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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ict throughout the world. In Sout......religion is at the center of cont...... be a Hindu in the twenty-first c......ons concerning the relation of Hi......l politics, to the individual, and to the politics of id......everywhere. On the one hand we have seen the world shrink t......ion along with the late modern er......tion, while on the other we have seen the reinvigoration......traditions and the reanimation of......ld wish to see the complete erosi......of religion in the public sphere ...... relegation to the private realm,......more growth in the influence of religion in the political and public arena. These debates are enacted through...
- Contents... / Gavin Flood Theoretical Issues......olonialism and the Construction o......and Tradition. The Sanskrit Textual Traditions The Dharma´s¯astra...... / Ludo Rocher The Sanskrit Brockington The Pur¯aṇas / Freda Matchett The Bhagavad Gīta......onal Languages The Literature of ......s Hinduism and the Goddess / Bjar......ernicke-Olesen The Householder Tr......ty / T N Madan The Renouncer Trad......trick Olivelle The Teyyam Tradition of Kerala The Month of Kā and Gods on the Move / Knut A ...... / Frits Staal The Science of Lan......Staal Indian Mathematics / Takao ...... / Michio Yano The Science of Medicine / Dominik...
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...original t.p.: The housholders philosophie : wherein is p......bly described, the true oeconomia......cket ... 1588. The 2d work is by B. Dowe. "S.T.C...
- Alternative TitleHouseholders philosophie.
- Alternative TitleHouseholders philosophie.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....cs to Feminist Theory and Law and Economics, 'The Oxford Handboo...... Economics' is the definitive work in the field of law and economics. The book gathers together scholars and ......mics to create the most inclusive......s. It looks at the origins of the field of law a......nomics, tracks the field's progre......, and looks to the future of the field and its continued devel...
- Contents...y and Concepts The future of law ......economics, and the law / Christin...... economics and the law / Sean Sul......psychology and the law / Tess Wil......psychology and the law / Janice N...... Public choice theory and legal i...... economics and the law / Stefan Voigt The law and econom......tive political theory perspective......n behavior and the Law / Tom Tyle......ism design and the law / Werner G......aking and jury theorems / Shmuel ...... / Ariel Porat The economic nature of the corporation / ......e made law and the common law pro....../ Winard Emons The legal profession and the market for lawyers / Albert Y...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....onalism places the Supreme Court’...... (2015) within the context of the Court’s develo......derstanding of the legal and soci......f marriage and the family. Leading scholars in the fields of poli......ligion examine the roots of the Court’s affirm......o marriage and the family including the right to marry......s in marriage, the right to priva......hts. Taken together, these essays evaluate the extent to which the Court’s recent......nd derive from the competing principles of Ameri...
- ContentsDefending the Christian Idea......arriage today: the place of the personal logos......gustine Lawler The household and the city in classi...... of history of the Western jurisp......ence J. Kleven The triumph of the right of intim......n marriage and the pursuit of hap...... Carrington On the marriage of Dr......Ramsey Back to the future: Reynol...... revisited and the structure of the American rights, and the Ninth Amendmen......government and the family: rival Liberalism, the family, and the right to priva...... v. Hodges and the privacy doctri...... autonomy, and the family,/ Yenor Does the law and the constitution of t...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBulgakov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich Evtuhov, Catherine
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...original t.p.: The housholders philosophie : wherein is p......bly described, the true oeconomia......acket ... 1588 The 2d work is by B. Dowe "S.T.C....
- Related MaterialThe English experience, its recor...
- Periodical TitleThe English experience, its recor...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe incidence and duration of une...
- Alternative TitleThe incidence and duration of une...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...sychiatry, and the occult Social sciences, socio...
- Subject Heading...k lists. Bibliothek. Informationsmittel. USA.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
- Periodical TitleThe Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ever possible, the articles in these volumes have been reproduce...
