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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAppenzeller, Henry Gerhard, 1858-1902. Missions -- Korea.
- Note (General)Reprints. Originally published: New York : Fleming H. Revell , c1912 ; Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of Publication , [1885] (2nd ed.) .
- Author HeadingGriffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 Hamel, Hendrik
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Toc / ArticleContents PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS/ 9 by Yasushi ZENNO INTRODUCTION/ 12 by Jagan SHAH Section 1 Defining "Architecture" <br>in Asia: Various Aspects/ 21 CHAPTER 1 Chuta Ito's Proposal to Choose the Japanese Translation of the Word "Architecture" and Rename Zoka Gakkai Accordingly <br>Kenchiku or Zoka as Vague Translation of "Architecture"/ 23 by Norihito NAKATANI CHAPTER 2 Ernest Binfield Havell on the Future of Architecture in India <br>EB Havell and the Thought of Indian Architecture/ 33 CHAPTER 3 Writings of Wajiro Kon from the 1920s <br>Wajiro Kon: An Architect Who Envisioned "Architecture as a Container of Everyday Life...
- ContentsChuta Ito's proposal to choose the Japanese translation of the word "architecture" and rename Zoka Gakkai accordingly Kenchiku or Zoka as vague translation of "architecture" by Norihito Nakatani Ernest Binfield Havell on the future of architecture in India EB Havell and the thought of Indian architecture by Jagan Shah Writings of Wajiro Kon from the 1920s Wajiro Kon: an architect who envisioned "architecture as a container of everyday life" by Izumi Kuroishi Liang Sicheng and Tong Jun on traditional Chinese architecture Constructing the "new knowledge" of Chinese architecture by Bobby Chong-thai Wong, Tan Zhengzhen Speech a...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This interdisciplinary collection examines the philosophy, politics, and legacy of An Chunggun. The contributors analyze his vision of pan-Asian cooperation and his opposition to Japanese militaristic expansion. They also investigate his significance to broader issues related to nationalism, imperialism, and the role of violence in politics.
- ContentsJapanese Expansion in East Asia and An Chung-gŭn Peace in the East, Xu YongChapter An Chung-gŭn and the Genealogy of Modern Korea's Discourse on Peace in the East, Suh Young-HeeChapter Visions of Violence, Dreams of Peace: Religion, Race, and Nation in An Chung-gŭn’s On Peace in the East, Franklin D. RauschChapter The An Chung-gŭn’s Trial and Peace in the East: The Effect of the 1905 "Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty" on International Relations, Totsuka EtsuroChapter An Chung-gŭn’s and the Political Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Sasagawa NorikatsuChapter Three Images of An Chung-gŭn’s in Chinese Narratives, Wang Yuanzhou ...
- LCCDS916.5.A485
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsHigh-resolution climate reconstruction for the past 72Ka from pollen, total organic carbon (Toc) and total nitrogen (Tn) analyses of cored ......ediments from Lake Nojiri, central Japan / Fujio Kumon, Sayuri Kawai, and Yoshio Inouchi Absoulute chronology of archaeological and paleoenvironmental records from the Japanese Islands, 40-15 ka BP / Yuichiro Kudo Terrestrial mammal faunas in the Japanese Islands during OIS 3 and OIS 2 / Yoshinari Kawamura and Ryochei Nakagawa A new OIS 2 and OIS 3 terrestrial mammal assemblage on Miyako Island (Ryukyus), Japan / Ryohei Nakagawa [and five others] Taphonomy of vertebrate remains from Funakubu Secon...
- Subject HeadingPaleolithic period--East Asia. East Asia--Antiquities.
