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National Diet Library
- ContentsThe philosophy of history, anthropology,....../ Axel Honneth The Frankfurt school and social theory / Axel Honn......rmeneutics and the linguistic tur......Nunner-Winkler The epitome of technocratic c......s Evolutionary theories / Klaus / Klaus Günther The theory of democracy / discourses: the distinction in...... Georg Lohmann The constitutionalization of international ......istian Joerges The theory of justice / Regi......ha Brumlik Monotheism / Felmon, Marx, and the philosophy of history: Das Absolute ......llings Denken (The Absolute and History, On the Ambiguity in S...... Manfred Frank The theory of the public sphere: ...
- Note (Content)Jurgen Habermas is among the most influenti......l philosophers of our time. His diagnosis of contemporary s......ncepts such as the public sphere,......ifty years. In The Habermas Handb...... key concepts, the breadth of his work, and ......politics, law, the social science......fe.This volume offers a comprehe......depth analysis of Habermas's wor...... to illuminate the social and int......ectual context of Habermasian thought, such as the Frankfurt School, speech-act theory, and contending theories of democracy. The Handbook provi......ensive account of Habermas's ind......It illustrates the development of his thought an...
- Title HeadingHabermas-Handbuch. English. New directions in critical theory.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... and subfields of philosophy. It......entral idea in the social sciences, the humanities, re......itics. This is the first volume t......s in all areas of philosophy, sy......hronically. It thereby provides e......ral diversity, the plurality of the sciences, or the scope of moral values. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism is ......amental topic. The 57 chapters by a team of international ...... in philosophy of science; Relat...... in philosophy of language and m......Relativism in other areas of philosophy. Es......n all branches of philosophy, th......k will also be of interest to those in related ...
- ContentsRelativism in the Indian tradition : examining the viewpoints (dr...... Relativism in the Islamic tradit......Kantianism / Katherina Kinzel Nie......d Brian Leiter The many faces of anti-relativis......ogy / Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl History, dialogue, and...... Relativism in the context of National Socia......elativism, and the fundamental presuppositions of morality / Mar......iberalism / Matthew J. Moore Rela...... Crowder and Geoffrey Brahm Levey Critical theory and the challenge of relativism / E......nist political theory / Charlotte...... Relativism in the philosophy of law / Torben S......relativism and the status of ontological dispute...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialKey texts : classic studies in the history of ideas
- Periodical TitleKey texts : classic studies in the history of ideas
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBradley, F. H. (Francis Herbert) Rubinoff, Lionel
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- Subject HeadingPsychology -- History Psychology -- Philosophy
- Subject Heading (ID)Psychology -- History Psychology -- Philosophy
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...dens : a study of the play-element i......age : a review of social provisi...... Great Britain The Danube basin and the German economi......lity : a study of some moral val......s and dilemmas of working adolescents in the context of a changing climate of opinion Sociol......mobilities for the twenty-first century The social reality of ethics : the comparative analysis of moral codes Or......lonialism, and the world-economy foundations of the world urban system The sociology of nationalism : ......ow's ancestors The marginal situa......ological study of a coloured group The first years of the Yangyi Commune Psychology...
