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National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Arab-Israeli been one of the most protracte......tbook examines the diplomatic and......g within which the conflict devel......ped, from both the Israeli and overview of the peace process. The new edition in......ocuments up to the first year of the Trump presiden......uments through the supportive fra......of a textbook, The Arab-Israeli Conflict: - presents over eighty of the most important......d documents in the history of the Israeli-Palest......ict - presents these documents in......ter which sets the context for the study of the history of the area - covers ......, ranging from the 19th Century to the present d...
- Contents...ion as a state Theodor Herzl, the Jewish state (1896) The Basle program,......resolutions of the first Zionist ...... Henry McMahon : the McMahon letter......ober 24, 1915) The Sykes-Picot agreement The Balfour declar......ember 2, 1917) The Weizmann-Feisa......nuary 3, 1919) The white paper of...... (June, 1922) (the "Churchill white paper") The mandate for Palestine (July 24, 1922......uary 13, 1931) The Palestine Royal Commissi......el Commission) : report (July 2......ish government : policy stateme......ish government : the white paper ( reaction to the white paper The Biltmore program : towards a Jewish state (May 1...
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- Subject HeadingUnited Nations -- Palestine Palestinian Ar...... Legal status, laws, etc Rule of law Palestine -- International status
- Subject Heading (ID)United Nations -- Palestine Palestinian Ar...... Legal status, laws, etc Rule of law Palestine -- International status
National Diet Library
- Contents... and governance: situating Arab......s and outsiders: NGOs in international relations / Pi...... governance in the Arab world: strategic choi......t. II. NGOs of the Arab world: between the democracy question and the social question 5. From inertia to movement: a study of the conflict over the NGO law in Egypt / Viv......gemony in Egypt: advocacy NGOs,......l society, and the state / Nicola......lamic NGOs and the development 8. NGOs and the reform of the Egyptian health system: realistic pros...... governance in Palestine: a pioneering model for the Arab world? / ......vil society in Palestine: a comparative analysis of fo...
- Alternative TitleNon-governmental organizations and governance in the Arab world
- Alternative TitleNon-governmental organizations and governance in the Arab world
National Diet Library
- aspects of the Middle East approach to the Palestine conflict, by D...... by S. Rosenne The role of the United Nations vis-à-vis the Palestine question, by M. H. El-Farra Some international constitutional aspects of the Palestine case, by J. W.......mplications of the 1947 partition......resolution and the 1949 armistice......assage through the Strait of Tiran and in the Gulf of Aqaba,......oss Closure of the Suez Canal to aspects of internationalization of inte......, by L. T. Lee The status of Jeru......e national and international aspects, by S. S. Jones The limits of perc......objectivity in international peace observation, by T. M. F...
- Note (General)...nal meeting of the American Society of International Law which was held at the Duke University School of Law on March 8 and 9, 1968." "Ori...
- Author HeadingHalderman, John W. Duke University. School of Law. American Society of International Law.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPalestine -- International status Palesti...... Legal status, laws, etc Arab-Israeli conflict -...
- Subject Heading (ID)Palestine -- International status Palesti...... Legal status, laws, etc Arab-Israeli conflict -...
- Author Heading (ID)DA16930475
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingJewish-Arab relations Palestine -- International status
- Subject Heading (ID)Jewish-Arab relations Palestine -- International status
- Note (General)Bibliography: p. 109-114
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPalestine -- International status Jewish-......ted Nations -- Palestine Israel-Arab conflicts
- Subject Heading (ID)Palestine -- International status Jewish-......ted Nations -- Palestine Israel-Arab conflicts
- Author Heading (ID)DA01773657
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPalestine -- International status Jewish-......ted Nations -- Palestine Israel-Arab conflicts
- Subject Heading (ID)Palestine -- International status Jewish-......ted Nations -- Palestine Israel-Arab conflicts
- Note (General)...uméro de vente : E.79.I.19" Includes bibliogra...
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- Related MaterialPalestine books
- Periodical TitlePalestine books
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and analysis, the Handbook probl......tic account of the field. Thematically organized, the chapters addre......and historical questions by showcasing both theoretical and em......d induction in the Middle East. It positions the didactic at the centre of inqu......s. Substantive themes include sec......e" politics of the Middle East. L...... of knowledge, the Middle East is......s, but also by the cultural, spat......r scholarship, the Handbook plant......cial sciences, the Handbook is si......erstanding how the Middle East is written and re...