- Related MaterialBAR international series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA53888440
- Note (General)Reprint "A modern pioneer in Korea : the life story of Henry G. Appenzeller / by William Elliot Griffis" Originally published: New York : Fleming H. Revell , c1912 "Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion, with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated / by William Elliot Griffis" Originally published: Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of Publication , [1885], 2nd ed Includes indexes
- Alternative TitleA modern pioneer in Korea : the life story of Henry G. Appenzeller Corea, without and within : chapters on Corean history, manners and religion, with Hendrick Hamel's narrative of captivity and travels in Corea, annotated
National Diet Library
- LCCBV3462.A7
- Subject HeadingAppenzeller, Henry Gerhard, 1858-1902. Missions -- Korea.
- Author HeadingGriffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928
National Diet Library
- LCCBV3462.A7
- Subject HeadingAppenzeller, Henry Gerhard, 1858-1902. Missions -- Korea.
- Author HeadingGriffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA5231472X
- Related MaterialChina Corea : the hermit nation The flowery kingdom and the land of the Mikado The path of empire . Japan inside out Land utilization and rural economy in Korea . Administrative reforms in Korea ; The Korean independence agitation Cassell's history of the Russo-Japanese War Northeastern Asia : a selected bibliography The new Far East An introduction to the Korean spoken language The church in Corea . A corn of wheat History of the Korea mission Corea or Cho-sen . Quaint Korea China and her neighbours Village life in Korea . Our Korean friends Bellum tartaricum . Relation du naufrage d'un vaisseau hollandois ; Travels of some...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA38175758
- Author HeadingGriffis, William Elliot
- Author Heading (ID)DA00399613
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA07675224
- Related MaterialDictionary of mission :......pectives Women in mission : from the New Testament to today Missiological education for the tw......k, the circle, and the sandals : essays in honor of Paul E. Pierson C......cius, the Buddha, and Christ : a history of the Gospel in Chinese New face of the Church in Latin America : between tradition and change No other name? : a critical survey of Christian attitudes toward the world religions Protestant pioneers in Korea Missions and money : affluence as a western missionary problem Toward a new age in Christian theology Bread for the journ......e mission of transformation and the transformation of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA06592325
- Related MaterialThe physics of galaxy formation : proceedings of the meeting held at University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 3-7 July 2000 Hot star workshop III : the earliest stages of massive star birth : proceedings of a workshop held at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 6-8 August 2001 The astrophysics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a meeting held in Strasbourg, France, 11-16 July 2004 The Interpretation of modern synthesis observations of spiral galaxies Annapolis workshop on magnetic cataclysmic variables : proceedings of a conference held in Annapolis, Maryland, 13-17 Ju...
- Alternative TitleASP conference series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA13408845
- Related MaterialCosmic rays and dark matter : International Conference on Cosmic Rays and Dark Matter, held on J......y 28-30, 2003, in Nagoya, Japan Atomic and molecular photoionization : proceedings of Oji International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Photoionization, held on S......ber 4-7, 1995, in Tsukuba, Japan Pulsating stars : recent developments in theory and observation : proceedings of the joint discussion 24...... the 23rd General Assembly of the International Union held at Kyoto, Japan, on 26th of August, 1997 New frontiers of sago palm studies : proceedings of the International Symposium on SAGO (SAGO 2001) : a New Bridge Linkin...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA07173678
- Note (General)Issued as a supplement to: Nuclear physics. B <AA00760043> The same bibliography is in journal ID<AA10719512>
- Related MaterialQCD 90 : proceedings of QCD 90, Montpellier, France, 8-13 July ...... 2007 : proceedings of the International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon, including the 17th International Workshop on P......ton Collisions and the International Workshop on H......Energy Photon Linear Colliders : Paris, France, 9-13 July 2007 TAU 2000 : proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 18-21 September, 2000 Beach 2010 : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Beauty, Charm and Hyperons in Hadronic Interactions, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 2...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA05144511
- Note (General)"Revué dirigée par J.J.L. Duyvendak et Paul Demiéville"--Added t.p. of v. 1
