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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... literature on the efficacy and implementation of CLIL, there re......tween CLIL and English Language Teaching (ELT). Many pr......are focused on English as a Foreign L......s by examining the experiences of various CLIL p......actitioners in the EFL context of Japan. Chapters outline the CLIL methodology, the differences in ......ect led) and 'soft CLIL' ( focusing on the EFL interpretations of soft-CLIL. Although the distinction of hard CLIL and soft CLIL has been......tions, this is the first book-length exploration of this issue, fe......lassrooms. All of this culminates in a review of the potential and future of C...
- ContentsIntroduction: CLIL in Japan: The case for Soft CLIL in the EFL context / (......nceptualising Soft CLIL / (Makot......Ikeda) Meeting the challenges of realising Soft CLIL in EFL c......ncept centred Soft CLIL: Uncover......motivation in Soft CLIL Assessing Soft CLIL / (Yoshinori Watanabe) The potential of Soft CLIL in the light of the diffusion of innovation the......: Implications of and challenges......or practicing Soft CLIL and a Information Class...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers--Research--...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Looking at both English Medium Instruc......volume bridges the gap between the two contexts by offering various and current teaching practices in internationalise...
- ContentsCover Half Title Series Title Copyrigh......t and language teaching in higher education 1 The multimodal turn......d classrooms 2 English-medium Spanish and English-medium instruc......ine lectures 5 The role of multimodal': Exploring the effectiveness of non-linguistic......iotizing in an English for academic p......presentations: Teaching multimodal aca......c literacy and the role of organizational......pragmatics for the Integration of Content and La......l composing in the teaching of English for business c......based analysis of student-author......luding chapter The wood and the trees: Evaluating...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... for enhancing the teaching process, focusing on teacher ...
- Contents...chers Speak on the Certification P......y, Amy J. Good The Role of Inquiry in Tea...... Learning from the National Board ......e Leveraging Professional Develo......ation Teachers Teaching within Respons......Frameworks : Professional Develo...... Mathematics Professional Develo......Meta-Synthesis of WBT and Active......ork to Enhance Teaching Quality and Teaching Effectiveness: A Professional Develo......and Challenges of a Situated Professional Teachers in the Age of Equity and Between Professional Develo......ri Cearley-Key Teaching with Primary S...... Moving from Professional Development to a Mode...
- Subject Heading...hers--Training of--United States. Effective teaching--United States.
National Diet Library
- Contentsch. 1. Social equity literacy teaching matters Social......quity literacy teaching : what teacher......mitment Seeing the responsibility ......quity literacy teaching ch. 2. Differe......ics don't tell the whole story The nuances of how poverty an......Brown v. Board of Education Resp......anding capital Offsetting negati......and holidays : the complexity and relevance of culture The complexity and relevance of culture Unders......aradized forms of English ch. 5. From sp......s to hip-hop : teaching in the third space third-space teaching through components of third-space teaching Using unofficial literacies t...
- Title HeadingLanguage and literacy series (New York, N.Y.)
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Discourses of Southeast Asia presents the latest Southeas......s and texts in the context of Southeast Asia......olume examines the ideational, int......tafunctions in the domains of education, med......research and professional practi......chapters study the 'native languages of Southeast Asia......outheast Asia: English and Mandarin. The chapters analyze a variety of texts, namely ......olume captures the exciting and productive state of the art of SFL in Southea......ia. It will be of particular int...... to understand the application of SFL in this region.
- Contents...n translations of Animal Farm 4. The recreation of Pock-Mark Liu ......d Wang Lifa in English translations of Teahouse 5. PR......genre analysis of Vietnamese EFL......d approach for teaching English for Tourism in Thailand 11. The role of L1 in L2 teaching: The R2L bilingual p......oreigners, and Englishes: Communicati......s in media 13. The schematic structure of native and non-native English advertisements......ITUDE analysis of graduate emplo......ysias GE14 16. The language strategies of depression-vul......ral Process in English and Vietnamese 20. Logico-sem...
