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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This book analyzes the many threats t...... that exist in the 21st century and tries to understand how democracy ......onomic, social and political cris......uses on issues of oligarchy, tyr......talitarianism, and ochlocracy. It discusses how these forms of governance manifested themselves in ancient and medieval worlds, and how socio-econ......transitions in the 21st century h......ern democracy. The author discuss......transitions in the contemporary w......onal religious and family values ......uality, gender and transgender equality and liberation, and multiculturali......ransition from the traditional religious worldvi...
- Contents...hy, Democracy, and Tyranny in Perspective The Modern Transition Theoretical Framew......y Aristotelian Theory Feminist Theory The Comparative-Hi......ork Durkheimś Theory of Anomie and Social Devianc...... Introduction: The Origins of Democracy Humans in the Scientific State of Nature Democra......rations: Kings and Priests The Power of the Priests: Theocracy and the Divine Kingshi......istory Becomes the History of Kings and Conquests Part I: The Rich Against D......hy, Democracy, and Tyranny in the City-States of the Ancient World City-States of the Ancient World ......ek City-States of the Middle East Trade-Capital...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...note: 1. Light and Colour 1.1. Colour and Light 1.2. Colour and Energy 1.3. Li......5. Light Waves and Colour 1.6. Bl......Body Radiation and Incandescence 1.7. The Colour of Incandescent Objects ......ons 1.9. Lamps and Lasers 1.9.1. .......9.2. Emission and Absorption of Radiation 1.9.......s 1.9.4. Rates of Absorption and Emission 1.9.5......loration 1.13. The Interaction of Light with a M......16. Appearance and Transparency A......nitions, Units and Conversion Fac......ersion Factors and Energy A1.1.2.......with Radiation and Light Further Reading 2. Co...... to Refraction and Dispersion 2.1. Refraction and the Refractive Index of a Mat...
- Alternative TitleColor and the optical properties of materials
- Alternative TitleColor and the optical properties of materials
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The book is a compilation of the best and still-most-rel......overty & Race, the bimonthly of The Poverty & Race......l from 2006 to the present. Authors are some of the leading figures in a range of activities around these themes. It is the fourth such bo......published over the years, each wi......Luis Gutierrez of Chicago for this book. The chapters are o......ace & Poverty: The Structural Und......ucting Poverty and Racial Inequit......rging) Issues; and Civil Rights History.--From p...
- Framework / Andrew Grant-Thoma......m: Focusing on the Cause / Cliff ...... Indian Tribes and Structural Rac......uctural Racism and Rebuilding New......̀-vis Class in the U.S.? / john a......e: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City / W......s: Response to the Periodic Report of the United States to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrim......-Government in the United States ......Ira Katznelson The Importance of Targeted Unive......conscious Bias Matter? / Ralph Richa......ial Inequality and Our Multivariate World / Andrew Grant-Thoma...... Tax Aversion: The Legacy of Slavery / Robin Einhorn Tax A...
National Diet Library
- Contents...contents note: The Gathering Storm or Tame? Weathering the Storm Alternative and Renewable Energy The Bottom Line: The Need for Innov......ons References and Recommended Re......g Energy Types of Energy Measuri......ine Principles of Basic Electricity Nature of Electricity Structure of Matter Conductors, Semiconductors, and Insulators Sta......dies Coulomb's Law Electrostatic ......c Cell Primary and Secondary Cells Types of Batteries. Bat......entation Ohm's Law Electric Power...... Power Summary of Rules for Seri...... Analysis Kirchoff's Voltage Law Polarity of Voltage Drops Series Aiding and Opposing Sources Kirchoff's L...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMatter -- Constitution.