- Related MaterialLe chapitre CVIII du Yuan che : les fiefs attribués aux membres de la famille impériale et aux ministres de la cour mongole d'après l'histoire chinoise officielle de la dynastie mongole Male anxiety and female chastity : a comparative study of Chinese ethical values in Ming-Ch'ing times Yoshida Shōin, forerunner of......he Meiji restoration : a biographical study Palace women in the Northern, 960-1126 China and Tibet in the early 18th centur......tory of the establishment of Chinese protectorate in Tibet Elemente......denken des Yŏn'am Pak Chiwŏn (1737-1805) : ein Beitrag zur Geschicht......gen zwischen China und Korea Beitrag zur rechtl...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA06618010
- Related MaterialThe physics of galaxy formation : proceedings of the meeting held at University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 3-7 July 2000 Hot star workshop III : the earliest stages of massive star birth : proceedings of a workshop held at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 6-8 August 2001 The astrophysics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a meeting held in Strasbourg, France, 11-16 July 2004 The Interpretation of modern synthesis observations of spiral galaxies Annapolis workshop on magnetic cataclysmic variables : proceedings of a conference held in Annapolis, Maryland, 13-17 Ju...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00138748
- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University Publisher varies: Palgrave Macmillan, University of California Press, Rowman & Littlefield......University of Hawaiʻi Press, Routledge, Stanford University Press, MerwinAsia, University of Washington Press, The......versity of Chicago Press, Corne......ersity Press, Cambridge University Press, Princeton University Press, MIT Pr...
- Related MaterialFinancial politics in contemporary Japan Japan's postwar defense policy, 1947-1968 Japanese sources on......story of the Chinese Communist movement : an annotated bibliography of materials in the East Asiatic Libray of Columbia University and the Division of Orientalia, Library of Congress Palace and politics in prewar Japan The Korean Communist mov......1948 The North Korean revolution, 1......The first Vietnam crisis : Chinese Communist strategy and United States involvement, 1953-1954 Food of sinful demons : meat, vegetarianism, and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet Mobilizing without the masses : control and contention in China Inherit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA21148058
- Note (General)Cornell University East Asia papers BA06856187 も参照 Publisher varies: Cornell University Press
- Related MaterialJapan's national security : st......ctures, norms, and policy responses in a changing world Strange tales from strange lands : stories 모......the knots on quince trees : 구상 International perspectives on Yanagita Kunio and Japanese folklore s......of the gods : Japanese drama and culture in the 1960s Disarming the allies of imperialism : agitation, manipulation, and the state during China's nationalist revolution......1929 The snow falling on Chagall's village : selected poems Strike hard! : anti-crime campaigns and chinese criminal justice 1979-1985 The art of being alone : poems 1952-2009 Transformation, miracles, and mis...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA0032080X
- Related MaterialThe social and religious designs of J.S. Bach's Brandenburg concertos The search for mathematical roots, 1870-1......, set theories and the foundations of mathematics from Cantor through Russell to Gödel Academic instincts Silent voices : public opinion and political participation in America Thayer's life of Beethoven Essays in international economics The politics of institutional choice : the formation of the Russian State Duma After Brown : the rise and retreat of school desegregation Baseball on the border : a tale of two Laredos Science à la mode : physical fashions and fictions The......of the Odyssey American suffrage : from proper...
- Alternative TitlePrinceton paperback
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA62797390
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic p......ederick the Great Marxist analyses and social anthropology The......of the nursery-infant school : a history of infant and nursery education in Britain, 1800-1970 Banking in an unregulated environment : California, 1878-1905 Crisis management in the power industry : an inside story Redefining politics : pe......ple, resources and power Plato to-day Ancient Rome at work : an economic hist......e from the origins to the empire Language, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social policy 1830-1914 : individua...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library edition
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: Cham, Singapore
- Related MaterialT.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and Christianity Brand hate : navigating consumer negativity in the digital world Competing against multinationals in emerging markets : case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing sector Development cooperation : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis and European democratic legitimacy The silent r......ion : how digitalization transforms knowledge, work, journalism and politics without making too much noise Reading Olympe de Gouges Agroecology : reweaving a new landscape Developments in Islamic finance : challenges and initiatives Growth...