Search results 9
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- family life and structure What......y: demographic and institutional ......cial diversity and single-parent ......erty, welfare, and livelihood str......J. Brian Brown and Daniel T. Lich......hic, economic, and public of lesbian and single heteros......iona MacCallum and Susan Golombok......mily structure and children's suc......son of widowed and divorced singl......thy J. Biblarz and Greg Gottainer Influences on delinquency: the role of t......amily / Amy L. Anderson Parental incarceration:......eth I. Johnson and Jane Waldfogel Grandmothers raising grandchildren / Catherine Goodman and Merril Silverstein Part three...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingClinical psychology. Juvenile delinquency. Parent and child.
- Author HeadingAndry, Robert G.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ople, theories and terms; landmark case studies and experiments; a......sing, medicine and sports; and career information
- Contents...hol dependence and abuse Alienati......ademy of Child and Adolescent Psy......sorder Anxiety and anxiety disord......ADHD) Attitude and behavior Attitudes and attitude chang...... Baer, Donald Bandura, Albert Bat......ales of infant and toddler develo......y Bilingualism and bilingual educ......ia Bullies Bystander effect Caffe......ication skills and disorders Comp......ompetence to stand trial Competit......onfidentiality and legal privileg......ence Conscious and unconscious mo......irium Delusion and delusional dis......ohn Diagnostic and Statistical Ma......y Dissociation and dissociative d......on Endocrine glands Environment Environmental ps...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s in astronomy and physics : in m......y of Henry E. Kandrup Computation......rane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph...... in the understanding and treatment of a......ase : clinical and biological ins......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of Myelination and dysmyelination......r basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses ......, measurement, and control Mechan......tion of animal and human preclinical and clinical persp......tion to health and disease Vitami......Chlorpropamide and diabetes mellitus Fourteenth ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...tual processes and mental illness......identification and assessment of ...... in obsessives and psychopaths Me...... The mentally handicapped and their families......the literature and an investigati......cation defects and deviances The ...... Schizophrenia and social care : ......nts Medical remands in the crimin......ded both child and adult psychiat......Mental illness and the ageing bra...... environmental and psychiatric st......Child guidance and delinquency in a London in New York and London : a com......n of treatment and advice, with a......edative drugs, and morbid anxiety The neuropathology of temporal lobe epilepsy Mar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHandbook of clinica......stody, access, and psychotherapy Adult psychopathology and diagnosis Nonv......view Structure and functions of fantasy Handbook of parent ......ory, research, and clinical guide...... psychotherapy and personality In......tions in child and adolescent therapy Handbook of infant ......ent Alcoholism and treatment Depr......cts, theories, and treatment to clinical and community psyc......ory, research, and practice Princ......en Traditional and semi-traditional techniques and phenomenology ......tionary model Handbook of social ......kills training and research Social origins of me...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...oulik Hormones and hypertension Naturalism and subjectivism R......a : mechanisms and pathology Cardiac roentg...... : plain films and angiocardiogra...... The evolution and chemistry of a......sion Chemistry and prevention of ......erbaric oxygen and its clinical v......on biochemical and cardiovascular......eas in infants and children The c......ary endoscopy, and choledocholith......lities: social and rehabilitation......of escherichia and klebsiella typ......s The thalamus and midbrain of ma......ransplantation and leucocyte tran...... Law, language and communication The botany and chemistry of h......inical, social and genetic aspects Psychoanalysi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialObservation, prediction and simulation of ......m field theory and quantum gravit......rugs Structure and dynamics of RN...... : biochemical and chemical uses ...... organizations and development in infancy and early childhoo......ophysical jets and their engines ......onvective heat and mass transfer ......ogical effects and physics of solar and galactic cosmi......atology Status and future develop......strumentation, and imaging techni......tors - science and engineering Di......ntation, data handling, archiving......ic uncertainty and its influence ......rocess Physics and chemistry of f......o crystals DNA and RNA cleavers and chemotherapy...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ngs Management and the social sci......tics : Chomsky and psychology Sale of goods and hire-purchase ......ngs Simulation and business decis......dings Peasants and peasant societ......dings Teachers and teaching Colle......971-7 Juvenile delinquency : trends and perspectives G......derdevelopment and development : ......eering science and mathematics Br......ment Attitudes and behaviour: sel......eadings Speech and the developmen...... investigation Andrew Marvell : a......ational growth and development : ......adings Culture and management : s......readings First and second impact ......eadings Understanding children writing Maternal ...