- Related MaterialFundraising and the sociality of g......tory economics The history of integration The economic role of the state The theory of inflatio......ancial markets The Economics of i......and challenges The economics of the hidden economy A taste for the present The economics of o......res and policy The economics of d......employment and the environment Ed......ic performance The economics of s......and innovation The economics of g......usiness cycles The economics of b......iness strategy Theory Teaching co......lege economics The economics of music The economics of r......nd uncertainty The economics of standards Recent...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ion, marriage, their sphere, infl......ghts, &c., &c. The position of wo......y : a study of the matriarchy The life of the Baroness von M...... und ihr Beruf The case for co-ed......orale publique The new housekeepe......sed edition of the American homes . together with The Handy cook-boo......elve centuries The evils suffered......can children : the causes and rem......New York, and other cities ; also...... an address to the Protestant clergy of the United States ......en Thoughts on the education of d......le conduct, in the more matrons and their profession :......erations as to their various offices, their nati...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...aphic guide to the microform collection
- Related MaterialA study of the physical vigor......ntury calendar The evolution of the family The Brugoyne campa......s delivered on the battle-field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemi......rade unions in the United States The American Civil......ter concerning the drafting of 18......r olds] Report The church state p......s and colleges The authentication of the Declaration of......port, 1965. -- The principles for which the American Revol......address before the Ohio Society, Sons of the Revolution, delivered at the Queen City Clu......ity parties on the ballot : a sur......y parties, together with recommended legislation...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ry : issues in the history and ma......t of computers The econometrics o......n to Gorbachev The intellectual l......guidelines for the economic and s......development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period ending ......ollars through the doors : a in America The Politics of in......development in the American state......ions in Europe The pillage of sus......ommunities and the creeping shadows of hegemony The impact of the federal budget......ning Cities in the world-system K...... a new world : the third industri......e democracy in the United States ......Western Europe The post-cold war armored vehicle...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... v. 44, pt. 1. The old geographer......ura Takeshiro, The crucifixion of the twenty six in ......of council for the year 1915
- Related Material... Materials for the study of priva......t meditation . The relationship of Japanese to the Ryukyu, Korean......uages Helps to the study of Sarashina . The remolding of Gagaku under the Meiji Restoration . The Political role......ntellectuals . The Non-church chr......ement in Japan The Heike monogata......i A Journal or the Perry expediti......s appearing in the Transactions of the Asiatic Societ......1957 Japan and the United States, 1790-1853 The Tōkaidō in pop......nist policy on the Asiatic mainland . The "Mango Trick" in China The cradle of Grae......Buddhist art . The Oceanic theory of the origin of the Japan...
- Alternative TitleTransaction of the Asiatic Society of Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialJeremiah in Matthew's Gospel : the rejected profi...... exposition of the Old Testament ......ations through the centuries The date of Mark's......: insight from the law in earlies...... and society : the Milltown Institute and the Irish Biblical......ence Voices of the Mystics : earl......n discourse in the Gospels of Joh......nd Thomas and other ancient Chris......, critic of Matthew Early Jewish ...... Christian monotheism Rhetoric, scripture and theology : essays from the 1994 Pretoria ......Diglossia and other topics in New......and glory : on the exegetical and theological backgr......ohn's prologue The Colossian controversy : wisdo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...eties remember The principles of ......ommunication : the logic by which......ntroduction to the use of structu......l anthropology The ethnic families : the political econ......n ethology and the social science...... relations and the structure of t......ue of exchange theory The politics of so......y in political theory The domestication of the savage mind Hi......nthropology of the family Environ......e and system : the ecology of sma......capitalism and the domestic commu......tern political theory in the face of the future
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...y and Humanism The problem of anxiety The quest for power : the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colon......ay fishermen : their peasant econ......frican Negroes The natural histor......s Evelina, or, The history of a y...... entrance into the world Captain ......ding causality The human habitat ......ic semantics Mothers of the South : portraiture of the white tenant f......atry Honey for the bears The lost Eden : ( me tangere) The making of a poem The class struggle......unting house : the Quaker merchan......hia, 1682-1763 The literary criti......kin Darwin and the Darwinian revolution Russian ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialEducation, the family and lei......s Problems in athe biological and......n for adults : the institutions O......erials to work The structure and ......and identities The question of ra...... Topography of the Oceans Noise a......ration culture The development of prose 結晶 The hard systems a......ripides, Medea The city in the developing wor......lution control The hippocampus Pa......Social life in the early empire F...... a study guide The powers that be The sociology of s......Innovation and the school ; Innovation and the teacher Curric......t, activities, themes, core ; Cur......organization : the integrated curriculum ; Revis...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...dah Jethro and the Jews : Jewish ......rpretation and the question of id......ah : imagining the Holocaust with......David Grossman The desacralization of the household The legal methodol......t, history and the historiography......oman antiquity The perfect Torah ......nd Jerusalem : the dynamic of 70-300 C.E. The experience of ......rian groups of the ancient period......nd halakhah in the Pharisees, Sad......rida probes in the citadel and villa The idea of histor...... archaeology : the Jews of Hispan...... antiquity and the early Middle Ages through their material remains The new Babylonian diaspora : the...
- Alternative TitleThe Brill reference library of Ju...
- Alternative TitleThe Brill reference library of Ju...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... insurance for the household Grou......alth insurance The beneficiary in......judgment funds The economic theory of risk and......urance company philosophies and practices......ines insurance The regulation of ......e and economic theory Ratemaking ......y insurance in the United States An analysis of ...