- Note (General)"Address, delivered on the Hill of Pnyx, Athens the 3rd June 1964." Translation of Das Naturgesetz und die Struk...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ainable fibres and textiles / Sub.......2. Principles of sustainability......Sustainability of textile indust......trends Sources of further information and advice Referen......Sustainability and selective bree...... Future trends and conclusion 3. ......ble production of bast fibres / .......2. Production of some important......fibres: status of fibre extracti......sing (spinning and weaving) of bast fibres, c......iversification and added value 3.......Sustainability of bast fibre in ......4. Conclusions and suggestions for further research for ......le development of bast fibres Further reading 4. Su......ion 4.2. Sheep and wool production trend in Indi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ailed overview of aspects related to the overall provis......rosene as part of the global civil a...... with a review of the current market......aviation fuels and airplanes and their demands, it then presents in-d......h descriptions of classical and especially new types of non-edible bio......eady available and those still un......ock materials, and present e.g. an overview of the current state of the art in the production of a liquid bioma......uel fulfilling the specifications......r kerosene. Further, given the growing interest of the aviation industry and airlines in biofuels for aviation, the experiences of an air-carrier...
- Contents...ground; 2 Past and Future Developments of the Global Air Tra......l Distribution of the Air Traffic; 2......rt Development and Bottlenecks; 2......s; 2.6 Outlook of Air Traffic De...... 3 Key Drivers and Technical Deve......s; 4 Potential of Fossil Kerosen......t Fuel; 4.4 Demand Development; 4......ene Properties and Specifications......4.5.1 Chemical Structure and General Proper...... Kerosene from Natural Gas; 4.7.2 Ker......tory Framework of Global Aviatio......Framework; 5.2 The Conception of Aviation Law. 5.3 Tasks and Responsibilities of Public and Private Instit......ganization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUR...
National Diet Library
- Contents...e Address by Professor J.N. Theodorakopoulos The search for the mind, by Lord Adrian The classics, by J.H. Finlay, Jr Natural law and the structure of matter, by W. Heisenberg Balance and unbalance in s......lius Intuition and abstraction in...... Yukawa Greece and the world, by I. Theodorakopoulos Biographies of the speakers.
- Note (General)Meeting organized by the Royal National Foundation, Athens.
- Alternative TitleThe Athens Meeting, 1964.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingMatter -- Constitution
- Subject Heading (ID)Matter -- Constitution
- Note (General)"English version by the author."
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Historically, the scientific proposing a theory, making a prediction of something not ......known, testing the prediction, and giving up the theory (or substan......t) if it fails the test. A theory that leads ......ely treated as the conventional method of achieving scie......ific progress, and was used throughout the twentieth century as the standard route to discovery and experimentatio...... it relates to the development of science throughout the last century. ......hilosophically and historically s......ific approach, and Brush blends the two in order t......ral cases from the history of modern physical an...
- Contents...: 1. Who Needs the Scientific Method? 1.1. The Rings of Uranus 1.2. Maxwell and Popper 1.3. Wh......1.4. Hierarchy and Demarcation 1.......eev's Periodic Law 1.7. Scientifi......mists: Benzene and Molecular Orbitals 1.8. The Unscientific (......essful) Method of Dirac and Einstein: Can ......iments to Test Theories? 1.9. Why...... Icarus? 1.10. The Plurality of Scientific Met...... by Historians of Science 2.1. W......eception? 2.2. The Copernican Hel...... 2.4. Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection 2.5. Bohr Model of the Atom 2.6. Conclusions and Generalization......ion-Testing in the Evaluation of Theories: A Con...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRandom sets : theory and applications L......Markov chains, and queueing model...... in combustion theory Parallel solution of partial differ......ions Diagnosis and prediction Par......lel processing of discrete problems Random media Membrane transport and renal physiolo......tial equations and scientific com......uclear, atomic and molecular phys......hastic control theory and applications Twist mappings and their studies : mathematical, computational, and statistical Essays on mathematical robotic......Robust control theory Radar and sonar Grid generation and adaptive algorithms Mathemati...
