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- NCIDBA13687556
- Subject HeadingTheater -- History -- Sources
- Subject Heading (ID)Theater -- History -- Sources
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA13297369
- Subject HeadingTheater -- History -- Sources
- Subject Heading (ID)Theater -- History -- Sources
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA0040253X
- Note (General)子書誌あり English and French v. 14......blished by Voltaire Foundation at the Taylor v. 165- fo......heodore Besterman v. 170- edited by Haydn Mason v. 177- general editor Haydn Mason v.71: General index to volumes XXXII-LXX
- Related MaterialJacob Vernet, Geneva, and the philosophes Marmontel et Polymnie Voltaire and Camus : the limits of reason and the awareness of absurdity Beaumarchais et le : documents inédits ou peu connus The influence of Hobbes and Locke in the shaping of the concep......of sovereignty in eighteenth century France Diderot et Galiani : étude d'une amitié philosophique Voltaire et Paris Voltaire en Espagne (1734-1835) Inventory of Dide...... Encyclopédie Paris and the provinces in eighteenth-cen......derot's femme savante Cours sur l'athéisme éclairé de dom Deschamps Journal d'un voyage en Angleterre : 176......toire des deux Indes : réécriture et polygraphi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA1368775X
- Related MaterialShakespeare : from Betterton to Irving A source book in theatrical history ; Sources of theatrical history The evolution ......f the English language : from Chaucer to the twe......t story, the drama, and other literary topics A Shakespearian grammar : an attempt to illustrate some of the between Elizabethan and modern Engli......velopment of dramatic art The life of Lewis Carroll : Victoria through the looking glass The Spanish stage in the time of Lope de Vega The wood beyond the world
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00060877
- Related MaterialThe 25-year war : America's military role in Vietnam Cole Porter : a biography Gershwin, his life and music Regional theatre : the revolutionary stage The lean years : a history of the American worker, 1920-1933 Abraham Lincoln, his speeches and writings The Korean War : how we met the challenge : how all-out Asian war was averted : why MacArthur was dismissed : why today's war objectives mu......t be limited Stalin, the history of a dictator The jazz life The folk music sourcebook Soundtrack : the music ......f the movies Giants of rock music Chicago blues : the ......he music Tommy and Jimmy : the Dorsey years A transaction of free men :...
- Alternative TitleA Da Capo Press paperback
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00803574
- Note (General)Under the direction of Professor Erwin A. Stürzl Other publisher: Edwin Mellen Press
- Related MaterialElizabethan prisons and prison scene......of Mercury : Shakespeare and English mythography of the Renaissance A study of Thomas Middleton's tragicomedies Music of finer tone : musical imagery of the major romantic poets Commentaries of heaven : the poems......ter : politics and tragedy Indomitable Irishery Paul Vincent Carroll : study and interview The accomplishments of memory in Coleridge's "T...... my prison" Essays in honour of Prof......sor Tyrus Hillway A study of John Kaets's [i.e. Keats's] Isabella The quickening seed : death in the sermons of...... Donne Structural and thematic analysis of George......dith's novel Diana of the Crossways Nimbus of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00102773
- Related MaterialTrade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc Die......7-1932 : systematische, mit Kommentaren versehene Biblipgraphie der 1917-1932 in deutscher Sprache ausserhalb der Sovet-Un......ten Bücher und Aufsätze über den Bo......-Union Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne : comprenant la description raisonnée des éditions originales, des réimpr......ns, des contrefaçons, des traductions, des imitations, etc., y compris le détail des estampes et la notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'auteur Jack London : bibliograp...
- Alternative TitleBurt Franklin bibliography and reference series Burt Franklin, bibliography and reference Bibliography and reference series
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00840005
- Note (General)Edidit Institutum Sinologicum Lugduno Batavum
- Related MaterialKingship in early medieval China The care-taker emperor : aspects of the imperial institution in fifteenth-century China as reflected in the political history of the reign o......ü K'ung tzŭ chia yü, the school sayings of confucius......e : technology in Chinese history Dialectics of spontaneity : the aesthetics and ethics of Su......hi (1037-1101) in poetry Some T'ang and pre-T'ang texts on Chinese painting The Buddhist conquest of China : the spread and adaptation of Buddhism in early medieval China Collecting the self : body and identity in strange tale collections of late imperial China Text, performance, and gender in Chinese lit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA01114188
- Related MaterialThe path of the Argo : language, imagery and narrative in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodi......southern Etruria Aristotle on the sense-organs Theodosius II : rethinking the Roman empire in late antiquity Propertiana Hesiodic voices : studies in the ancient receptio......Hesiod's Works and days The Seleucid army : organization and tactics in the great campaigns Oscan in southern Italy and Sicily : evaluating language contact in a fragmentary corpus Banished voices : readings in Ovid's exile poetry Interstate relations in classical Greece : morality and power Revisiting Delphi : religion and storytelling in ancient Greece A linguist...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seventeent...... century Observations made during a voyage round the world, on physical geography, natural history, and ethic philosophy Doxographi Graeci The history of Jamaica : or, General survey of the antient and modern state of that island: with reflec......ons on its situations, settlements, inhabitants, climate, products, commerce, laws, and government Letters on the laws of man's nature and development A handbook of plant-form : for s......nts of design, art schools, teachers & amateurs The Odyss......nstitution of man : considered in relation to external objects ...
