Search results 26
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....-volume set of books from one of the founde......d in 1974 and considered the mos......e era publications, its brooding, pessimistic tone describes the state of contemporary life ......n undergoing economic and industrial change. Books on books #6 reproduces all one hundred sixteen black and wh...
- Title HeadingBooks on books (New York, N.Y.) ; 6.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...(July 1969) ; Songs of innocence...... 1971) ; Morrison live (June 197......resley? In person? (July 1972) ;......owie's limitations (October 1972...... The Rolling Stones now (Decembe......blues (from, October 2......g fan. The big ones (February 19...... Their generation (August 1971) back, going on (February 1974......ruary 1971) ; Consumer revolt (S......; Roseland nation (October 1973)......athy for the Stones (July 1975) ......from Rolling stone illustrated h......from Rolling stone illustrated h......1980) ; Selections from Don't turn your back on love (liner no....... But now I'm gonna move (October 1971) ; Joni ...
- Note (General)Chiefly essays originally published in The New Yorker magazine, 1968-1975.
- Title HeadingNew Yorker (New York, N.Y. : 1925)
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEducation, Higher -- United States -- S...
- Note (General)Vols. for <1997- > published: Phoenix, Ariz. : American Council on Education and the Oryx Press.
- Title HeadingFact book on higher education (New York, N.Y.) American Council on Education/Macmillan series on higher education. American Council on Education/Oryx Press series on higher education.
National Diet Library
- Contents... Gay Introduction Socioeconomic Status and......ievement Gap: Contextualizing th......pancies Retention, Suspensions, and Expulsions School Drop-Out and Graduation Rates Access t......e Gaps Future Considerations Changing Demo......A Changing Nation Demographic Sh......Geographic Region and Age U.S. S......ultural Education for School Ref......Culturally Responsive Pedagogy S......Empirical and Conceptual Work on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy T......Culturally Responsive Teaching T......ace and Education in the United ......Acts of Exclusion Racial Frames ......l Self-Reflection on Race and Cultu......he Adaptive Unconsciousness Racial Awareness A ...
- Subject HeadingEducational equalization--United States......rities--Education--United States.
- Title HeadingMulticultural education series (New York, N.Y.)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingArchitecture -- United States -- Designs and plans Architecture -- United States -- Sketch-books
- Subject Heading (ID)Architecture -- United States -- Designs and plans Architecture -- United States -- Sketch-books
- Related MaterialOn site (New York, N.Y.)
National Diet Library
- Contents...erary Association of Philadelphi......erary Association of Philadelphia, on their first an......h Society of Zion, by Wm. Thompson, at Zion's Church on the 5th of Apr......rvian Association Constitution of the Colored......erary Association... Female associations... constitution of the Afric-A......Society of Boston Female Literary Association by Garrison, William Lloyd......<re the formation of the African......orcas Association, New York City> Proceedi......Society of New York, held in Zion Church, on the 28th Febru......he city of New York Third annivers...... slavery by Toronto Ladies Association for the Relief of Destitute C...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Note (General)...roform collection
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ritsen Collection" first install......本:婦人教育論:Education studies select......ritsen Collection" second installment ; 76 titles 194 ...
- Related Material... Higher education for women in G...... young ladies, on dress, education, marriage, the...... &c. The position of woman in of the Baroness von Marenholtz-Bül...... for co-education Des rapports conjugaux : considéres sous le...... de la population, de la santé e......w revised edition of the America......g a guide to economical, healthf...... : a complete condensed guide to wholesome, economical, and fermière : son éducation professionnelle, les réunions de fermières,......leur organisation à l'étranger E......women's education through twelve......nnati, Washington, Baltimore, Ph......ladelphia, New York, and other cities ; also, an a...
- Alternative Title...ritsen Collection" 婦人教育論 = Education studies select......ritsen Collection"
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialConcepts and chall......ural organization of cardiovascular control The Stress hormones and post tra...... the brain Carbon monoxide poisoning Understanding emotions Natural and artificial control of hearing......ance Hypertension and brain mech......boundaries of consciousness : ne......e 9th International Summer Schoo......e Netherlands, on July the neural control of movemen......ocrine adaptation and disorders ...... structure to control Experiment......s : tools for controlling and monitoring neuronal activity Mec......ptic transmission Using eye move......of brain function : a symposium in honor of Jea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Thomas Jefferson to the space age : a book
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialReading list on Scotland Libra...... plans Excavations in an Erie In......ogical Expedition of 1906 Cephal......d Chazy formations of the Champl......basin A selection from the best books of 1906 with n......x of law additions Iroquois uses...... midges of New York : third report on aquatic insects
- Author HeadingNew York State Educaiton Department
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMaya inscriptions dealing with ......enus and the Moon The habitat of......edings of the conference on changes in the......Lakes Erie and Ontario, April 16...... The story of money, as told by ......e Knox Collection The Vail site ......ology and palaeontology of eight......ake shore sections of Erie county, New York : a hand-book ...... the Niagara frontier region : ferns and flowering plants ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) American Economic Association→The American Economic Association by the Macmill......n→The Association by the Macmillan
- Related Material...he administration of city financ......rican trade unionism The industrial transition in Japan The h......gressive taxation in theory and ......ctice Coöperation in a western c......y Two chapters on the mediaeval ......ngland The cotton culture and the cotton trade Poor-law......usetts and New York : with appendices containing the Uni......tates Immigration and contract-labor of coöperation in the West Monopolistic combinations in the German...... silver situation in the United ......Railroad rate control in its leg...... judical decisions upon public regulation of railroad ra......he history of contract labor in the Hawaiian Is...