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
- Alternative TitleThe international library of sociology ILS International library of sociology series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOf the conduct of the understanding Some dogmas of religion A portrait of Aristotle Essa......on suicide and the immortality of the soul The economics of industry Descartes : a study of his philosophy The divine right of kings The reasonableness of Christianity :......s delivered in the Scriptures : religious themes in the thought of Spinoza, Hume,...... and Santayana The philosophy of religion, 1875......80 Rationalism The varieties of goodness Unity of science Outlines of the history of Greek philosop......igion Outlines of a philosophy of art John Stuar......ctions God and the soul On the aesthetic education of man : ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe blending American : patterns of intermarriage The presuppositions of critical history American society since 1945 The Cuban missile ......y : studies in the philosophy of experience Mod......merican cities The phenomenology of Husserl Americ......onetary policy The meaning of the American Revolution Hitler: the man and the military leade......ble Studies in the philosophy of G.E. Moore The treason of the senate A teach......American urban history Women at work The Black man and the American dream : Negro aspira...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe doctrine of signatures : a defence of theory in medicine......racy Music and the emotions : the philosophical theories Biologica......principles : a critical study Scientis......philosophy and the infatuation wi......ophical essays The importance of being understo......ogical studies The nature of life The foundations of mathematics : and other logical essays The philosophy of Peirce : selected writings The technique of controversy : principles of dynamic logic The immaterial self : a defence of the Cartesian dualist conception of the mind Hume's moral theory The unity of law and morali......: a refutation of legal positivism Philosophy o...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialChurch order in the New Testament The threat of falsehood : a study in the theology of the Book of Jeremiah A new quest of the historical Jes......n christianity The Christian and gnostic Son of Man Christ in the wilderness : the wilderness theme in the second Gospel ......d its basis in the Biblical tradi......d fulfilment : the eschatological message of Jesus The sign of Jonah in the theology of the evangelists and Q The christology of early Jewish C......ording to Paul The obedience of faith : the purposes of Paul in the Epistle to the Romans Resurrection and the New Testament The prayers of Jesus Life in Christ Israel i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMajor poems of the Hebrew Bible : at the interface of Hermeneutics a......analysis Bonds of love : methodic studies of prophetic text......ment texts and the translator : r......ce devices and their rhetorical i...... a description of corporate pers......kiel 18 and 20 The shape of Hebrew poetry : exploring the discourse function of linguistic parallelism in the Egyptian Hallel The Kābôd of YHWH in the Old Testament ......r reference to the Book of Ezekiel Protes......ganda : war in the Old Testament book of Kings and in : specimens of stylistic and ...... non-past uses of Qatal in class......amaritan poems The role of Zion/Jerusalem in Isa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe syntax of adjuncts Theory and descrip......odic behaviour The Dyirbal language of North Queensla......tion : a study of the phonology of Lumasaaba Morp......parative study of particles and ......onstructions A theory of aspectuality : the interaction be......ure A notional theory of syntactic explanatory theory The emergence of meaning : prospects of a feature-free......tion structure The social differentiation of English in Nor......morphology : a theoretical study ......sed on aspects of Latin verb conjugation The linguistic theory of numerals Natur......tion : a study of Afrikaans reduplication Phono...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProblems of pattern in Ler......dang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Ind......1885 : a study of the Ottoman polici......overnments and their political an......quences during the period 1870-18...... : reflections of a medieval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Russian Khon-Ngan : the growing divide...... literature in the Soviet Union 1......parative study of measurement an......d Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rapprochement between the Federal Republic of Germany a...
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and...... negativity in the digital world ......: case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing ......n : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis an......tic legitimacy The silent revolut...... sociology : a history Sartre in Cuba......itudinal study of political atti......e-building and the institutionalization of globally circu......ated knowledge The political economy of Hungary : from...... neoliberalism The holocaust as c......ndian Wars" in the "Wild East" Em...... democracy and the modern critique of law : reconsidering Habermas The economics of the popular musi...
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- Related MaterialThe charter school......rom rhetoric Mathematical relatio......sson study : professional learni......erspectives on the goals of universal basi...... and writing : the remarkable in the unremarkable E......erspectives on the work of John White Par......oung people in their social contexts The politics of knowledge in e......tive ability : the decline of the social Educati......earning across the diaspora, indi......d education in the global south :......rse pedagogies of place : schools : a critical discourse analysis The politics of structural English and the achievement gap : the role of dialectal code-switch...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s and problems of English Les co......s Fundamentals of language The London dialect of the late fourteent......ogical aspects of transformation......nology A study of Japanese synta......ges : a survey of research Die p......ache Topics in the theory of generative gra......emorial volume The methodological status of grammatical ar......uate criterion of paraphrase Lin......glish Sandhi : the theoretical, phone......storical bases of word-junction ......ptive analysis of Cypriot Maronite Arabic The anagogic theory of Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus' The Jewish neo-Aramaic dialect of Persian Azerba......loristic texts The language process : toward a h...