Search results 13
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Where does one situate business and human rights? From the perspective of law alone, business falls within the general sphere of private law, further broken down into discrete sub......ommercial law. The human rights c......nt is situated in constitutional and international law......ima facie, 'business' and 'human rights' fall into distinct spheres of regulation and differ in their primary sour......erspective, business would be of no relevance t......ial and is antithetical to problem solving, not to mention the inter-connectivity of law.1 It is unfortunate that in simplifying the study of law through the...
- ContentsBusiness and human r......undations and linkages / Ilias B......ntekas Reconciling international human rights with international tra......ailures' undermine economic law ...... John Paterson The role of business in international development and the attainment of the sustainable development goals / Katerina Akestoridi The business case for hu...... irrelevant or indispensable? / Dorothee Baumann-Pauly......ilach Trabelsi The UN guiding principles on business and human r......? / Surya Deva The regulatory framework of multinational enterpr......s / Peter Muchlinski The UN global compact and the OECD guidelines on multinational enterprise...
- Subject HeadingSocial responsibility of business--Law and legislation Human...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingProperty tax United States Intergovernmental tax relations
- Title HeadingThe role of the States in strengthening the property tax
- Author HeadingUnited, States., Advisory, Commission, on, Intergovernmental, Relations
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingProperty tax United States Intergovernmental tax relations
- Title HeadingThe role of the States in strengthening the property tax
- Author HeadingUnited, States., Advisory, Commission, on, Intergovernmental, Relations
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...Lucien) United States. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingUnited States. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe learning self : understanding the potential for ......ation Radicalizing learning : adult world Embracing writing : ways to tea......uctant writers in any college course The invisible faculty : improving the status of part-timers in higher education Learning assistance an......rch : implementing the scholarship of teaching Classroom ass......ers Challenges of the faculty career......crifice How do they know they know? : evaluating adult learning Women of influence, women of vision : a cro......rational study of leaders and social change The academic portf......ide to documenting teaching, research, and serv...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFinancial transactions taxes Implications for savings of aging in the Asian "Tigers"......lization strengthen social capital? Investment and growth in the Middle East an......on Gender bias in tax systems Time-t...... unemployment? Investment implications of selected WTO agreements and the proposed multi......l agreement on investment The CFA franc zone......etary standard The underground ec......implications : the case of Pakistan Nominal income targeting : a critical approach to interenterprise arrears in transition Russia Explaining unemployment in Spain : structural c......ket rigidities The savings trap and economic tak...
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
- Alternative TitleWorking paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProviding authority for the President to enter into trade agreem......ts to conclude the Uruguay Round of multilateral t......tiations under the auspices of the general agreem...... bill implementing such agreements Oversight of U.S. trade Japan : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management of the Committee on G......ffairs, United States Senate, One Hu......, 1991 Effects of regional trade......oreign trade : the EC and EFTA ex......ences Overview of the results of the Uruguay Round : hearing before the Committee on C......tation, United States Senate, One Hu...... imports : hearings before the Committee on Fin...
- Author HeadingCongressional Information Service
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe sectoral foundations of China's development Institutional reforms in sector adjustm......t operations : the World Bank's experience Income distributi......ic development in Malawi : some ......reach and sustainability of six rural finance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa Indonesian experience with financial sector r......ate enterprise in Africa : creating a better envi......t and pastoral institution building in the West African Sahel Institutional assistance in macroeconomic ......: a case study of Togo Projectizing the governance app......ce reform : an institutional env......ment for preparing a sectoral adjustment loan i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other title from cover
- Related MaterialПоэтика и генезис былин : очеки Englis......tures for certain acyclic topolo......sur cohomology The position of women in Vietnam A generalization of the composition product of Schwartz distributions Sintaksis russkogo iazyka The complete works in verse and prose of Samuel Daniel ......ic regionalism in the Middle East during World War II : the Middle East Su......r subcomplexes of piecewise-linear manifolds The nullity spaces of the curvature operator Pointwise bounds for solutions of the cauchy problem......c equations Business and capitalism : an introduction to business history The historical novel Blueprint for an effective marketing p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCreating capital markets in Central and Ea...... and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure : ensuring basic access ......s Bibliography of publications :...... December 1992 The emergence of private sector manufacturing in Hungary : a survey of firms Guidelines for calculating financial and economic rates of return for DFC...... Handpumps testing and developme......laboratory testing Irrigation-induced salinity : a growing problem for development and the environment Meeting the needs of the poor for water......disposal Attacking extreme poverty : learning from the experience of the International Mov......h World Issues in the development of multigrade...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRegionalism within multilateralis......isms for RTAs Financial market integration in East Asia : assessment of a tradeoff between FDI a......mpirical tests of comparative ad......geography Fear of inflation : excha......e pass-through in East Asia Kore......y responses to the global financial crisis rate policy in Korea International cap......hical features of international con......ption risk sharing Regional financial arrangement in East Asia : po......y proposal for strengthening the Chiang Mai initiative multil......overnment Spending Policy Uncertainty and Evidence Rising income inequality and compet...