- Author HeadingAmerican Economic Association
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOzone chemistry and...... sixty papers constituting the P......f the International Ozone Conference held in......s-phase oxidations, homogeneous ......applied oxidations and synthetic......processes Environmental epidemio......ffects of environmental chemicals on human health D......caries : based on a Symposium on Dietary Chemicals in Relation to Dental Caries, sponsored by the Ag......hemistry Division at the 1966 wi......, Phoenix, Arizona, January 18, ......: a symposium Ions in polymers : based on a symposium Evaporation-combustion of fuels : a s......rature Transition metal hydrides...... a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of I...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1989 Computational methods for ......cupant protection in transportation systems 1995 :...... ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November transformations and shape mem...... 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illi......cupant protection and transportation systems, 1997 ...... ASME International Mechnical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 16-2......SME Mechanics Conference, Univer......bility, vibration, and control of structu......une 6-9, 1993 Nonlinear and dyna......Engineers, New York, New York, December 2-7, 1979 ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related some excursions into others T......of the Revolutionary War, president of the Continental Congress, and Gove......ith his correspondence and other......pers The relation of religion to civil gover......ithout a religion Our lawless po......of the law Boston under military......obby Hackett, Tony Bennett, Ruby...... British invasion from the north......generals Carleton and Burgoyne f......7 The International Juridical Association Bulletin : 193......ychologically considered with re......ence to sensation and memory A j...... jazz : essays on the nature and......pment of jazz Convicting the The Operations of the French fleet under th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tifen Workshop on the occasion of the VIII Congress of the Eu......e Xth International Congress of Pharma......ings of the second International Symposium on Histamine H[2]-Receptor Antagonists, Royal Col......f Physicians, London, October 26-27......venth International Symposium on Atherosclerosi......tee of the National Heart Foundation of Australia, ......heral circulation : proceedings ......f the International Symposium on the Peripheral Circulation, Newport, Sydn......peutic indications : proceedings...... the Symposium on Novel Perspect...... 18th International Symposium on Computing in City, Japan on 18-21 March 1998 New aspects ...
- Alternative TitleICS Excerpta medica. International congress series
- Alternative TitleICS Excerpta medica. International congress series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGeophysics and astronomy in space exploration Project Gemini......ogy and operations : a chronology Electric propulsion for spacecraft......rial presentation by the Mariner 9 television team and the p......thermal radiation properties of held at Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 5-7, 1962 National Geodetic Sat......: a report Astronautics and aeronautics : chronology on science, techn......cecraft : a chronology Mission to jupiter : a......uttle at work Control, guidance and navigation of spacecraft ...... Sciences, National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA space fli......rocket propulsion Voyager 1 and 2 atlas of six ...
- Alternative TitleNASA special publications
- Alternative TitleNASA special publications
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCompilation of cancer ther......osomal aberrations and normal ce......dy of 1.3 million persons: by demograph......, social and economic factors : ......-up : U.S. National Longitudinal Mortality Study National Institutes of Health consensus conference on cervical cance......ceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes o......ew and evaluation of smoking cessation methods : the ...... incidence in Connecticut : 1935......le in international biomedical r......and communications : international health and f...... human population studies in nutrition related to hea......eld at the National Institutes of Health, Bethe...
- Author HeadingNational Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLectures on quaternions Applications of dynamics t......nts of quaternions The mirrior o......heir organization by Cuvier and ......characters, synonyma, &c. &c. of his reasoning Kogoshūi Ga...... in India, Ceylon, and Japan on the Barrows Foundation An apology for...... full explanation and vindication of their princ......f Dr. PH. FR. Von Siebold Le cyc......istory of the condition of women, in v......s ages and nations On the connections between activ...... and optimization models for decision support A hist......t : a description of historical ......old Japan Dictionary of the law ......en administrations Twelve bronze falcons exhibi...