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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- DDC331.4/2/0941
- Subject HeadingEqual pay for equal work -- Great Britain. Wages -- Great Britain. Wages -- Women -- Great Britain.
- Related MaterialReport and survey series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General) has also subseries title Numbering "xxx" from "I...
- Related Material...ogy, legality, and personality Mobility, space, and culture Homo l......dens : a study of the play-eleme......age : a review of social provisi......e Danube basin and the German eco......ic sphere Race and suicide in Adolescents and morality : a study of some moral values and dilemmas of working the context of a changing climate of opinion reality of ethics : the c......ative analysis of moral codes Or......ization, class and control Urbani......, colonialism, and the world-economy : cultural and spatial foundations of the world urba...... The sociology of nationalism : tomorrow's ance...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Place of publication varies: La Vergne...
- Related Material...a in four acts and in verse A sketch of the history of the regium donum, and parliamentary ......ting ministers of England and Wales Record of Mr. Alcott's schoo......the principles and methods of moral culture ...... fiction Third report on the state of education in Bengal Children of the state : the training of juvenile paupe......he wild tribes of Davao district......erse Catalogue of books in theol......stical history and canon law with an appendix of metaphysics and moral philosop......le, the Koran, and the Talmud : o......blical legends of the Mussulmans, comp. from Arabic sources, and compared with Jewish traditio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...raphic aspects of international ......ions Addresses of John Hay Revie......lish spirit : J. B. Priestley--Sir...... Hugh Walpole, and others A fable......ette portraits of the authors de......tur This torch of freedom : speeches and addresses Our ......scal, Fénelon, and other essays The danger of being a gentleman, and other essays The human worth of rigorous thinking : essays and addresses A pa......primitive arts of Mexico, Guatemala and the Southwest Notes and reviews : a series of twenty-five pa...... on literature and landscape from a tr......Time to murder and create : the c......king Criticism and other addresses Challenge to ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe OKW war diary series An autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology......okbindings old and new : notes of a book-lover L...... organizations and immigration St......dies in social and private accoun......acial violence and law enforcemen......: a case study of unregulated ac......ion, textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization and nationalism in......on, sacrifice, and narrative : Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner The transformation of commercial ban......aph manuscript and typescripts; and, The wishing tree : ribbon and carbon typescr...... The principle of Protestantism ......incipal trades and manufactures of the United St...
- Alternative TitleGarland series
- Alternative TitleGarland series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Cmd. 4th series : [Cmd.1]-Cmd. 9889
- Related MaterialReport for the year ... Report to the Right H...... the Secretary of State for the ......ome Department Report of the Committee ......ion for Social and Economic Resea......tions et recommandations adoptés ...... la conférence ... = Internationa......ft conventions and recommendation......the conference ... Report of the Standing Committee r......specting tools Report of the Standing Committee, rods, wire and tubes Insurance : Report of the National H......oint Committee and to the Irish I......ommissioners Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on vinegar : p......inted by the standing committee on trusts Report...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Cmnd. series, 1956-
- Related Material...Fourth general report, July 1968 to July 1979 Portland cement prices ......irst Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Public Building and Works Malaysia......United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Federation of Malaya, North ......orneo, Sarawak and Singapore The ......59 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and statistics for England and Wales Prices of non-alloy brig......irst Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity and the Minister of Power, June 19...... the resources of the Board : a report on the efficiency and costs o...
- Alternative TitlePapers by Command. Cmnd Cm
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOligopoly and technical économistes of the 18th centu......ay on the laws of trade in refer......e to the works of internal impro......mmercial state of Britain since ...... in the theory of money, 1690-17...... on the rights and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Popu......ation policies and movements in E......the principles of the distribution of wealth : most ...... The evolution of the money mark...... an historical and analytical study of the rise and development of finance as a c......lution in Scotland Guide to John rae's Life of Adam Smith : i......uction Stokers and pokers : or the London and No...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Cd [series], 1900-1918 Command Papers, 3rd Ser. [Cd.1]-[Cd. 9239]
- Related MaterialReport of the Commission......h-Eastern area Report to the Local G......trial training of girls in the separate and district schoo...... Third interim report of the Royal Comm...... the relations of human and animal tuberculosis Final report East India (India Office Balances) : memorandum on India Office balances :......e instructions of the Secretary of State for India List of secondary schools in England recognised as ......t, with a list of recognised pup......entres Minutes of evidence and appendices the......anying the 1st Report (vol. 1., pt. 1.) of the Royal Comm......o enquire into and to report on the canals and i...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command. Cd [series] Cd
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTale type- and motif-indexes ......ous adventures of Major Gahagan ......on Archaeology of prehistoric na......: a collection of critical essay......aphy The lives of Jesus : a history and bibliography R......raphy Folklore and literature of the British photographs and slides of paintings in t...... research Snow of fire : The rainbow and Women in love ...... : a selective and critical bibli......A bibliography of the writings of Walter H. Pater Yanagita Kunio and the folklore m......onal character and distinctivenes......itical history of Edgar Allan Po...... The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym : "a dialog...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library in the huma...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...oyment, hours, and earnings, states and areas Strikes and lockouts in 19......upational wage survey : Jacksonville......upational wage survey : Allentown-Be......upational wage survey : Birmingham, ......Administration of labor laws and factory inspec......ries Area wage survey : the Waterloo...... Subject index of bulletins publ...... by the Bureau of Labor Statisti......, 1915-59 BLS handbook of methods Injuries and accident cause...... differentials and rate, insurance, and pension plans Association of Public Employm......hiladelphia, Pa., September 24-...... disbursements of employed wage earners and cle...
