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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBuilding -- Dictionaries.
- Author HeadingScott, John S., 1915-
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Across a turbulent history, Black poets created a rich and multifaceted tradition that has been both a reckoning with American realities and an imaginative response to them. One of the great American art forms, African American poetry encompasses many kinds of verse: formal, experimental, vernacular, lyric, and protest. The anthology opens ......ith moving testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion, as enslaved people voice their passionate resistance to slavery. This volume captures the power and beauty of this diverse tradition and its challenge to American poetry and culture. The volume also features biographies of ea...
- ContentsIntroduction / by Kevin Young Bury me in a free land: 1770-1899 Lift every voice: 1900-1918 The dark tower: 1919-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959-1975 Blue light sutras: 1976-1989 Praise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 2009-2020 ONE: BURY ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On imagination ; On Recol......ion ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. G......eld. 1770 ; To S. M. a young African Painter, on seein......xcellency General Washington / Phillis Wheatley An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly, Ethiopian Poetess, in Boston / Jupiter Hammon [Bars Fight] / Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem in Verse...
- Subject HeadingAmerican poetry / African American authors Social problems / Poetry Social problems Poetry
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNeue Beiträge zur Geschich......heinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die Gesellschaft nüsslicher F......820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichin......y, might not readily be compreh......chichte der Pflanzenwelt Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou son...... les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologische Fragen Untersuchun......sche Elektricität Élements d'astronomie Lettr......s roches du jura et leur distribution géographique dans les deux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A ...
- Author HeadingHartley, Harold, Sir Roller, Duane H. D. (Duane Henry Du Bose)
- Author Heading (ID)DA15940101 DA01318650
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA69251985
- Related MaterialGirolamo Savonarola: a prophet of righteousness The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church : the first part, containing the Sermones catholici, or, Homilies of Ælfric : in the original Anglo-Saxon, with an English version Walt Whitman's children Co......uke the physician : the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the the Apostles Pvrchas his pilgrimage, or relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this ......resent Defence of usury Experience and nature Is this th......hy? : (1936) Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore their life and work as recorded in their d...
- Alternative TitleRare mystical reprints Kess...... publishing's rare reprints Kes...... Publishing's rare reprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger's rare reprints
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00339411
- Note (General)"Spectrum paperbacks" -- [175] p. of S-23
- Related MaterialFaulkner : a collection of critical essays Baedeker's Spain The Future of foundations Arthur Koestler : a collection of critical essays Stars and galaxies: birth, ageing, and death in the unive......The Philosophy of mind Daniel Defoe : a collection of critical essays Michelangelo : a self-portrait A man's place : masculinity in transition The com......lete thinker : a handbook of techniques for creative and critical problem solvi......ntury interpretations of As you like it : a collection of critical essays Law and the American future Hawthorne : a collection of critical essays Baedeker's Israel Jobs for Americans Inner ba...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00180562
- Note (General)...: ISSN:0741453 as "Anglo-Saxson languade and Literature" (vols. <1983-1986>). ISSN:07410700 as "English language and Literature" (vols. for <1986>-) ISSN:07396392......89 (series XI: Anthropology and sociology), ......eries XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 (series XVIII),...
- Related MaterialThe voices of African American women : the use of narrative and authorial voice in the works of Harriet Jacobs, Zora Neale Hurston, and Alice Walker Francis Ponge : la poétique du figural Meyerhold and his set designers Authority and obedience : Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante lírico Utopian colleges The return of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Ernest Becker Prisons Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel : a concealed defense of the mother world A Beethoven enigma : performance practice and the piano sonata, opus 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence of God a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00075182
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental guerrilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a big one Early jazz : its roots and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first century :......tions on the challenges ahead Four essays on liberty Malign neglect--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in Western Europe Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociolo...... The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00089438
- Related MaterialThe fugitive legacy : a critical history Talking about William Faulkner : with Jimmy Faulkner and others Race, theft, and ethics : property matters in African American literature The American South : portrait of a culture Huntin...... South : original narratives of the hunters Dream garden : the poetic vision of Fred Chappell River of dreams : imagining the Miss......ssippi before Mark Twain Grace King of New Orleans : a selection of her writings Approaching prayer : ritual and the shape of myth in A.R. Ammons and James Dickey Reco...... the Southern rape complex in film and literature The Starwick episodes The...