- Related MaterialThe M.A.K. Halliday library functional linguistics series
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents... Literature in English language teaching in Japan Yoshi......ter university English grammar Nobuo ......ada 著 Theories of learning Alex ......t contexts and English teaching Isao Hashimoto......e from between the lines Shigeo Ki......hi 著 Functions of I mean in The Catcher in the rye Nobuyoshi M...... 著 Introducing the quick response ...... Effectiveness of implementing M......enrich college English learning Takaa......matic analysis of conversation c......g activity for the EFL classroom t......ugh comparison of the working of metaphor between an English poem and a Jap......hl write Danny the champion of the world? Hirofum...
- Related MaterialIntercultural Research Institute monograph series
- Periodical TitleIntercultural Research Institute monograph series
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Offers texts and activities for teaching about the incarceration of Japanese Ameri...... film versions of Farewell to Manzanar."--Provi...
- Contents...ll to Manzanar Teaching Farewell to Manzanar on Scree...
- Subject Heading...945--Study and teaching (Secondary) Ja......ure--Study and teaching (Secondary) Ja......Literature and the war.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe infinite meanin...... number 276) ; The Sutra expounded by the Buddha on practice of the way through contemplation of the Bodhisattva all......oseph M. Logan The commentary on the Lotus Sutra ( A guide to the Tiantai fourfold teachings (Taishō volume 46, number 19...
- Title HeadingTripiṭaka. Sūtrapiṭaka. Amitārthasūtra. English.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....n a wide range of contexts. It d...... understanding of the processes of adopting inter...... approaches to the development and teaching of liberal arts c...... and practices of liberal arts e......te core values of liberal arts education.
- Contents... development 2 The core curriculum: An analysis of liberal arts c......hip education: The case of Flame Universi......ate key values of liberal arts a...... 5 Theme-based teaching and interdisci......erdam College, the Netherlands 6 T...... approaches to the development of intercultural ......-Korean Case 7 The role of English language teaching for liberal ar......ucation in non-English speaking count......ical thinking: The impact of intergroup dia...... and practices of diversity and ...... and practices of diversity and ...... gender needs: The case of Asian Universi......eling program: The case of Handong Global Univers...
- Related MaterialSpringer education innovation book series
National Diet Library
- Contents"Canaries in the coalmine": inte......ll "Lightening the load": teaching in English, learning in English / Jude Carroll......som Writing in the international c......roll Improving teaching and learning p......ationalisation of curriculum: an......ationalisation of the curriculum: teaching and learning /......uate research: the benefits for in......, and students of working across......rning: sharing the message on teaching International ......d Jude Carroll The student experience: challenges...
- Subject HeadingStudents, Foreign -- English-speaking count......l education -- English-speaking countries. College teaching -- English-speaking countries.
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- as teachers of reading: chall...... to reading in the disciplines Pro......ion Broadening the curriculum with......xts Supporting English learners with inquiry to the classroom: dilemmas for new te...
- Subject -- Training of. Apprenticeship programs.
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...tural exchange The past,present,and future of English language educa......sity's college of international ......on Hollowell 著 Teaching Japanese at Be......ting belonging:the Brazilian families in a transn...
- Related MaterialInstitute of International Relations series
- Periodical TitleInstitute of International Relations series
National Diet Library
- Contents...olicy problem" The time has come: histories of Asia literacy The concept of tianxia and it...... discourses on the west Learning Asia: in search of a new narrativ......ial learning Professional standa...... and ethics in teaching Asia literacy China's English: lessons for Asia literacy The feasibility of implementing c......icular studies of Asia Asia and the autobiographica...... education and the Asian priority:......e-theorisation of Asia, communit......nd three modes of imagining Asia: a critical.
- Subject HeadingAsia--Study and teaching. Cultural competence. Educati...
- Title HeadingRoutledge series on schools and schooling in A...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe development of Asian American......can studies in the 1980s (1981) As......rican studies, the humanities, and......ospectus for a series, "Asian Americ......for a Bachelor of Arts degree, University of California, Sa......e education at the University of California, Be......ed approach to teaching verbal skills to limited English proficiency (LEP) s......bservations on teaching verbal skills ......ents (1982) On the ethnic studies ...... you ready for the twenty-first ce......ury? (1991) My teaching philosophy ( faculty and the structure of power in Ameri......subversion and the art of resistance (2001) Whith...
