Search results 9
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingRadioisotopes in biology -- Congresses. Nuclear medicine -- Congresses......ngresses. Medicina Nuclear.
- Note (General)Papers in English, Frenc......with abstracts in all four langu......s. Full record of the discussions in English. Confe......ce arranged by International Ato...... Organization, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Author Heading国際原子力機関 Conference on the Uses of Radioisotopes in Animal Biology and the Medical Sciences (1961 : Mexico)
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- Note (General)"Published for the International Atomic Energy Agency." Includes bibliographies
- Author HeadingConference on the Uses of Radioisotopes in Animal Biology and the Medical Sciences International Atomic Energy Agen...
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- Note (General)"Published for the International Atomic Energy Agency." Includes bibliographies
- Author HeadingConference on the Uses of Radioisotopes in Animal Biology and the Medical Sciences International Atomic Energy Agen...
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- Note (General)Pub. no. is the serial no. as "American lecture series" which includes various sub-series
- Related MaterialElectrophoresis in physiology : w......oulik Hormones and hypertension Naturalism and subjectivism Referring the psychiatric pa...... : a guide for the physician Treatment of toxic goiter w......radioactive iodine Crotalaria spectabilis: the pulmonary hype...... Cor pulmonale in emphysema : mechanisms and pathology Card......tgenology : plain films and angiocardiographic findings The diagnosis of salmonella typ......Newer concepts of inflammation Elements of pediatric anesthesia The evolution and chemistry of aggression Chemistry and prevention of dental caries ......eriodontal prosthesis Rubella : f......nual symposium of the Eastern Pennsylvania Bran...
- Alternative TitleAmerican lectures series American lecture series in ..., (publication no.)
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- Note (General)... "Panel proceedings series (ISSN......876)" also has the number of "STI/PUB/...", but it is a di...
- Related Material12th Congress of the International Rad......RPA12) : strengthening radiation perspective and future trends ......ctors : proceedings of the second International Con......actors held by the International Ato...... Energy Agency in Helsinki, 15-19 June,......quid-metal working fluids Fissil......egies for sustainable nuclear energy : proceedings of an IAEA technical meeting on fissile ma......egies for sustainable nuclear energy, held in Vienna, 12–15 ......r 2005 Neutron inelastic scattering 1977 : proceedings of a symposium on neutron inelastic scattering Plasma physics and controlled nuc......earch : proceedings of the third International ...
- Alternative TitleIAEA Proceedings series International Ato......Agency. Proceedings series Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agen...
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- Note (General)"Began with no. 1 in 1959"--Pedioricals' LC-MARC (...
- Related MaterialDesign of radiotracer experiments in marine biological systems Handbook on nuclear......ata Management of abnormal radio......matology : A joint undertaking by the International Ato...... Energy Agency and the World Health O......ion Manual for the operation of research react......trometer surveying Status of and prospects for ......d reactors Costing methods for nuclear desalination Techniques and practices for pretreatment of low and intermediate level solid and liquid power plant instrumentation and control : a gu......estructive examination of water reactor ......el Application of membrane technologies for liq...
- Alternative Title...eports series (International Atomic Energy Agen...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...n Biological Standardization : fo......port Community involvement in health development : challenging health services : report of a WHO Study Gr......tants : report of a WHO Study Group Evaluation of certain veterinary drug residues in food : thirty-second report of the Joint FAO/WHO Exper......Food Additives The selection of essential drug...... second report of the WHO Expert Com......icide residues in food : report of the 1970 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pes......icide Residues and the WHO Expert Com......Agents stimulating gonadal function in the human : report of a WHO Scientific Group Hospit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIn situ applications of X ray fluoresc...... techniques : final report of a coordinated research p......000-2003 Improving artificial breeding of cattle in Africa : guidelines and recommendation......prepared under the framework of an IAEA Techni......FRA Project on Increasing and Improving Milk and Meat Productio......l support from the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Status of nuclear desalination in IAEA member states Directory of national compe...... form material and shipment of radioactive ma......erial Analysis of severe accidents in pressurized he......considerations in the disposal of disused seale...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProceedings of the Ketotifen Workshop on the occasion of the VIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Helsinki, May 24-26, ......ology : proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Pharmacology ( 1987 Cimetidine : proceedings of the second International Sym......osium on Histamine H[2]-Receptor...... Royal College of Physicians, Lo......r 26-27, 1976 Atherosclerosis VII : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Atherosclerosis and the 7th Scientific Committee of the National Heart Foundation of Australia, Mel......0 October 1985 The peripheral circulation : proc...
- Alternative TitleICS Excerpta medica. International congress series
- Alternative TitleICS Excerpta medica. International congress series