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National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingIncome -- Western Australia.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ogy in general and to literature ......n to adopt SRI and examining SRI'......t on household income and yield. The stu......e productivity and food security.......ected detailed and extensive hous......rgest producer and consumer, Indi......olution period and with the help high water and fertiliser use...... of stagnation and concomitant en......o salinisation and waterlogging industrial and urban needs. A......ed using less land, less water and fewer addition......t requirements and causing less h...... enhance yield and substantially reduce water and other input re......t, soil, water and nutrient management practices...
- Contents...ea, Production and Yield of Rice-Selected States District-Wise......ogies Adoption and Impact of Impr......rinciples Pros and Cons of SRI In......SRI Key Actors and the Role of In......curity Mission and SRI NFSM-Rice ......f SRI Adoption and Socio-economic......Household Farm Income and Cost of Cultiv......egion 7. Depth and Intensity of S......n of Variables Estimation Results and Discussion Des......tistics Status and Intensity of S......s of Acres of Land Under SRI) Information and the Intensity ......s of Acres of Land Under SRI) Status and Depth of SRI Information and the Depth of Adoption (in Ter...
- Subject Heading...a. Agriculture and state--India. TECHNO......ce Agriculture and state. Rice--Planting. India.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWest Bengal (State). State Statistical Bureau
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- Subject Heading...dren -- United States -- -- United States -- Statistics......veys -- United States
- Subject Heading (ID)...dren -- United States -- -- United States -- Statistics......veys -- United States
- Related MaterialDHEW publication Vital and health statistics
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....remature death and disease can be...... environments--and to a significa......-disease nexus and the devastatin......mental hazards and risks on globa......n 130 diseases and injuries. The deaths (and 26% of deaths ......ental factors--and therefore can ......ase, diarrhoea and cancers head t...... People in low-income countries bear...... better understand the transforma......ed by Heads of State in September 2015. The result...
- ContentsAcronyms and abbreviations ......ase Infectious and parasitic Infectious and parasitic Hepatitis B and C Tuberculosis......her infectious and parasitic diseases Neonatal and nutritional co......l, behavioural and neurological d......ent Overweight and obesity Fires, heat and hot substances......he environment and demographics G......sis by disease and population differences Regional and country differ......onment, health and the Sustainabl......oals Strengths and weaknesses of ...... 1. WHO Member States and country groupings by income region Annex 2......information on estimation of PAFs for selected diseases...
- Note (General)...06 publication and presents the l......-disease links and their devastating impact on g...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....e in the world and many more atte......s of the world and throughout the......'s populations and is highly prev......y marginalized and discriminated ...... occur in low- and middle-income countries where resources and services, if t......e often scarce and limited for ea......ion, treatment and support of peo......striking facts and the lack of im......on of its kind and brings togethe......nce of suicide and suicide attempts and to make suicid......s to encourage and support countr......ion to develop and strengthen surveillance and to provide and disseminate da......heir resources and existing suici......evidence-based and low-cost interventions that a...
- Contents...ogy of suicide and suicide attemp...... attempts Risk and protective factors, and related interv...... Health system and societal risk ......tors Community and relationship r...... What is known and what has been ......ound the world and perspectives f......ional strategy and why is it usef......tegy? The cost and can be done and who needs to b......imated numbers and rates of suicide by sex and age, 2000 and 2012 Annex 2. WHO Member States grouped by WHO Region and average income per capita.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ur recruitment and policy, both in India and in the Gulf Co......Gulf countries and brings togethe......igrants across states in India.
- Contents...omony, society and policy / K.N. Harilal and C. S. Akhil re......: questions of income, neoliberal subjectivity and oikonomia / Sh...... Arab Emirates and Qatar / S. Irudaya Rajan and Arya Suresh challenges and opportunities T. Malit Jr and Ismail H. Genc Working and living conditi...... Kien Trung Le and Michael C. Ewe...... Irudaya Rajan and Ganesh Seshan ......ration control and labour market ...... Irudaya Rajan and Jolin Joseph T......len Emigration and remittances: r....... C. Zachariah and S Irudaya Raja......ntested urban landscapes: develop......y resettlement and state violence in Kochi, Kera...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...population for states, counties, and minor civil di......ons, for urban and rural areas, f......tan districts, and for census tra......ts Cows milked and dairy products......airy products, and number of cows......s of livestock and livestock products, for the states and for the United States Employment and family charact......, 14 years old and over : charact...... institutions, and in institution......nt, defective, and dependent Cros......arms reporting and acreage by pla......of enumeration and by location of......for the United States, 1940 and 1935 Character......ulk statistics and distributing t......inals Uses of land, principal crops and classes ...
- Author HeadingUnited States. Bureau of the Census
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related openness and economic growt......ctoring social and cultural dimen......ions into food and livelihood sec......tudy of Kerala State, India Develop......, market power and scale efficien......Socio-economic and demographic co......apital inflows and the real excha...... mass literacy and primary school......s : the growth and changing compo......ctor of Kerala State, India The, sanitation and hygiene educat......e implications and search for alt......ves Stagnation and revival of Ker......onomic reforms and technical effi...... security in a regional perspective : ......ala emigration and unemployment Home away from h...