- Subject HeadingAsian Americans -- Study and teaching (Higher) College teaching -- United States. Curriculum ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book focuses on the significance of cultural sensi......e students and the importance of communication to increase the overall educati......iculum design, teaching models, and critical pedagogi...
- Contents...s : Respecting the Intricacies of Student Diversity in the Classroom / Don......vey Hinton III The Homeostatic Cla......omery Dynamics of Culture and Cu......Implementation of a Partnership ......rm High School English Instruction / ......ies : Analysis of Services for I......ra Karbach Are Teaching Practices Suit......le for Classes of Six-Year-Old C...... Vocabulary at the Secondary Level......nsnationally : The Reunification of Migrant Famili...... teachers with the tools to provid......udents through the Strengthening of University-Com......Narratives : A Teaching Model for Cros......mmunication in the Experiential Humanities / Dane...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Pjls common teaching method スティーブン・......メソッドの開拓 辰己明子 A teaching method for all......cial media and the socratic method in the English language classroom to promote...
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)Language and languages--Study and teaching
- Alternative TitleFrontier of foreign language teaching methods
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This book offers a comprehe......ough all forms of outbound establishes the benefits, diffi......s, and rewards of building a framework to suppo...
- Contents...ard Mobility : The Data Sources an......: Trends Among the Indigenous Pale......road as a Rite of Passage : Impa......: Lessons from the University of California, Ri......its and Issues of Short-Term Stu......: A Case Study of Hong Kong High......ty Programs in the Asian Century /......s' Development of Pluralistic Ou......Martina von Imhoff, Rikke Ilona ......y in China and the UK Through a Education : The Development of an Internation......, B.J. Spencer The New Zealand / Charles Mpofu International......Gina R Vizvary Teaching Practicums Abr......d : Increasing the Professionalization of Preserv...
National Diet Library
- agendas for teaching Chinese, Japan......n Japanese and English language ability of students at su......ese schools in the United States /......bata Measuring the Japanese proficiency of heritage langu......itage learners of Korean: senten......ctional needs: the case of postsecondary ...... William H. Yu The affective needs of limited proficiency heritag......young learners of Japanese as a ......itage learners of Chinese / De Zhang and Niki D...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Title HeadingESL and applied linguistics professional series.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This volume offers comprehensive 'state-of-the-art' overviews of educational po......ies concerning the teaching of English in a large number of Asian countrie......ear assessment of current polici...... a description of the English education policies in the respective countries, the contributors then delve into the 'nuts and bolts' of the English education practice in the education schools, in the curriculum, and in teaching. Topics covered include the balance between the acquisition of English and the national langua......then or weaken the learning of English.
- ContentsIntroduction: The Challenges for English Education Poli......balization and English Language Sprea...... 4 Politics; 5 Official Language......; 7.2 Language Teaching and Teacher Professional Develo......ELT Projects13 English Teacher Professionalism; 14 The National Assess...... Schooling and the Private Market;......s; References; English Language Educa......on Policies in the People's Republic of China; 1 Intro......Discussions on English Language Policy; 3 English Language Educa......3.1 Russian as the Main Foreign La......e 1950s; 3.1.1 Official and Popular Views of English and Major Developments in English Language Education 3.1.2 Teac...
- Subject HeadingEnglish language--Study and teaching--Asia. Language policy--Asia....
National Diet Library
- ContentsBrain and evolution Effects of Ischemia on sp...... Utsuki 著 Loss of remembering in......fter damage to the prefrontal cort......eralization in the common marmoset......lock diffusion of foraging skills in the large-billed cr......tive processes of verbal reporting on the choice blindnes......ion trajectory of moving dots an......ce association of group-members ......nabe 著 What is the difference betw......pment Etiology of factor structure in the Kaufman assessm......ants' learning of word-object re......rd learning in English speaking child......otaro Kita 著 Proficient foreign-......著 An extension of the iterated omega-rule Ryota...