Search results 54
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleCharter of the United Nations, statute and rules of court and other documents Charte, statut......arter, statute and rules
- Alternative TitleCharter of the United Nations, statute and rules of court and other documents Charte, statut......arter, statute and rules
- Title HeadingInternational Court of Justice. Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court ; no. 6.
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreface Alphabetical list of entries List of entries by top......teration About the editor Introdu...... v. 2. Primary documents pt. 1. Religious life of Muslims 1. "PMU statement of principles" from the Progressive Muslim Union of North America 4. "The assembly of Muslim jurists......tatement" from The Assembly of Muslim America 5. "The assembly of Muslim jurists...... fatwa against the Danish media and government over the cartoon crisis......h Al-Sawy from the Assembly of Muslim Jurists......rica 6. "Clash of the uncivilized : insights on the cartoon contro......d Shakir, from The Zaytuna Institute 7. "Fiqh an...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Alternative TitleIslam in the United States
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPermanent Court of International Justice. Intern...
- Note (General)...ires = Statute and rules of court. Nos. 3-4 titl...... la cour = Extracts from internati......ents affecting the jurisdiction of the Court. Nos. 5- title......r = Collection of texts governing the jurisdiction of the Court. Each no. issued in updated e...
- Alternative TitleActes et documents relatifs a l'o....... Publications of the Permanent Court of International Series D, Acts and documents concerning the organization of the Court. Acts and documents concerning the organization of the Court. Statut, regle......aires. Statute and rules of Court. Collection de......e la Cour. Extracts from internati......ents affecting the jurisdiction of the Court. Collection de......ur. Collection of texts governing the jurisdiction of the Court.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInternational Court of Justice.
- Note (General)Added t.-p. in French. French and English on opposite pages.
- Title HeadingInternational Court of Justice. Publi...... International Court of Justice. Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court ; no. 1.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingInternational Court of Justice.
- Note (General)Added t.-p. in French. French and English on opposite pages.
- Title HeadingPublication (International Court of Justice) . Ser. D. Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court ; no. 1
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Microfilm. Originally......llective title of microfilm: Hague : Permanent Court of International Justice publica...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingInternational Court of Justice Court rules United Nations -- Rules and practice
- Subject Heading (ID)International Court of Justice Court rules United Nations -- Rules and practice
- Note (General)At head of title: Cour in......justice French and English on opposite pages Inc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)English and French on facing pages "Sales...
- Related MaterialActes et documents relatifs à l'o......n de la cour = Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court
- Periodical TitleActes et documents relatifs à l'o......n de la cour = Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)English and French on opposite pages, num...
- Related MaterialActes et documents relatifs à l'o......n de la cour = Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court
- Periodical TitleActes et documents relatifs à l'o......n de la cour = Acts and documents concerning the organization of the court
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ers issues out of chronological sequence
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : i......articular that of the air and water, ... : w......plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whic...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......ed treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromness Essa......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
National Diet Library
- Contents...ment on behalf of MUTO, Akira De....... Committee on the Progressive Development of International Law and its Codification: Report of the U. S. Represen......rom "Departmet of State bulletio......Doc. No. 2804: Organization of the State Departme......: Constitution of Philippines De......2811: Decision of the Liaison Conference: The Outline of the Plan for Negot......Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union. ......erence between the Commander in Chief, Navy and the Fuehrer in the afternoon of 14 Sept. 1940 ...... 2815A: Report of the Commander in Chief, Navy to the Fuehrer on 26 ......onference with the Chief, Operations Division, N...
National Diet Library
- Contents...: Condemnation of Japanese Aggre......1-2: Statement of February 1932 ......versation with the German Ambassa...... 401-8: Defeat of Proposed Adherence to World Court Def. Doc. No. ......dent Roosevelt and Secretary Hull......d to Opponents of Force Def. Doc......ench Appeal to the United States ....... 401-29: Fall of France Def. Do......401-34: Treaty of Alliance betwe......German, Italy, and Japan Def. Doc......Hull's Address of October 26 Def......401-38: Status of Netherlands Indies Def. D......porary Closing of the Burma Road Def......1-45: Invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia Def...... 401-46: Greenland Agreement Def. Doc. No. 401-4...
