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National Diet Library
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet Library
- Toc / ArticleTable of Contents Abbre......dic treatments of Pharbitis Isolation of RNA from Pharb...... and screening of a library Sequ......g and analysis of DNA DNA gel bl......dic treatments of Arabidopsis Isolation of the homologue of PnC401 in Arab......psis Isolation of RNA from Arabi......Identification of a circadian cl......ulation during the flower-inductive darkness in the short-day plan......Identification of cDNAs of transcripts wh......creased during the inductive dark......c organization of PnC401 cDNA Time course of changes in the level of PnC401 during ......atment Effects of irradiation wi......r-red light on the accumulation of PnC401 mRNA O...
National Diet Library
- Toc / ArticleTable of Contents Abbre......nts Extraction of proteins Two-d......puter analysis of gels after two...... Determination of the amino acid sequence of PnGLP Isolation of RNA PCR,cDNA c......on Preparation of bacterial fusi......otide sequence of the cDNA for PnGLP and the deduced amino ......homology with other proteins Time course of changes in the level of PnGLP mRNA dur......cific response of the accumulation of PnGLP mRNA to the quality of light Organ-an......c accumulation of PnGLP mRNA Analysis of PnGLP protein expression with...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPlants, Flowering of.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPlants, Flowering of.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...・地域性・個人性 川口衞 著 The sense of beauty and view of nature found research on the Rabat at the Ak-Beshim site......Kansha 著 Study of the thermal bath withi......d a simulation of the internal space......saki ほか著 Types of the ceiling and composition of Christian paintings in the cave churches of Ihlara Valley,......elopment types of Buddhist templ......rchitecture on the Silk Road Sezi...... nature, sprit of architectural ......jad 著 Features of the earth in the Qur’an Aya Yam......raditional Noh theatre and ancien......nd third-wave coffee shops M. Be...... 著 Shopping in the contemporary c...... 著 Application of log-aesthetic curves to the r...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)International association of silk road universities iaSU
National Diet Library
- propagation of ornamental pla...... organogenesis of Anthurium andr......cropropagation of Begonia tubero......cropropagation of Vanda teres (R...... shoot culture of Ranunculus asi......cropropagation of Crataeva adans......Strategies for the micropropagation of bromeliads / M......cropropagation of Poinsettia by ......cropropagation of Phalaenopsis b......transformation of carnation (Dia......ision analysis of regenerated shoots of gladiolus / propagation of carnation ( propagation of Jasminum officianal L. : a......cropropagation of Lysionotus pau......cropropagation of Rhododendron / Tom Eeckhaut, ...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPlants, Flowering of
- Subject Heading (ID)Plants, Flowering of
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPlants, Flowering of
- Subject Heading (ID)Plants, Flowering of
Other Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This title offers 62 chapter......lumes covering the latest topics 2 discusses the latest hot top......everal members of the Solanaceae Written in the highly success......troductions to their respective t......tails for both the expert and non-expert reader,...
- Contents... and New Facts The Maize in planta Haploid Induction Lines: A Corne......oid Technology The Use of Molecular Mark......bryogenesis in Flowering Plants carvi L.) Anther Culture and Production of DH Plants Doub......L.) Production of Homozygous Car.......) Plants by Anther Culture Doubl......onse Genotypes of Rapeseed (Bras......l Protocol for the Production of Doubled Haploid Plants of Brassica carin...... Plants from Anther Culture Protocol of European Radis......t Production Anther and Isolated ......An Efficient Anther Culture on Do......Haploid Plants of Pepper (Capsicum annum) Anther Culture in Sweet Pepper (Cap...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative Title...lar dissection of the flowering process from induction to morphogenesis in Arabidops...
- Alternative Title...lar dissection of the flowering process from induction to morphogenesis in Arabidops...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natura......articular that of the air and water,......plain draughts of such experimen...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......ed treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromness Essa......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, The art of distilling coloured liquors, ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe chemistry of dioxygen and i......Reaction rates of superoxide radicals with the essential amin......ld Flohg Biosynthesis of prostaglandins......wer Mechanisms of protection against the damage produce...... vitro through the formation of saturated hydr......n Dioxygen and the vitamin K-dependent synthesis of prothrombin / ......alter Specific induction of pulmonary indo......ison Defect in the oxidative killing of micro-organism......Ron S. Weening The role of myeloperoxidase in the microbicidal activity of polymorphonucl......s / S.J. Klebanoff, H. Rosen The lactoperoxidas....../ Bruno Reiter The pulmonary and extrapulmonary ...
- Subject HeadingActive oxygen in the body--Congress......ologie. Sauerstoff. Toxikologie.
- Note (General)Proceedings of the Symposium on Oxygen Free Radi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Researches on the performance of the screw propelle......liminary study of the ruins of Cobá, Quintana...... materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of Mexico Anasazi......specimens from the San Juan River......electric brake The physiology of the elephant Displ......erferometry by the aid of the achromatic fri......ssian archives The pleistocene of the western region of North America's catalogue of stars : revise......h a vocabulary of Persian and Ar......s Condensation of vapor as induc......s illustrative of the history of the slave trade relation to the secondary sexual characters o...
- Alternative TitleCIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
- Alternative TitleCIW Carnegie Institution of Washington Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleRegulating flower bud induction in the rabbiteye blueberry by means of summer pruning and plant grow...
- Alternative TitleRegulating flower bud induction in the rabbiteye blueberry by means of summer pruning and plant grow...
- Degree Type博士(農学) Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture)