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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.In Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory: Religion, Revolution and the Role of the Intellectual, Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri bring together a co......xplore the lasting influence of the sociologist and revolutionary, Ali Shariati. Thought to be the most important intellectual behind the Iranian R...... essays engage in a future-orien......hariati's life and praxis, with clarify, expand, and apply his libe......tional Islamic thought to modern conditions. Making use of Shariati's writings on Shi'a Islam and western philos......want to understand the role that intellectuals, both religious an...
- Contents... Name : Social Sciences and the Humanities......d Spokesmen of Intellectual Deco......ion : Shariati in Dialogue with / Esmaeil Zeiny Ali Shariati'......s Sociology of Religion / Seyed Javad ......i Ali Shariati and Critical Theor......Negation / Dustin J. Byrd Ali Shariati and Ethical Humanism : Conceiving a Fanon According to Shariati /......g Leube Understanding Ali Shariati's Political Thought / Chandra Muzaffar The...... : Remembrance and Liberation / S......stion of Palestine : Making a Sacred Symbol for Uprising against Injustice and Domination / Mahdi A......ati on Islamic and Western Philosophy of Educati...
- Subject Heading...lī--Political and social views. ......ry. Sociology. Religion and sociology. Islam. Political and social views. .......02 philosophy and theory of sociology.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Revised and updated, this ...... comprehensive introduction to what the most thoughtful Americans have said about the American experience fro....... The book examines the political thought of the most important American statesmen, activists, and writers across era and ideologies, helping another gener......nts, scholars, and citizens to understand more fully the meaning of America. T......on of the book includes chapters......rical figures, including Walt Whitman, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Ronald Reagan,......ho was not prominent in public life wh......cant revisions and additions have......any of the original chapters, most notably on A...
- ContentsMachine generated con......1776) 1. John Winthrop, John Cotton, and Nathaniel Niles: The Basic Principles of Puritan Political Thought / Michael J. R......2. Thomas Hutchinson and James Otis on ......ty, Obedience, and Rebellion / Ho......rt 3. Thomas Paine: The American Radical / John......ansky 4. Benjamin Franklin: A Model American and an American Model / Steven......titutionalism, and Moderation: George Washington's Harmonizing of Traditions...... 6. John Adams and the Republic o......te Government, Religion, and Education: The...... The Political Science of James Madis......Zuckert 9. Alexander Hamilton on the Grand Strat...
- Subject HeadingPolitical science--United States--History. Political science. Politisches Denken United St...
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. The benevolent hand v. 2. Natural selection and divine election v. 3. Science and religion v. 4. Science, humanism and the scopes trial.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."A Companion to John Adams and John Quincy Adams presen......lection of original historiograp......ributed by leading historians th......s of the lives and politics of John and John Quincy Adams and their spouses, Abigail and Louisa Catherine."--Publisher's website.
- ContentsIntroduction: The......dams: The Life and the Biographer...... / R.B. Bernstein ; John Adams and Enlightenment ......1760-1775 / Colin Nicolson ; John Adams in the Continental Congress's Political Thought / David J. Sie......g ; John Adams and the Elections of 1796 and 1800 / David W......n ; John Adams and Religion / John Fea ; Abigail Adams and Feminism / Elaine Forman Crane ......dams: The Life and the Biographer......ration. John Quincy Adams: The L......fe, the Diary, and the Biographer......icher ; John Quincy Adams and National Republicanism / Andrew Shankman ; John Quincy Adams, Diplomacy, and American Empire / John M. Bel...
- Subject Heading... Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848. Presidents--Uni...
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. Introduction: Integrating the worlds of......ous experience in North America / Rosemary Skinner Keller and Rosemary Radfo......story of women and religion. Women and religion: methods of study and reflection / Rita M. Gross Religions and modern feminism / Ann Braude Gender and social roles / Susan Hill Lindley North American women interpret scriptu......annon Clarkson and Letty M. Russe...... religious imagination / Mary Fa......ethics, women, and religion / Marilyn J. L......tual biography and autobiography / Rosemary Skinner Keller pt. 2. Women in indigenous and African traditions. Native American creation stories / Laura Adam...
- Subject HeadingWomen and religion -- North America -- Encyclope...
