Search results 23
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingArab countries -- Foreign relations -- Germany. Germany -- Foreign relations -- Arab countries.
- Note (General)Originally published as III Rzesza i arabski Wschód. Warsaw, Ksiazka; W...
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- Alternative TitleIII Rzesza i arabski Wscho d
- Alternative TitleIII Rzesza i arabski Wscho d
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- Related Material... Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland An analysis of......of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capi......rlo Ginzburg's the Night battles : witchcraft and agrarian cults in the 16th anf [i. e. and] 17th, institutes and organizations ......sis of Plato's the Republic An an......lysis of Ferdinand de Saussure's ......An analysis of Theodore Levitt's ......avid Riesman's the Lonely crowd : a study of the changing Ameri......s of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger......ed W. Crosby's the Columbian exch......e : biological and cultural conse......ues Rousseau's The social contract An analysis o...
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- Related MaterialThe land of Gilead, wit...... excursions in the Lebanon Marrue......eise nach Innerarabien, Kurdistan ......schreibung von Arabien : aus eigen......tungen und im Lande selbst gesamm......nord du Sahara The tragedy of Arm...... a brief study and interpretation......VIIe siècle In the clouds above Baghdad : being the records of an air commander Documents su......i det hellige land : Ægypten og e......sydlige Europa The scourge of Chr......giers prior to the French conques......nce en Algérie The Lebanon in turmoil : Syria and the powers in 1860 : book of the marvels of the time concerning the massacres in the Arab country Dictinnaire turc...
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- Related MaterialThe persistence of......n liberalism : the politics of so......ain, 1870-1900 The entangling alliance : the United States and European security, 1950-1993 The silent Holocaust : Romania and its Jews Town origins and development in early England, c.400-950 A.D......rnational law, and the Cold War The Oder-Neisse line : the United States, Poland, and Germany in the Cold War Germany and the Union of South Africa in the Nazi period Pa......ion, politics, and philosophie : ......rissot Victims and survivors : di......placed persons and other war victims i......Nam, 1954-1975 The Jews of medieval France : the community of Champagne Philad...
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- Related MaterialMarginal Prynne, 1600-1669 The language of politics in the age of Wilkes and Burke The Elizabethan mi......nist Salisbury and the Mediterranean,......n Conservatism and social reform Chamberlain and Liberal reunion : the Round Table Co...... Morley, Minto and non-interference in Tibet The English militia in the eighteenth century : the story of a pol......ists, liberals and labour : the struggle for L......don, 1885-1914 The Third Reich and the Arab East Women's suffrage and party politics......ain, 1866-1914 The English face o......dinge, McMahon and the Simla Conference Gladstone and Kruger : liberal government a...
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- Note (General)...phs, articles, and serials in Russian and other languages, co......ics devoted to the history of Cen......n, archaeology and ethnology,, literature and linguistics, t......avels, botany, and zoology Texts ......French, German and Latin Printed ......hor/title list and index
- Related oase Turfan The journal of the Royal Asiatic ...... Great Britain and Ireland Alexandri Lehmann reli......nnual economic and social develop......kestan down to the Mongol le nom du grand Tamerlan, empe......воеваніе Ирана арабами : съ указан......сальныхъ Ирану арабовъ и съ прилож......enth report of the mission of the United Brethre......ravians) among the Tibetan Buddhi......ahoul, Kunawur and Ladak, western......ed in India in the years 1882 to ......nthropological and ethnographical sketch of these countries Hi......ra, Khiva, Khoqand) depuis les de......ка Нарѣчія бессарабскихъ гагаузовъ = Mundarten de...
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- Note (General)English title: Handbook of Orienta......Title on cover and spine of 2nd impression with ...
- Related MaterialChinese popular prints The emperors of modern Japan The arts of Nepal Arabic oration : art and function The men who govern...... dictionary of the Qin, former Han and Xin periods Se......rung Literatur Arabische Chronologie ; Arabische Papyrusku...... Historical syntheses Tribal populations and cultures of the Indian subcontinent The Mishnah : reli...... perspectives Handbook of Christianity in China Arabische Dialektge......nthropology of the Middle East : a bibliography The economic and administrative......ecture : forms and typologies, sites and monuments 934-722 v. Chr Art and archaeology of......tan : its fall and survival : a multi-disciplina...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of Oriental studies HdO Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies : HdO
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- Related MaterialThe Birth of Solidarity : the Gdańsk negotia...... 1980 Britain, the United States and the Mediterranean War, 1942-44 The Wehrmacht and German rearmament The Birth of Solidarity : the Gdansk negotia......ions, 1980 Oil and the Arab-Israeli confli......48-63 Japan in the Victorian mind......ood insecurity and the social divisio......nzania 1919-85 The writer's Bulgakov's 'The master and Margarita' Jap......iance politics and defence produc......entina between the great powers, 1939-46 The politics of in......7 : a study of the war-industries......ees Studies in Arab history : the Antonius lectures, 1978-87 The Communist International in Ce...