- Alternative TitleBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin : U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Alternative TitleBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin : U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National F......conomic policy of Frederick the ......rxist analyses and social anthrop...... The evolution of the nursery-in......ol : a history of infant and nursery educat......ple, resources and power Plato to......onomic history of Rome from the ......uage, schools, and classrooms International business handbook Social pol......, collectivism and the origins of the welfare resources and disequilibrium...... contributions of John Maynard K......n trade theory and policy, 1909-1......The principles of economic plann......The philosophy of grammar Lexical representatio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......: a new theory of everything Anxiety and neurosis A history of the United States The growth of the United Sta......Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the sevente......tury Apes, men and language A history of English archit......on The origins and growth of modern educati......entary history of the Middle Eas......c : an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 17......e Soviet Union and the Middle Eas...... two centuries of the English no...... : men, women, and rape A social history of English law Roman literature and society The defeat of John Ha...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Galaxy books (O.U.P.) series note: "Galaxy books" is a series published in S......shing reprints of titles publish......m the backlist of "Oxford Univer......"--[New York, R. R. Bowker Company, 1958. p. 105. The Paperbound......a: The History of Paperbacks and Their European......ound by Frank L. Schick]
- Related the history of religion with ......ce to the XVII and XVIII centuries The Odyssey of Homer The majo...... The evolution of American forei......The philosophy of rhetoric The i......the background of the Civil War Vexed and troubled Engli......t eyes : black and white perspect......ism The spirit of '76 : the growth of American patri......Existentialism and religious beli......f Tibetan yoga and secret doctrin......r, Seven books of wisdom of the great The history and character of Calvinism Fant...... myths, tales, and stories James ......t odds : women and the family in ......e present Race and IQ Signs & symbols in Christi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGlobal Englishes and change in : attitudes and impact Mobile ......ons from Qatar and the Arabian : the power of talk in organi......on the margins of Africa Tourism and urban regenera......ressed in time and space "Helicopter parenting" and "boomerang chi......arents support and relate to their student and co-resident The rise and fall of the British pr...... communication and deformative tr......olitics, propaganda, and public health ......hics, meaning, and market society......ip, innovation and technology : core models and tools On extremism and democracy in Europe Race, nat...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s Applications of dynamics to physics and chemistry Lahu......rdus in search of his hearing : an exposure of aural quacks and a guide to gen......ine treatments and remedies elect......s, lip-reading and employments for the deaf etc., etc Elements of quaternions The mirrior of parliamnet The......dom : Synopsis of the species of the class mamm......tion by Cuvier and other naturali......s, synonyma, &c. &c. 1827 The foreign trade of Japan : a study of the trade of Japan with spe......The philosophy of Spinoza : unfo......tent processes of his reasoning ...... Garden cities of tomorrow Chris......India, Ceylon, and Japan on the Barrows Foundati...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Cornell Selects, imprint of Cornell University Press
- Related Material... Ages The fear of conspiracy : images of un-American su......eaning, truth, and reference in h......uality, state, and civil society ...... between faith and reason : the death and return of God in modern ......Supreme Court, and free speech Lo......scaling cities and migrants The university and military resea......l politics at M.I.T. Machines as the measure of men : science, technology, and ideologies of Western domina...... In the circle of the dance : notes of an outsider in......s : literature and cultural ident...... United States and Brazil, 1830-1......the extinction of primitive race......pts : literary and visual approaches Medea Chris...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s in the midst of a big one Earl......zz : its roots and musical develo......t The language of music The tend......Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Age......--race, crime, and punishment in ...... how they feel and why people tak...... The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South the history of art and ideas Metropol...... : or the day software puts the ......e in a shoebox ... : how it will happen and what it will m......still see love and commitment so ......trated history of the British mo......n interwar England : medieval modernism and the London und......n, enterprise, and ethnicity The conscious mind ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...The inner life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy land Physiology and hygiene : with......cises by Buel P. Colton and Louis Murbach ......nge : a tragedy. As it is acted......l in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty......on the history of civil An Excur......, Hercegovina, and Dalmatia The l......ns on the Life of Christ Democracy and social ethics ......ivate orations of Demosthenes The union of England and Scotland : a study of international ......history A view of the American I......eligious rites and traditions The Creoles of history and the Creoles of romance Cinq n......aponais Ruskin and the English A text-book of North-Semitic inscriptions : ...
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find b......Legacy reprint series Kessinger's legacy reprints
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find b......Legacy reprint series Kessinger's legacy reprints
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a no......Miscarriage Dot.con : the great......e Penguin book of Southern Confessions of an actor : an ......mes, Messieurs ... Tell no lies The struggles of Albert Woods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar in moder......e Penguin book of facts The king......ty Sea mammals of the world Nair......r the carnival Of mice and men and Cannery row revival of faith is chang...... at twilight : and other stories Fathers and crows Fast's TV Movies and video guide De......acters : ampersands, interrobangs and other typographical curiositi...