- Author HeadingKeller, Rosemary Skinner. Ruether, Rosemary Radford...
National Diet Library
- ContentsAnthropology in Japan : a mode...... good practice in a global arena...... Joy Hendry Against "hybridity" ......apan dichotomy in the context of......itoshi Shimizu Thoughts on the relati......eory, methods, and the study of Uchi : some thoughts on the / D. P. Martinez Postmodern difference, and subjectivity /......ami Kuwayama Joint research a tradition in Japanese anthr......aki The discipline of context : ......gwick Japanese inns (Ryokan) and an Asian atmos......ese management and Japanese mirac......anese economic and religious orga...... 'De-Orientalising' rice? : the role of Chinese...
- Subject Heading...-- Social life and customs. Japan -- Foreign rel...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Includes information for teaching units on topics in the social sciences in various Asian cultures.
- ContentsI. Anthropology - China : Family organization in China / Myron L. Cohen Religion in a state society : China / Myron L. Cohen India : Religion in a state society : India / Lawrence ......lations : changing patterns in India / Doranne J......tratification, inequality, caste system : India / Owen M. Lynch Indonesia : family and kinship in Indonesia / John R. Bowen Islam in Indonesia : a case study of religion in society / John......owen Heirarchy and stratification......n : Urban life in Japan / Theodo...... Rural society in Japan : past and present / Will......ger The family in Japan / Stephe......h Korea : Changing gender relations : the Korea...
- Subject HeadingSocial sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- U......States. Social sciences -- Asia -- Ca......ia -- Politics and government -- Case studies. A...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingReligion and science -- History.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroductory Europe against Islam : Islam in Europe : the M......olitical Islam in Asia : a case ...... annals of the American Academy of political science / Marsot, Alain-Gérard A typol......lamic culture, in his Islamic life and thought : George Allen and unwin / Nasr, Seyyid Hossein Islamism : a d......O. Middle East and Iran. Disputing descent-based authority in the idiom of religion : the case of ......iele vom Islam and the search for identity in the Arab world, in John L. Esposi...... John J. Balancing state and society : the ......lamic movement in Kuwait, in Barry Rubin (ed.), Revolutionaries and reformers : contemporary Isla...
- Subject Heading...century. Islam and politics -- Islamic countries...
- Author HeadingRippin, Andrew, 1950-
National Diet Library
- ContentsTotalitarianism in the modern wor......society, by A. Inkeles The Protestant churches and totalitarianis......m as political religion, by W. Gurian ......ttitude toward science, by R. Bauer Wholeness and totality, a ps......ental controls and the impoverishment of thought, by E. Frenkel......, by M. Jahoda and S. W. Cook Science under Soviet t......otalitarianism and science, by G. de Sant......otalitarianism and history, by B.......itarian appeal and economic refor....... Nettl Cracks in the monolith: possibilities and patterns of disintegration in totalitarian s......otalitarianism and the future, by P. Kecskemeti ...
- Author HeadingAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences. Friedrich, Carl Joachim, 19...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ral, National, and World Unity Sc......row Pragmatism and the problem of......ea The duty of American women to suffered by American women and American children ; Josiah Nott and the question o......ddams's essays and speeches on Development and evolution : including orthoplasy, and the theory of ......etic modes Origins, the dialectic, and the critique o......he people Founding King's College A b......e amalgamation and the future American Assorted articles and essays The tar......ational issues in the kindergarten The slave trade and its remedy The science of tho...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingReligion and science -- United States -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Religion and science -- United States -- History
- Note (General)Reprint of the 1952 ed Bibliographic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStanford University publications, history, economics, and political science series
- Periodical TitleStanford University publications, history, economics, and political science series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Writing with elegance and clarity, Wende...... compassionate and compelling voice for our......e of political and cultural distrust and division, whether expounding the joys and wisdom of nonindustrial agriculture, relishing the pleasure of eating food produced......ou know, or giving voice to a ri......mpt for hollow innovation. He is......risis posed by industrialization and mass consumerism, and the vital role......of rural, sustainable farming in preserving the planet as......haracter. Now, in celebration of......erry's extraordinary six-decade-......nonfiction writings prepared in close the author. In this second volume, forty-fou...