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- Related Material...proceedings of the International ......) organized by the Katholieke Uni......n Catalogue of the Greek inscriptions in the Sudan National......toum Greek) On the skirts of Canaan in the Iron Age : historical and topographical researches The Temple of Shanhûr Tribes and territories in transition : the central east Jordan valley in the late Bronze age and early Iron age : a study of the sources Egypt ......proceedings of the international ......ce, "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic......Civil calendar and lunar calendar......gypt Hawara in the Graeco-Roman period : life and death in a Fayum village Aest...
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- Related MaterialThe Spanish Armada The paper trail : ......e 1945 Denying the Holocaust : the growing assault on truth and memory The prime minister : the office and its holders si......o independence and division The Doughboys : America and the First World Wa...... Battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland The price of glory : Verdun 1916 The Mediterranean in the ancient world ......story of power The first day on the Somme : 1 July 1916 The command of the ocean : a nava......15 Farewell to the horse : the final century ......Byzantium Scotland's empire, 1600-1815 The trial of the cannibal dog :......aptain Cook in the South Seas Hero of the Empire...
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- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......rld A pastoral and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......versus Ricardo and Sraffa A histo......Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Governing......ce, technology and medicine : an ......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of ve......t : its nature and conditions : Max Weber and masculine thin......tory framework and social dynamic......hall's mission The psychology of ......ervatism Women and their work Blake and the new ...
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- Related schools You and music Object-o......tology : a new theory of everything Anxiety and neurosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......f politics England in the seventeenth ce......tury Apes, men and language A his......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and growth of mode...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab reader : a doc......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating repub...... an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East ...
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- Related MaterialThe beekeeper's ap......entice, or, On the segregation of the queen The new how to adv......fe of Spinoza Other lives Lingeri......xicon of style The Rush Limbaugh ......creen Nasser : the last Arab A life of Matthew Arnold The magnificent se......udyard Kipling The numbers game :...... Into my own : the remarkable people and events that sh......ed women : sex and power in pre-c......ood Skating on the edge Yvonne : ......raphy Jordan : the man, his words...... confinement : the investigations......Miss Dido Kent The Koreans : who they are, what they want, where their future lies Under the loving care of the fatherly leader : North Korea...
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- Related Material...montov's verse and prose Kedang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Indonesian ......5 : a study of the Ottoman polici......ued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial con......quences during the period 1870-18......cheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflec......l tradition in the poetic Khon-Ngan : the growing divide...... literature in the Soviet Union 1......of measurement and associated dis......nited Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rappr...
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
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- Related MaterialThe Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspi......ubversion from the Revolution to the present The madwoman can't......n socialism in the United States ......eaning, truth, and reference in h......representation The North Korean r......uality, state, and civil society ...... between faith and reason : the death and return of God ......hting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court, and free speech Lo......scaling cities and migrants The university and military resea......T. Machines as the measure of men......e, technology, and ideologies of ......n dominance In the circle of the dance : notes ......s : literature and cultural identity in the Unit...
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- Related MaterialReport for the year ... Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department Report of the Committee on the Provision for Social and Economic Resea......tions et recommandations adoptés ......ft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference ... Report of the Standing Committee r......ools Report of the Standing Committee, rods, wire and tubes National......ce : Report of the National Healt......ents) Board to the National Healt......oint Committee and to the Irish acts, 1919 and 1920 : report ......e appointed by the standing committee o......usts Report on the trade in imports and exports ...
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
- Alternative TitlePapers by command Cmd
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- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental gue...... small wars in the midst of a big......zz : its roots and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first c......reflections on the challenges ahe......--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in ......Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific,......0 : a study in the history of art and ideas Metr...
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- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arri......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stor....... Tell no lies The struggles of A......oods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mice and men and Cannery row Go...... is back : how the global is changing the world A passage to India The ...
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- Related MaterialAmerica and World War I : ......viet, Western, and Yugoslav comment and analysis Teach......d bibliography and guide to resea......d : a study of the American camp ......urban graffiti and the politics of cr......hy of minority and Third World women St......s : a guide to the sources and resources The winds of injus......erican Indians and the U.S. Governmen......ty politics at the millennium Wes......iography Women and technology : a......n encyclopedia The Unification Ch......a bibliography and research guide......t for women in the federal servic......d bibliography and resource book Communism and anti-communism in the United ...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social s...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland reference library of social s...