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
- Alternative TitleCambridge library collection : books of enduring scholarly value CLC
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA57364689
- Note (General)"Reading Lolita in Tehran" was published in the United States by Random House Trade Paperbacks, a division of Random House Imprint varies: Random House Trade Paperbacks
- Related MaterialHoroscopes for the dead : poems Let the great world spin : a novel The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay : a novel Open city : a novel Sticks and stones : defeating the culture of bullying and rediscovering the power of character and empathy Who let the dogs in? : incredible political animals I have known The black swan : the impact of the highly improbable The scientists : a history of science tol......ives of its greatest inventors The social animal : the hidden sources of love, character, and achievement Snow flower and the secret fan : a novel Condoleezza Rice : an American life : a biography Pandora's seed : why the h...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA2673776X
- Note (General)Originally published: Stuttgart: Belser Verlag
- Related MaterialEdward Bellamira, or, The fall of Tunis : a tragedy, in five acts : as performed at the theatre royal, Covent-Garden Frascati's The castle of Villero......uilty tongue Travels of my nightcap, or, Reveries in rhyme : with scenes at the congress of Verona Ben Nazir, the Saracen : a tragedy, in five acts : represented at the theatre royal, Drury Lane, on Monday, 21. May, 1827 The Hebrew : a sketch in the nineteenth century, with The dream of Saint Kenya Winter tales, or, European nights' entertainments The new Gil Blas The Arabs : a tale, in four cantos The gentleman : a satire, written during the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815 ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00296443
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Cornell Selects, imprint of Cornell University Press
- Related MaterialThe Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspiracy : images of un-American subversion fr......e present The madwoman can't speak : or why insanity is not subversive Marxian socialism in the United States Meaning, truth, and reference in historical representation The North Korean revolution, 1945-1950 Sexuality, state, and civil society in Germany, 1700-1815 Dialogues between faith and reason : the death and return of God in modern German thought This ......s not one Fighting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court, and free speech Locating migration : rescaling cities and migrants The university and military research : moral p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: Cham, Singapore
- Related MaterialT.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and Christianity Brand hate : navigating consumer negativity in the digital world Competing against multinationals in emerging markets : case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing sector Development cooperation : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis and European democratic legitimacy The silent r......ion : how digitalization transforms knowledge, work, journalism and politics without making too much noise Reading Olympe de Gouges Agroecology : reweaving a new landscape Developments in Islamic finance : challenges and initiatives Growth...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00305646
- Related MaterialDaniel Deronda Anna Karenin The jungle books Bleak House The importance of being earnest and other plays Billy Budd, sailor, and other storie......ems The figure in the carpet, and other storie......ruise of the Snark The interesting narrative and other writings Parade's end Words The Battle of Britain : The jubilee history Autobiography and other writings Selected poems of Abraham Cowley, Edmund Waller and John Oldham Memories of the Ford administration : a novel The deerslayer The way of the world and other plays : The old bachelor, The double dealer, Love for love, The way of the world The Forsyte saga Against slavery : an abolit...
- Alternative TitleThe Penguin classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00180562
- Note (General)...: ISSN:0741453 as "Anglo-Saxson languade and Literature" (vols. <1...... ISSN:07410700 as "English language and Literature" (vols. fo......89 (series XI: Anthropology and sociology), ......(series XIII, Linguistics, ), 07......eries XXVI, Theater arts), 07421923 ......ries XXVII, Feminist studies)
- Related MaterialThe voices of African American women : the use of narrative and authorial voice in the works of Harriet Jacobs, Zora Neale Hurston, and Alice Walker Francis Ponge : la poétique du figural Meyerhold and his set designers Authority and obedience : Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante lírico Utopian colleges The ...... of the gods : a philosophical/theological reappraisal of the writings of Ernest Prisons Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel : a concealed defense of ......e mother world A Beethoven enigma : performance practice and the piano sonata, opus 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-exis...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA25193473
- Note (General)General editors: Vincent Newey, and Joanne Shattock Publisher varies: Routledge
- Related MaterialElla Hepworth Dixon......: the story of a modern woman The London journal, 1845-83 : periodicals, production, and gender Romantic autobiography in England The philosophical mysticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins Language, science and popular fiction in the Victorian fin-de-siècle : the brutal tongue Romanticism, memory, and mourning Dickens and Benjamin : moments of revelation, fragments of modernity Manliness and the male novelist in victorian literature Victorian crime, madness and sensation Relationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in British romanticism The pol......tics of gender in Anthony Trollope's novels : n...
Other Libraries in Japan
- NCIDBA00209063
- Note (General)Each sub-series (......eihe = Série) has its distinctive ISSN ISSN......1: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur = Langue et littérature allemandes = German language and literature ISSN for s......Rechtswissenschaft = Law = Droit (Subt......tle slightly changed: Europäische Hochschul...... Recht = European university studies in law = Publications universitaires européenne...... Hilfswissenschaften = Histoire, sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire = History and allied studies I......Betriebswirtschaft = Sciences é......tle slightly changed: Economics and management = Volks-......Betriebswirtschaft = Sciences é......9: 05317371: Italienische Sprache und Literatu...
- Related MaterialZur politischen Durchsetzungsfähigkeit einer ökologisch orientierten Marktwirtschaft : eine Analyse aus ökonomischer Sicht, dargestellt am Beispiel der ......publik Deutschland Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit und Sozialgerichtsbarkeit : Konverg......wendige Eigenständigkeit? Quality Circles in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : hemmende und fördernde Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Realisierung Freiheit : ein Beitrag zu Lessings Kulturkritik......osophie "Geschmack" als Basis der Verständigung : Chr. ......s Brieftheorie Intention in action : the phi......ophy of G.E.M. Anscombe Bedeutung und Umfang der Festnahmerechte von Sta...