- ContentsWriting Middle East politics: A field in tra......? East of what?: simulated post......iki Travelling the Middle East without a map: three main deb...... Literature in the Arab postcolon....../ Miriam Cooke The primacy of fieldwork: inductive explorations of the MENA state / L......Nationalism in the Arab Middle East: resolving some......elvin Studying the international relations of the Arabian Gulf: a personal account and a theoretical overvi......mmitted history: sticking to Reimagining the Middle East and its place in the world / Robert......ualizations Of The Democratic And The Authoritar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialArab summit conferences and the Palestine problem (1936-......l documents of the armed Palestin......tance movement The art and archit......ure of ancient Palestine : a survey of the archaeology of Palestine from the earliest times to the Ottoman conquest The Palestine question and international law Palestine lives : interviews with leaders of the resistance: Khalid al-Hassan, Fateh, Abu ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPalestine in focus An international law appraisal of the juridical characteristics of the resistance of the people of Palestine : the struggle for human rights The legal status o......fundraising in the USA : a lawsuit 127 questions and answers on the Arab Israeli c...... no punishment : Zionist Israel......ism, 1939-1972 The question of human nationality : Liberia and Israel Palestine and Israel : the civil rights configuration The partisan views......Parkes Zionism & racism Jerusalem at the United Nations The Holy land unde......cupation, 1967 : an appeal to world conscience
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- Note (General)If title page has a seal of the Permanent Court of International Justice, or material not for ...
- Related Material...n judgments of the Hungaro-Czecho......erpretation of the statute of the Memel territor......Mavrommatis en Palestine = The Mavrommatis Palestine concessions Af......du pays de Gex : ordonnance du ......1929 = Case of the free zones of ......pper Savoy and the district of Gex : order of Augus......neral index of the publications of the Court Statut j......egal status of the south-eastern ......rité allemande : requête retiré......ase concerning the Polish agrarian reform and the German minority : application ev...... novembre 1865 : requête retiré......enunciation of the treaty of and Belgium : request eventually withdrawn ...
- Alternative TitleCour Permanente de Justice Internationale = Permanent Court of International Justice Permanent Court of International Justice
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...- published by the American Association for International Conciliation; 1937- by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Documents for the year 1940, nos...... 1. Issues for the year 1948 -- S...... 2, Issues for the year 1948, nos...... 2, Issues for the year 1949 -- Issues for the year 1952, nos. 477-486 子書誌あり
- Related MaterialThe japanese law of nationality and the rights of fore...... in land under the laws of Japan The governance of Comments by the German Delegation on the conditions of ......icy Address of the Marquess of Lothian : December 11, 1940 . The Supreme Court ......changing world : can we keep th......ort history of the question of Constantinople and the straits The relation of social theory to public policy The social impact of the green revolution The problems of reconstruction : international and national Convention for the control of the trade in arms ......ember 10, 1919 The league of nations : proposed constitution of the ...
- Author HeadingAmerican Association for International Conciliation C...... Endowment for International Peace. Division of Intercours...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe land of Gilead...... excursions in the Lebanon Marrue......des orientales : rapports von Arabien : aus eigenen Constantine : region nord du Sahara The tragedy of Armenia : a brief study ......VIIe siècle In the clouds above Baghdad : being the records of an ......t hellige land : Ægypten og en ......sydlige Europa The scourge of Christendom : annals of Brit......giers prior to the French conques......s in Palesting & Syria La Syrie......nce en Algérie The Lebanon in turmoil : Syria and the powers in 1860 : book of the marvels of the time concerning the massacres in the Arab country Dictinnaire turc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLatin America The gestapo The military aerop...... raw materials The prospects of civilization The Treaty of's air power Palestine Japan The Jewish question The blockade, 1914-1919 : before the armistice--and...... justifiable ? The refugee question The life and growth of the British Empire...... Propaganda in international politics The dual policy The British empire The naval role in ......are Paying for the war The Danubian basin The arsenal of dem......ope Norway and the war Britain's blockade The Baltic Britain......licy Japan and the modern world L......ia An atlas of the war : 15 maps with explanatory text...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Sheffield Academic Press Publisher varies: London : T&T Clark International
- Related MaterialStudies in the Semiotics of Biblical Law Law and liminality in the Bible Midian, Moab, and Edom : the history and ar......xt and context : Old Testament ...... is it anyway? The psalms of the return (Book V......salms 107-150) The Psalms and their readers : interpretive s......s for Psalm 18 The making of the Pentateuch : a methodologic......tudy Retelling the Torah : the deuteronomisti......of sovereignty : A Story of Sto...... in Daniel 1-6 The persuasive appeal of the chronicler : a rhetorical analysis The Bible and the enlightenment : a case study (1737-1802) : the proceedings of the Bicentenary Geddes Conference...