- Alternative TitleIMA volumes in mathematics and its applications
- Alternative TitleIMA volumes in mathematics and its applications
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : i......articular that of the air and water, ... : w......plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whic...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......ed treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromness Essa......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, Th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...795 -- Studies and monographs
- Related MaterialEssays on typology of Iranian langua......l pragmatics : the semantics of human interact......on Linguistics of the Himalayas and beyond Constit......Indo-European, and lexicographica......slav Zgusta on the occasion of his 70th birthday The New sound of Indo-European ......itive modeling and verbal semanti......between system and performance Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese : ......malist account The making of a language : the case of the idiom of Wilamowice, southern Poland Bilingualism and linguistic con......ient languages of the Balkans General and theoretical lingui......ment : probing the evolutionary model of languag...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLipid oxidation in food Natural organic matter and disinfection b......aracterization and control in dri......c chemistry Synthetic macromolecu......l order Understanding greenhouse ......o-sponsored by the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry and the Division of Microbial and Biochemical Technology at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemi......976 Mechanisms and synthetic methodologi......cosponsored by the ACS Divisions of Computers in Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry, and the U.S. National ......n Chemistry at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American......tional sources of dietary fiber ...... physiological and in vitro functional propertie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGeology and coal and oil resources of the Hanna and Carbon basins,......ounty, Wyoming The chief commercial granites of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island Results of spirit levelin......usive. Results of spirit levelin......ic development of the Klamath Mountains Formulas and tables for the construction of polyconic proj......ical abstracts The data of geochemistry The mercury minera......graphic tables and formulas Comparison of a wet and crucible-fire methods for the assay of gold telluride...... with notes on the errors occurring in the operations of fire assay and parting Portland cement materials and industry...
- Alternative TitleBulletin - United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
- Alternative TitleBulletin - United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe legal doctorines of the rule of law and the legal state (R......udicial review of legislation : ......parative study of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa Arbitration and contract law : common law perspectives C......nting Genocide The reality of human dignity in law and bioethics : co......How to measure the quality of judicial reasoning The threads of natural law : unravelling ......, convergence, and risk General principles of law : the role of the judiciary Climate change and the law Precedent in the United States ......urt Commercial law of the European Union The convergence of the fundamental rights protec...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... v. 44, pt. 1. The old geographer......ura Takeshiro, The crucifixion of the twenty six in 1597, Report of council for the year 1915
- Related MaterialConstitution and by-laws : list of members, list of exchanges, list of thirty-year subscribers and catalogue of transactions Materials for the study of private law in old Japan Shinto, engine of government . A......t meditation . The relationship of Japanese to the Ryukyu, Korean and altaic languages Helps to the study of ancient place Sarashina . The remolding of Gagaku under the Meiji Restoration . The Political role of Japanese intellectuals . The Non-church chr......ement in Japan The Heike monogata......i A Journal or the Perry expediti......owed by author and subject indexes, of papers appearing in the Trans...
- Alternative TitleTransaction of the Asiatic Society of Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...grant women in the nineteenth century The criminal law system of medieval and Renaissance Fl......diæval Switzerland French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public services of Daniel Dulany the elder Fashoda reconsidered : the impact of domestic : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation Go......ligious reform and the people of Cuenca, 1500-1650 A study of judicial administration in the state of Maryland South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia A spi......d resistance : the North American......r reference to the Southern States The financial...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe learning self : understanding the potential for course The invisible facu......ty : improving the status of part-timers assistance and developmental ......: implementing the scholarship of teaching Class......echniques : a handbook for colleg......ers Challenges of the faculty career......omen : success and sacrifice How do they know they know? : evalu......learning Women of influence, women of vision : a cro......rational study of leaders and social change The academic, research, and service Leader......sion making in the community coll......dents : understanding and improving the experien...
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass higher and adult education series
- Alternative TitleJossey-Bass higher and adult education series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe mentality of apes The child's conception of physical causa......ity Psychology and politics and other essays Foundations of geometry & Geometry in the sensible world and The logical problem of induction The meaning of meaning : a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism Biological memory The metaphysical foundations of modern physica......: a historical and critical essay......rary political theory Law and the social sciences The philosophy of 'As if' : a system of the theoretical, practical and religious fictions of mankind Specul......ys on humanism and the philosophy of art Philoso...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method