- Author HeadingCentre for Development Studies (Trivandrum, India)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe simple economics of land reform : the e......sation process and income distribution perspective and a test of mora......tural growth, landlessness, off-f......rm employment, and rural poverty ...... labor markets Income, time, the working mother and child nutritur......l disturbances and the employment, income distribution and consumption : ......g industries : estimation and analysis A note on "income inequality and economic growt......he Philippines and Thailand : 1900-1935 Th...... capital flows and internal and external balan...... of individual and household migr......lated products and the elasticity of export supp...
- Author HeadingUniversity of the Philippines. Institute of Economic Development and Research
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- Note (General)...ic Development and Research, and the Institute's name remained...
- Related Material...nes : monetary and exchange rate ......tries : issues and practices Special and differential t......ity, politics, and poverty reduci......of both tenant and landlord : a Philip......l institutions and nonfinancial c......Consumption or income taxation for t......ultural credit and policy analysi......solving linear and convex quadrat......onics industry and local supplier...... externalities and the theory of ......onetary policy and economic activity in a low-income country : an preferences and housing prices......ism in Bulacan and Davao del Nort......l expectations and the household demand for money On how to measure p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)英語版発行者: Bank of Japan. Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies
- Related Material...of methodology and empirical appl......r of inflation and a dynamic exte......price analysis and risk managemen......bonds Monetary and fiscal policy ......licopter drops and Japan's liquid......c performance, and the exchange r......change netting and systemic risk ......ary neutrality and contemporary p......o-market (PTM) and the internatio......ial repression and capital mobili...... capital flows and covered intere......データによる推計 Money and debt in the st......oral economics and labor market/m...... exchange rate and China's stabil......vel production and prices in the U.S. and Japan Inflatio......処理)を踏まえて Aging and household stockholdings : evi...
- Alternative Title...e for monetary and economic studies discussion p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPatterns of employment before and after childbirth : United States Design of sam......g organizaiton and multiple coverage, United States, July 1962-Ju......for the United States Health promotion and disease prevention : United States 1990 Basic da...... sites, United States, 1980 Health ......icans : United States, 1992 Decayed, missing, and filled teeth a......ildren, United States Working women and childbearing, United States Surgical ster...... in the United States : prevalence and characteristic......ures in France and the United States, 1950-78 Design and operation of t......003 : programs and collection procedures Common ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialViews on income differentials and the economic s......ty expenditure and finance Small-......ndustry in Ireland Self-employment and the unemployed......istribution of income in Ireland, 1938-70 The I......owards poverty and related social issues in Ireland Displacement and development : ......lass, kinship, and social change ...... prices in Ireland in the seventi......ring affective and cognitive management, and prospects for ......n flows in Ireland and their determin......e Irish cattle and beef industrie......loyment in Ireland, 1954-1972 of personal income estimation by county The financing of th...
- Author HeadingEconomic Research Institute (Ireland)
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ole of markets and ownership in t......f 1992 Imports and economic growth Employment and growth : issue......conomic theory and measurement Pr......Hyperinflation and stabilization ......ct Preferences and democracy : Vi......ital, savings, and growth : an in......tribution-free estimation technique for ......he Competitive state : Villa Colomb...... studies on demand, forecasting, money, and income Government and markets : esta......tutional order and a market econo...... philosophical and economic issue......oward 2001 Law and economics and the economics ......EC, after 1992 Regional price formatio......urope : theory and practice of trade pricing Eco...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe military and political powe......70s Micronesia and U.S. Pacific s......980s Education and the mass media......e Soviet Union and Eastern Europe......CPSU relations and the challenge ......olicy analysis and forecasting De......ns, prevention and punishment : a......ts: capability and context : pape......olicy critique and guide for deve......nce : domestic and foreign dimensions Nonstate nations in int......ividual rights and the State in foreign aff......Nordic Council and Scandinavian integra......rience in 1967 and 1973 Public op......s, technology, and income distribution development and political change Financing ur...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...tions research and mathematical e......tions research and mathematical systems. <BA0380...
- Related, knowledge, and structures Met......ontrol systems and mathematical m......terdependence, and optimal programming and goal programming : theories and applications economics and the allocation......e behavior of tandem queues Aggre......tigkeit Theory and estimation of macroeconom......g Optimization and operations res......autoregressive and non-stationary...... Computability and decidability :......ed methodology and techniques of ......ision analysis and support : proc...... in Serock, Poland, September 9-1......ynamic pricing and automated reso......ement learning and combinatorial auctions Specif...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...l of Economics and Osaka School of International...
- Related Material...価分析 Ricardo on income tax : a note An estimation of the investm......evidence on demand system and optimal commod...... cointegration and VEC analysis 中 investments and transfer prici......ion into banks and its welfare im......ase of Hungary and Bulgaria A rec......erse selection and the pyramid Th......」職員 Invariance and uniqueness of ......Skill transfer and economic growt......ebt neutrality and equivalence with tax finance Estimation of the common and country-specif......icient lending and a new aspect Ricardo and J.S. Mill on income tax An optimal......ance, increase and decrease : a generalization a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...きいデータの検出法とその応用 Estimation of persistence......ials in the demand for health pattern and perceived inner states Beveridge curve and regional mobilities of ......entations Mere and specific knowl......der referendum and representative......opping problem and the optimal pr......t transitivity and additivity B-ス......perfect recall and solution innovations and experiments in......ket structures and external expos......trol for voice and data traffic i......mong the youth and their risky he......on psychology" and endogenous pri......ts Non-uniform and comprehensive ......arm employment and infrastructure on agricultura...