- Contents.... Conservation and local economy ......; Christianity and the survival o......nomy, freedom, and community From......nk (1995). Farming and the global economy ; Conserving forest commun......e: an essay against modern super......ce ; Reduction and religion ; Reduction and art ; A conver...... a change of standards ; Some notes in conclusion Fro......n's response ; Thoughts in the presence o......ilure of war ; In distrust of mo......economy ; Two minds ; The whole ......The agrarian standard ; Conservationist and agrarian From ......s. form ; Renewing husbandry ; The burden......omics From Imagination in place (2010). Imagina...
- Subject HeadingAmerican essays. Authors, American--Political and social views. Nature and civilization.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Imagine the planet, a......stance of time and space, as a ga...... it--with the kind of objectivit......o are enmeshed in our history, can't attain. The Oxford Il...... history. It brings together som......he world's leading historians, u...... of Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, to ......nvulsions; the interplay of ideas (good and bad); the cultural phases and exchanges; the collisions and collaborations in politics; the ......ions of states and empires; the unlocking of energy; th......ts, conflicts, and contagions tha......tributed to making the world we now inhabit.
- Contents... ice: the peopling of the world and the beginnings of cultural ...... the emergence and spread of an Gamble The mind in the ice: art and thought before agricul......Part 2. Of mud and metal: diverge......CE-c.1,000 BCE Into a warming world / Martin Jones The farm......mpires: climax and crises in agrarian states and cities / Felip...... / John Brooke Intellectual trad......s: philosophy, science, religion, and the arts, 500 ......Growth: social and political orga......sal: expansion and innovation amid plague and cold from the ...... to the early nineteenth centuries CE A converging world: economic and ecologic...
- Author HeadingFernández-Armesto, Felipe
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Accompanied by printed guide with ......tle: Pamphlets in American history : a bibliographic gui...
- Related Material...sical vigor of American women Woman's, 1916 Women in trade unions in the United States The American Civil Liberties Union today and tomorrow Dear ......[letter concerning the drafting of 18- and 19-year olds] ......blem has been handed to you! : a ......ical prisoners in federal of teachers and students : aca......statement of principles governing freedom for teacher and students in public and private schools and colleges The a......Declaration of independence, Jul......1965. -- The principles for which the American Revolution was......en City Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb......uary 22, 1904 Minority parties on the ballot : ...
- Author HeadingMicrofilming Corporation of America
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......luids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d......ques : ou sont inserées les The anatomy and philosophy of ......x Memoir, containing an abridged t......he cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus d......he philosopher and the hope of th......eschichte von einigen Liebhabern......Wissenschaften Introduction a l'......en age Les origines de la statique The foot-pri...
National Diet Library
- ContentsOf the interchangeable c......r Variety of things in the whole worl......xercices, containing eight treatis...... are set downe in the next printed page by Tho......eatise, concerning the causes of...... magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes......d drawne according to the … best......commerce, wherein the universal manner and matter of trad......compendiously handed by Lewes Rob......iracles by Martin Lluelyn Bloudy...... from the East-Indies A memento for Holland The humble petition and remonstrance o......osmographical, and geographical d......owth, quality, and vertues of the......ns of quality, and the good of the nation in gen...
- Note (General)Reprint
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Macat International
- Related Material...topher R. Browning's Ordinary men : Reser...... Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland An analysis of....... Kotter's Leading change An ana......otestant ethic and the spirit of ......ysis of Carlo Ginzburg's the Nig......s : witchcraft and agrarian cults in the 16th anf [i. e. and] 17th centurie......uences : comparing values, behaviors, institutes and organizations ......nalysis of Virginia Woolf's a Ro......nalysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in general linguistics An ana......Levitt's Marketing myopia An ana......dy of the changing American character An a......s of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger's Situated lea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...: a case study in three parts differences in the Soviet disturbance and juvenile delinquency The stumbling block : a soc......eligious norms and drinking behavior The Mandarins : the circulation of elites in China, 1600-1900 The social origins and career lines of three generations of American business leaders Social structure and the German Ref......mation Popular interest in psychiatric re......dies : a study in social control Observability in school systems......: a problem of inter-system integration Urban influence on farm......n's role types and paradigm of de......e effect of training in social research on the ...
- Author HeadingZuckerman, Harriet Merton, Robert King