- Note (General)...o. 401: "Peace and War", Official Publication Department of State, U. S. A
National Diet Library
- ContentsDef. Doc. No. 512: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and Russia, June 8......No. 513: Notes concerning the Issuance of Special Certif......le Taxation in the Open Ports of Eastern Three ......ial Conference of the World Federation of Education Asso...... Excerpts from the Opening Address of the Chairman, Dr. ...... Excerpts from the Address Delive...... Excerpts from the Address Delive...... Excerpts from the Address Delive...... Excerpts from the Closing Words of Mr. Takashi Ko......otes exchanged concerning the recognition of Manchukuo [Ita...... Doc. No. 534: The Second Agreement Concerning the Connection of the South M...
National Diet Library
- Contents...tificate. Copy of letters and notes from the Minister of Switzerland addresses to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and replies thereto of the Japanese Minis......s addressed to the Minister Switzerland Pros. Doc. No.......853B: Synopsis of Document No. 2...... Interrogation of OKA, Takszumi,...... interrogation of TOGO, Shigenor...... interrogation of TOGO, Sigenori......from statement of TOGO, Shigenori dated 22 and 28 Feb. 1946. ...... Interrogation of ARAKI, Sadao, ......: Disbursement of Secret Service Funds for the Manchurian Inc...... No. 2898: Extracts from Interrogation of MATSUOKA, Yosu...... No. 2904: Extracts from Interrogation OF HIRANUM...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Government on the Burma-Thailand Railway Pros. ......9D: Employment of Prisoners of War in Construction of Thai-Burma Rai......with Mediation of the Dispute Between Thailand and French Indo-Ch......from Report to the Throne By Lt. ......5I: Address by the Prime Minister......l Hideki Tojo: The 78th Session of the Imperial Diet ......terial Address of Dec. 16, 1941 ...... 1573: Summary of Japan-American......Arita's Tenure of Office (From Nov.......84A: Statement of the Foreign Office Spokesman, on the Signing of the Sino-Japanese Basic Treaty, and the Japan-Manchuku......nch Indo-China and Japan : The Southern Co-prosp...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...i 1972 = Rules of court : adopted on 6......y 1972 Charter of the United Nations, Statute and Rules of Court and other constitutional documents Charte des Nat......xtes = Charter of the United Nations, statute and rules of court and other documents
- Author HeadingInternational Court of Justice
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAgricultural and vocational education and farm credits :......m A.L. Rogers, of Waterville, Wash., outlining the Waterville version of the correct idea of modern agricultural and vocational education and farm credits Memorial concerning conditions in the Independent state of the Kongo : memorial of the chairman and members of the conference of missionary soc......epresentatives of American organizations conducting missionary and philanthropic work in the independent state of the Kongo in Afric...... conditions in the Kongo state, and take steps to ameliorate and correct the evils from whi......eatened strike of railway employees : Hearing b...
- Alternative TitleSenate documents Senate document Senate Senate...
- Alternative TitleSenate documents Senate document Senate Senate...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMessage of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-Seventh......o. : report on the claim of McClintic-Mars......on Co, against the Isthmian Canal......, submitted to the Senate pursanto to act of congress of June 24, 1914 Annual report of the governor general of the Philippine Islands Space handbook : astronautics and its applicatio......: staff report of the Select Committ......n Astronautics and Space Exploration Report of the commissioner of corporations on the transportation of petroleum The Constitution of the United States of America as a...
- Alternative Title... Ex. Doc House of representatives document Hous...
- Alternative Title... Ex. Doc House of representatives document Hous...