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National Diet Library
- Contents...Angus Phillips The journal online...... ecologies and the transformation of the scholarly jour......Mary Kalantzis The knowledge busi......s 3.Sustaining the `Great Conversation': the future of scho...... Introduction: the `Great Conversation' ...... consequences: the rise of non-co......s Peering into the future Conclus......ry monopoly to the pluralism of l......s and cultures The Popperian mode......Angus Phillips The characteristics of the journals business The life cycle of ......iness models 6.The growth of Jour......cent growth in the number of titles Changes in the number of arti......nline journals The growth of electronic journals...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe beginnings: Tritheim, Champier, and Gesner The seventeenth an......nth centuries: Medical book sales, à ......n, Haller, and the rise of medical biobibliography Medical subject; Keynes and the rise of personal bibliography...
- Subject Heading... Bibliography. Bibliographers. Bibliography of Medicine -- ...
- Note (General)On half title page: The A. S. W. Rosenbach Fellowship...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...n in Hopi song The copepodologist......ransactions of the American Philo......phical Society The fate of the medieval Archi......ts relating to the American Indian in the library of the American Philo......klin and Italy The production, di......ive journal of the early French Revolution : the Ami du roi of the abbé Royou Of ......ustice between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter, 1066-......a physician of the enlightenment The harmony of the world Aspects ...... observance of the Bicentennial y......ndependence by the American Philo......ference tables The transfer of ea...... Collinson and the eighteenth-century natural hi...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of flui......icular that of the air and water,...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Ne......ux hémisphères The anatomy and ph......ed treatise on the cultivation than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, The art of distill......als. A thing hitherto known by fe......l: relating to the production of ...... and cold. Together with several ......periments upon the blood (and its serum) of dise...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s : a study of the play-element i......for old age in Great Britain The Danube basin and the German economi......adolescents in the context of a c......mobilities for the twenty-first century The social reality of ethics : the comparative an......lonialism, and the world-economy ......foundations of the world urban system The sociology of n......ow's ancestors The marginal situa......coloured group The first years of the Yangyi Commune Psychology in the Soviet Union F......and aggression The changing socia...... multitudes at the edge of chaos The home and socia...... Education and the handicapped, 1760-1960 Theory of collective behaviour Th...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of soci...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of soci...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asia......hington Press, The University of Chicago Press, ...
- Related Material...ese sources on the history of the Chinese Commun......f materials in the East Asiatic L......University and the Division of Or......n prewar Japan The Korean Communi......ent, 1918-1948 The North Korean r......ion, 1945-1950 The first Vietnam ......tarianism, and the limits of Budd......lizing without the masses :, Japan, and the political econ......nstruction and the formation of a......mic narratives The cultural revol......rial : Mao and the Gang of Four A......ina & Russia : the "great game" The Pacific basin ......challenges for the United States ...... : ideology in the late Meiji per...... approaches to the political economy of Taiwan M...
- Alternative TitleA study of the East Asian Ins......ute Studies of the East Asian Ins......y A studies of the East Asian Ins......ity Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute A study of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ity A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s A manual for the evaluation of : report on the project analysis of the policy issues ......nformation and the practice of : report of the Medical Information Re......Panel Study of the trends in supp......: a report for the British Librar......information in the United States ...... in March 1979 The pilot phase of the Elinor electro......inary study of the scientific inf......tion system in the UK Information......inal report of the Agriculture In......constraint and the future co-ordi......, sponcered by the Standing Confe...... Libraries and the British Librar...... March 1986 at the De Vere Hotel, Coventry Human...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...urch and state The European revol......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of o......A scientist in the city Science in the later middle a......-wide disaster The Bible for stud......d art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern China a......nfucian past : the problem of development The language of li......ntroduction to the science of gen......documents from the Puritans to Ro......ta Writings of the young Marx on ......chelangelo and the Mannerists, the Baroque and the eighteenth century The encycl...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uggestions for the sanitary drain......ian trilobites The customs and religion of the Ch'iang Cambri......dam-Hoyt fauna The biotic associa......hes A study of the radiation of the atmosphere : b......bservations of the nocturnal radi...... to California The skeletal remai...... supplement to the annotated, sub......-1965 World weather records Journals of the Board of Regen...... : previous to the year 1860 Tabl......terminology of the Cambrian brach......emical formula The gold-banded sk......l character of the brain Index sections of the cordilleran ar......d parasitology The Cambrian faunas of Eastern As...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe military and in China in the 1970s Micrones...... blueprint for the 1980s Education and the mass media in the Soviet Union a......e framework Southern Africa : the escalation of ......military study The French Communi...... relations and the challenge to S......ry relations : the impact of tech......stern Europe : the eighth of eigh......of papers from the first analysis of the UN convention ...... inspectors in the Soviet Union : the People's Politics in the German Democra......ual rights and the State in forei......nal compendium The Law of the sea : issues i...... in politics : the political life of the Japan M...