- Alternative TitleSouthern literary series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00474814
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: London, D......ore Publisher varies: Penguin Books India, Bodley Head, Penguin Books Australia, Viking, Penguin Group (NZ)
- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a novel in five ......ctions Winter garden Miscarriage Dot.con : the greatest story ever......n the United States spoke Frenc......refugees who shaped a nation First nigh......e tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stories Tempest-Tost Confessions of an actor : an autobiography Mesdames, Messieurs ...... The struggles of Albert Woods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar in modern history Let's parler Franglais! Einstein's ......niverse : the layperson's guide A castle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts T...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00102773
- Related MaterialTrade tokens issue......century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc Die Sovet-Union, 1917-1932 : systematische, mit Kommentaren versehene Biblipgraphie der 1917-1932 in deutscher Sprache ausserhalb der Sovet-Union veröffentlichten 190......ten Bücher und Aufsätze über den Bo......s und die Sovet-Union Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne : comprenant la description raisonnée des éditions originales, des réimpr......ns, des contrefaçons, des traductions, des imitations, etc., y compris le détail des estampes et la notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'aute...
- Alternative TitleBurt Franklin bibliography and reference series Burt Franklin, bibliography and reference Bibliography and reference series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the sevent...... century Observations made during a voyage round the world, on physical geography, natural history, and ethic philosophy Doxographi Graeci The history of Jamaica : or, General survey of the antient and modern state of that island: with reflec......ons on its situations, settlements, inhabitants, climate, products, commerce, laws, and government Letters on the laws of man's nature and development A handbook of plant-form : for students of design, art schools, teachers & amateurs The Odyssey of Homer The constitution of man : considered in relation to external objects The t...
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA62797390
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies......conomic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905 Crisis management in the p......wer industry : an inside story ......ple, resources and power Plato to-day Ancient Rome at work : an economic history of Rome from the the empire Language, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social policy 1830-1914 : individualism, collecti...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library edition
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA91192054
- Related MaterialAncient fiction ......novel in the Graeco-Roman world A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for the......velopment in practice : paved with good intentions The value dimension : Marx versus Ricardo and Sraffa A history of English Romanticism in the ......ry The modernization of the American Stock Exchange, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Governing cultures : art institutions in Victorian London Medieval science, technology and medicine : an encyclopedia Banks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of vector fields Social development : its nature and conditions Love or greatness : Max Weber and masculin...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA03475744
- Related MaterialAgricultural and vocational education and farm credits : letters from A.L. Rogers, of Waterville, Wash., outlining the Waterville version of the correct idea of modern agricultural and vocational education and farm credits Memorial concerning co...... Independent state of the Kongo : memorial of the chairman and members of the conference of missionary societies, representatives of American organizations conducting missionary and philanthropic work i...... independent state of the Kongo in Africa, praying that Congress investigate existing the Kongo state, and take steps to ameliorate and correct the evils from ...
- Alternative TitleSenate documents Senate document Senate Senate doc.
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00009279
- Related MaterialSoftware engineering and middleware : third International Workshop, SEM 2002, Orlando, FL, USA, May 20-21, 2002 : revised papers Graph-theoretic conce......e : 23rd International Workshop, WG ......7, Berlin, Germany, June 18-20, 1997 : proc......iness Process Management : 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna, Austria, September 5-7, 2006 : proceedings PRICAI 2014 : Trends in artificial intelligence : 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, December 1-5, 2014, Proceedings An attribute grammar for the semantic analysis of ADA Communication and cooperation in agent ...