compreh......chichte der Pflanzenwelt Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou son...... les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fragen Untersuchun......sche Elektricität Élements d'astronomie Lettr......s roches du jura et leur distribution géographique dans les deux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A ...
- Author HeadingHartley, Harold, Sir Roller, Duane H. D. (Duane Henry Du Bose)
- Author Heading (ID)DA15940101 DA01318650
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00727192
- Note (General)Imprint change: London ; N......1994- (Pinter, a Cassell imprint) Publisher varies Chatham House papers are short monographs on current ......roblems which have been commiss......oned by the Royal Institute of International Affairs
- Related MaterialRich man's farming : the crisis in agriculture Industrial collaboration with Japan Financing Third Wor......ebt : the role of the commercial banks Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 era Western economic statecraft in East-West relations : embargoes, sanctions, linkage, economic warfare, and detente The new Eastern Europe : ......rn responses Spain, the EEC, and NATO British space policy and international collaboration Global companies and public polic...... the growing challenge of foreign direct......he 1990s European defence cooperation Turkey and the West India's foreign poli......d West : European security and the transatlant...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA32025559
- Related Material...編纂 = Foreign trade statistics of the colonial Indonesia 1909-1923 : data compilation by partner areas and kinds of commodity 戦時華北...... = On the estimation process of long term economic statistics on agriculture in Burma (colonial period) Re-examining the foreign trade structure of the colonial Philippines : with special reference to the "Intra-Asian trade" カザフスタンの人口移動......: 1993年 = Estimates of Chinese manufacturing output long-term national accounts statistics of Taiwan 1912-1990 : a comparison of estimates of production accounts to expenditure accounts Understanding and sharing Asian economic history : on the...
- Author Heading (ID)DA1079041X DA01134035
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00199946
- Related MaterialInformation technology as business the history and management of computers The econometrics of disequilibrium...... Soviet political economy in transition : from Lenin to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Vebl......iet economy today : with guidel......r the economic and social development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the in 1990 Dollars through the doors : a pre-1930 history of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial recruitment : Japanese automobile investment and economic dev......lopment in the American states Comparative industrial relations in Europe The pillage of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA06833931
- Note (General)Description based on v. 31 : 1945 子書誌あり
- Related MaterialPhilosophy and the historical perspective Cultures of commemoration : war memorials, ancient and modern Imagining Jerusalem in the medieval West 2010-2011 lectures Byzantines and crusaders in non-Gre......ces, 1025-1204 Alexander Pope : world and word Evolution of social behaviour patterns in primates and man The evolution of cultural entities When the party's over : the politics of fiscal squeeze in pe...... Some problems of the philosophy of history Imaginative minds Defective paradigms : missing forms and what they tell us Philosophical dialogues : Plato, Hume, Wittgenstein : Dawes Hicks lectu...... 1998 lectures and memoirs Agriculture in Egyp...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00387957
- Related MaterialA guide to Francis Galton's English men of science Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople La culture et la civilisation britanniques devant l'opinion française de la paix d'Utrecht aux lettres phil......ues, 1713-1734 Anatomy of the rat The painted medallions in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris Bernard de Fontenelle : the idea of science in the......nlightenment Spain and the American Civil War : relations at mid-century, 1855-1868 The famine plot persuasion in eighteenth-century France The Imperial Library in southern Sung China, 1127-1279 : a study of the organization and operation of the scholarly ...
- Alternative TitleTransactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledg...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA03447476
- Related MaterialThe foreign ministers of Alexander I : political attitudes and the conduct of Russian diplomacy, 1801-1825 Money and plan : financial aspects of East European economic reforms Nicholas I and official nationality in Russia, 1825-1855 Tsarist Russia and Balkan nationalism : Russian influence in the internal affairs of Bulgaria and Serbia, 1879-1886 Rev......rspective : essays on the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 The private sector in Soviet agriculture Russian Far Eastern policy, 1......904, with special emphasis on the causes of the Russo-Japanese War Soviet and East European agriculture The life and works of Evgenij Zamjatin V...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA01296347
- Related MaterialHow Russia is ruled Nikolai Strakhov How the So...... works : cultural, psychological, and social themes Terror and progress U.S......: some sources of change and stability in the Soviet dictatorship The ser......nomic growth : a comparative study Justice in Russia : an interpretation of Soviet law Icon and swastika : the Russian Orthodox Church under Nazi and Soviet control A memoir on ancient and modern Russia : the Russian text Foreign trade under central planning Danilevsky : a Russian totalitarian philosopher Karamzin's memoir on ancient and modern Russia : a translation and analysis European and Muscovite : Ivan Kireevs...
- Alternative TitleRussian Research Center study
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA0031149X
- Related MaterialGeneral features of the paleobiological evolution of Cetacea Pyrheliometry Key to shrimps and lobsters Stability and seismic resistance of buttress dams Wear of agricultural machine parts Historical geotectonics : mesozoic and cenozoic Structure and variability of the antarctic circumpolar current Historical geotectonics : precambrian Pond fisheries Ice shelves of Antarctica General circulation of the world ocean Grasses of the Soviet Union Humic substances of soils and general theory of humification Rare plants of the world Fossil Cetacea of the Caucasus Investigation of monogeneans in the USSR : papers presented at the All-Unio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00357173
- Related MaterialModels of nature : ecology, conservation and cultural revolution in Soviet Russia Remembering cold days : the 1942 massacre of Novi Sad, Hungarian politics, & s......, 1942-1989 Strategic frames : Europe, Russia, and minority inc......usion in Estonia and Latvia The emergence of modern Jewish ......tics : Bundism and Zionism in Eastern Europe The truth of authority : ideology and communication in the Soviet Union Swans of the Kremlin : ballet and power in Soviet Russia Rewriting capitalism : literature and the market in late Tsarist Russia and the Kingdom of Poland Into the cosmos : space exploration and Soviet culture Stalin...
- Alternative TitleRussian and East European studies Pitt series in Russian and East European studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA46770779
- Related MaterialPolicy alternatives in Soviet environmental protection Organizational innovation : hidden r......viet economy Planning refinements and combine formation in East German economic "intensification" Regional population trends in ......USSR, 1939-51, and the impact of World War II Stalin, the great purge, and Russian history : a new look at the "new class" Assimilation and nationalism in East Central Europe during the last century of Habsburg rule The political integration of Yugoslavia's Muslims : determinants of success and failure The Soviet Union and the Carter Administration The applicability of corporatist models to the stu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00893748
- Related MaterialThe Senate establishment The influence of sea power upon his......e other civil war : American women in the nineteenth century John F. Kennedy and the New Fron...... & civility : manners in nineteenth-century urban America The devil's dictionary The urban nation, 1920-1980 Martin Luther King, Jr. : a profile The incorporation of America : culture and society in the gilded age American populism : a social history, 1877-1898 American Negro short s......herited Hemingway and his critics : an international anthology Horace Greeley : nineteenth-century crusader American social thought I wonder as I wander : an autobiographical jou...
- Alternative TitleThe American century series