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Researches on the performance of the screw propelle......inary study of the ruins of Cobá,...... materials for the history of the United States in the principal arch......specimens from the San Juan River......electric brake The physiology of the elephant Displ......erferometry by the aid of the achromatic fri......ssian archives The pleistocene of the western region......ts existing in Great Britain, with ......llustrative of the history of the slave trade relation to the secondary sexu......s : a study of their physical and......s : a study of the conductivity a......ry mixtures of these solvents The compressibilit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d : a study of the American camp ......n graffiti and the politics of cr......s : a guide to the sources and resources The winds of Indians and the U.S. Governmen......ty politics at the millennium Wes......n encyclopedia The Unification Ch......t for women in the federal servic......i-communism in the United States ......ent Teaching mathematics : toward......ry Sciences of the earth : an enc......y Pornography, the conflict over ......t materials in the United States ......s : a guide to the literature Enc......aphy Women and the British empire...... sector values The FBI most Housing and the aging population : options fo...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland refer...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social sciences Garland refer...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...and Africa, in the seventeenth ce......a voyage round the world, on phys......ographi Graeci The history of Jam......eral survey of the antient and mo......ent Letters on the laws of man's ......ers & amateurs The Odyssey of Homer The constitution o......ternal objects The third part of ......Shakespeare in the theatre Miscellane......y Narrative of the embassy of Ruy...... de Clavijo to the court of Timou......d, A.D. 1403-6 The history of Gre......e and times of the right Honourab......ry Smith, M.P. The Roman poets of the Republic Vergl......description of the universe Romeo and Juliet The languages of Australia The ea...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMeasurements of the efficiency and......ligibility and the philosophy of ......okbinding, and the care of books ......s & librarians The nursery rhymes......ngland TVA and the grass roots : a study in the sociology of f......lish grammer : the English langua......Madras through the countries of M......erformed under the orders of the most noble Mar......ia Hausa notes The age of disfigu......n Degeneration The adventures of, in England The secondary scho......ial psychology The Ainu of Japan : the religion, supe......ral history of the hairy aborigin...... Syria, and to the Druzes of Moun......, 1835 to 1840 The curriculum The value of scien...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialA dictionary of the drama : a guide to the plays, playwri...... playhouses of the United Kingdom...... America, from the earliest times to the present Fairs,......t a chapter in the history of com......e A history of the English church during the civil wars and under the Commonwealth, ......mercantiles et théories libérales Les théories économiqu......l materials on the Spanish border......Exercises upon the first Psalme :......rose and verse The literature of the Louisiana territory The life of the learned Sir Jo......f superstition The great South : a reco......isiana, Texas, the Indian Territo......ys Handbook to the chamber & orchestral music of...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspi......ubversion from the Revolution to the present The madwoman can't......n socialism in the United States ......representation The North Korean r......h and reason : the death and retu......hting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court,......s and migrants The university and......T. Machines as the measure of men......n dominance In the circle of the dance : notes identity in the United States ......: discourse on the extinction of ......nizing death : the creation of a ...... sectors shape the developmental ......d authority in the late medieval crown of Aragon...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist analys......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant...... management in the power industry......y of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......llectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... macrodynamics The contributions ...... foreign trade theory and policy,...... reform during the occupation The principles of ......nomic planning The philosophy of ......sentations and the semantics of c......eare's sonnets The Arthurian revi......onstituency in the lexicon Martin Chuzzlewit A s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...a Celestina On the inconstancy of......religion & art The Muse's method ......s in criticism The lyrics of Rich......ion Preface to the Essays of Mich......h : studies in the vocabulary of the South-West Mid......on England and the continent Anno......nd religion in the later Middle A......egfried Wenzel The prosecution of......ted studies on the Inquisition Rhetoric in the Middle Ages : a history of the rhetorical theory from Saint Augustine to the renaissance Re......proceedings of the sixth Internat...... Reconsidering the Renaissance : papers from the twenty-first a......manuscripts in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manusc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Gov......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of ve......itions Love or greatness : Max Webe......hall's mission The psychology of ......tism Women and their work Blake and the new age The Elizabethan dumb show : the history of a d......tic convention The history of Swe......y Paradoxes of the infinite An in......losophy Beyond the information given : studies i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ates. Dept. of the Interior. Offi......been a part of the Federal Securi......been a part of the Dept. of Health, Education, a...
- Related Material...8 Education of the immigrant : ab......nference under the auspices of the New York-New J......y committee of the North American......s presented at the Pan American program The quest of youth......nt for schools The biological sta......g program for Athens, Georgia : report by the National Joint......h Representing the Commission on the Reorganization......y Education of the National Educa......ssociation and the National Counc......inistration of the duplicate scho......nd research in the offices of the United States ......Legislation on the junior high sc......Supervision of the education of Negroes as a fun...