Search results 58
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....en articles on the fascinating topic of emotions (jeon......philosophy and religion. Its introduct......des a textual, philosophical, ethical, and ......topic in terms of emotions West ......t, emotions in the Chinese and Bu......hapters 2 to 5 of part I discuss......hapters 6 to 8 of part II offer comparative......apters 9 to 12 of part III deal ...... perspectives. The concluding cha...... insights into the diversity, dyn......istinctiveness of Korean emotion...... J. Chung is Professor of Religious Stud......ct Director at the University of Prince Edward Associate Professor of Philosophy at ......ter University of Pennsylvania, USA. Her resear...
- Contents...Philosophy and Religion Chapter 2. Moral Psychology of Emotion in Kor......ianism and Its Philosophical Debates on the Affective Nature of the Mind Chapter 3. The Idea of Gyeong/Jing in....... Yi Yulgok on the Role of Emotions in Se......n Emotions and the Pursuit of Sagehood Chapt......inking through the Emotions with ...... Confucianism: Philosophical Translation and The Four-Seven Deb...... Civility, and the Heart of a Pluralistic ......orean Buddhist Philosophical Basis of Jeong Chapter ...... 11. Jeong and the Interrelationality of Self and Other in Korean Bud......xperience An Ecofeminist Perspec......3. CONCLUSION: The Diversity, Dynamics, and Dist...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPhilo, of Alexandria. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Religion -- Philosophy. Theology.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Descriptive work of Indological philosophy, religion, sacred literature, society, ...
- Related MaterialSymbolism and Hindu worship : basis, significance and elements of Hindu symbolis......ious practices of the Hindus Vaisnav......haracteristics of Vaisnavism The cult of Sri Visnu : the religion and philosophy of Sri Visnu Brah...... Hindu sects : the history and doctrines of the Vaisnava, Saiv......sects Shakti : the female aspect of the divine Classic......ntroduction to the classical literature of India Six systems of Indian philoso......iple doctrines of the philosophical systems The Upaniṣad and i...... an exposition of the fundamental co...... doctrines and the system of the Upaniṣads Anci...... and practices of the ancient Hindus Religion i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"A series of lectures" Includes index
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Trier für 1820 The motion of fluids, natura......articular that of the air and water,......plain draughts of such experimen...... Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou s......les memoires mathematiques ... Newton's laws of motion Geologi......ux hémisphères The anatomy and philosophy of expression A t......ed treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L' than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the Christian la statique The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromness Essa......lle vipere ... The curious distillatory : or, The art of distilling coloured liquors, ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLogic and the nature of God An psychology The fragile univer...... : an essay in the philosophy of religions Hume's philosophy of religion Religion and the Western mind :......s delivered at the University of Stirling, Scot......rch 1985, and other essays Three ......slim encounter The use and abuse of the Bible : a study of the Bible in an age of rapid cultural change The possibility of an all-knowing God The theology and philosophy of Eliade : a search for the centre Hegel's philosophy of religion Moral scepticism Theological hermen......d significance The cognitivity of religion : three perspectives Knowledg...
- Alternative TitleLibrary of philosophy and religion series Library of philosophy & religion
- Alternative TitleLibrary of philosophy and religion series Library of philosophy & religion
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... nephew ; and other works Euthydemus The new organon an......lated writings The use and abuse of history Buddhism : a religion of infinite compa......ected writings Philosophical essays : disco......ons, rules for the direction of the mind Medea Rules for the direction of the mind The government of Poland Of the standard of taste and other essays On free choice of the will Poems of the Vikings ; the Elder Edda David Hume : philosophical historian The menaechmi The grand inquisitor on the nature of man Three dial...... Ancient roman religion On liberty On the commonwealth The political writings of James Harrington : representa...
- Alternative TitleLibrary of liberal arts LLA
- Alternative TitleLibrary of liberal arts LLA
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...1: "Studies in the history of christian trad......"--Cover Title of vol. 112-: "Studies in the history of Christian traditions" Vol. 19...
- Related MaterialThe Huguenots : hi......our and memory of Walter C. Utt Paracelsus : the man and his re...... his ideas and their transformati......resurrection : the debate between......historical and theological contex......annotations on the New Testament : Galatians to the Apocalypse : facsimile of the final Latin te......ych Milton and the Reformation aesthetics of The Passion Der Ik......Westens Anselm of Havelberg : de...... into words in the twelfth centur......akramente in Luthers Sermonen von......urope in honor of Daniel F. Call......han Creational theology and the history of physical science : the creationist tradition from Ba...
- Alternative TitleStudies in the history of Christian traditions SHCT
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related explication of the chief geological phenomena of the globe, by proofs of periodical changes of the earth's axis : embracing a theory, founded on......ical facts, on the true geological formation of carboniferous mineral On the senses, instin......d intelligence of animals : with......evolution with the key of the science of history or the old and new world of thought and op......n : containing the mental development of a modern miniatures of the great religions of mankind; the pedigrees, per......,and prospects of the leading nations of the old and new wo......; and a review of the new revelation of the mod...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other place of publication: Cham, (Switzerla...
- Related Material... mechanics and the participating ...... brief history of string theory : from dual models to M-theory Brain-compu......ysics underlie the mind? : top-do......n causation in the human context The nonlinear univ......m mechanics at the crossroads : n......: implications of Darwinism in philosophy and the social and different : philosophical issues in cond......Extreme states of matter on earth and in the cosmos Mind, m......ntum mechanics The second law of economics : en......, entropy, and the origins of wealth Ultimat......zons : probing the limits of the universe Life - as a matter of fat : lipids in a membrane bi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe psychology of animals in rel......and misconduct The measurement of emotion The child's discovery of death : a stud......ild psychology The psychology of Alfred Adler and the development of the child Mastery ...... a contructive theory of neurosis Selec......d clairvoyance The child's conception of geometry The neurotic personality of our time The image and appearance of the human body : studies in the constructive energies of the psyche The psychology of the infant The mentality of apes Duality : a study in the psycho-analysis of race Biologica......cifer and Prometheus : a study of Milton's Satan Emotions of normal people Social and cogn...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology Routledge international library of psychology
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology Routledge international library of psychology
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe mentality of apes The child's conception of physical causa...... politics and other essays Foundations of geometry & Geometry in the sensible world and The logical problem of induction The meaning of meaning : a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism Biological memory The metaphysical foundations of modern physica......rary political theory Law and the social sciences The philosophy of 'As if' : a system of the theoretical, pract......gious fictions of mankind Specul......n humanism and the philosophy of art Philosophical studies The measurement of emotion The psychology of a m...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology, philosophy and sc...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of psychology, philosophy and sc...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nical progress The old grammar schools The economic mind ......n civilization The physiocrats : ......ix lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States ......f inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815 Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776 The poor man's fri...... or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Populati......n inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most ......uman happiness The Lancashire cot......ic development The evolution of the money market...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...gan to Blair : the left veers right The political economy of work The core theory in economic......: economics in the US and Japan welfare The political economy of Middle East peace : the impact of competing trad......nomic analysis of profit Consumer cap......, fiction, and the rise of the financial subj......on and Blair : the political economy of the third way Mathematical economics and the dynamics of capitalism : G......inued Economic theory and social ...... and revisions The consumer, : governing the modern economy The measurement of individual wel......says in memory of Z.M. Berrebi Equilibrium vers...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe symbolism of evil Matter and spirit : their convergence in eastern religions, Marx, and Te......reflections on the human family No absent God : the relations between God and the self The secret of yoga The elusive presen......a new Biblical theology The biological basis of religion and genius Philosophical faith and reve......ere and now In the end, God The historic reality of Christian culture : a way to the renewal of human life For...... decisions for the 21st century T......s in antiquity The way of Israel : Bibli......ith and ethics The limits of reason What is......lled thinking? The convergent spirit : towards a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...influence Demosthenes and his influence Love of nature among the Greeks and Martial and the modern epigram......ce Greek art : the basis of later European......ent beliefs in the immortality of the soul : with some account of their influence on......d artist Greek religion and its & philology The Greek fathers Survivals of Roman religion Apuleius and antiquities of the Greeks and Romans and their influence An......fluence Seneca the philosopher and his modern me...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMythology Survivals of Roman religion Greek biology and medicine The Greek fathers Sappho and politics Mathematics Martial and the modern epigram......influence Demosthenes and his inf......ce Greek art : The basis of later European...... and philology The poetics of Aristotle : it......d and sea Love of nature among the Greeks and Romans The Poetics of Aristotle : it...... & Sophocles : their work and inf......his meaning to the world of to-day Catullu......Terence Seneca the philosopher an......ent beliefs in the immortality of the soul : with some account of their influence on......itecture Greek religion and its survivals Stoicism an...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ilosophy and mathematics in Ploti......n inquiry into the basis of everyday moral......scepticism and the science of human nature M...... and community The Stoics on dete......d Schopenhauer The reality of social groups The software of the universe : an ......ntroduction to the history and philosophy of laws of nature Incomme......nscendental aesthetic : an interpretation of the Ereignis Thoma......stic turn" and the legacy of logical empiri......ationality and the search for tru......vironmentalism The rule of law : politici......y philosophy : the return to subj......nalist account of rationality Vi......e : philosophy of language after MacIntyre and ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe religion of ancient Scandi......Vitus Bering : the discoverer of Bering Strait ......error in China The discovery of the ancient world The poems, plays, and other remains of Sir John Suckl......pious account of the author, notes,......nd an appendix of illustrative pieces Philosophical works Studies ......m Cecil Rhodes The free-trade mov......tion to Utopia The post impressio......ell : portrait of the poet in her time The American Indian in the United States ......od 1850-1914 : the present condition of the American India......l history and other topics : a pl......Mare : a study of his poetry The principles of state interfere...