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- OCLC No.93017049 //r98 DCLC9317049-B
- Contributoredited by Margo Hendricks and Patricia Parker.
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- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfic...
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfic...
- Note (General)Accompanied by printed guide with ......tle: Pamphlets in American histo......aphic guide to the microform collection
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- Related Material...nleaf Whittier The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club The Decameron Pride and prejudice The castles of Athlin and Dunbayne The entail, or, The Lairds of Grippy The adventures of Robinson Crusoe Principles of political economy ; and Chapters on socialism The pilgrim's progress Modern Verse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson The Romance of Tristan : the thirteenth-century old Fre......n English opium-eater Reflections on the Revolution in France and other writings The way we live now Poems and plays of Robert Browning, 1833-1842 No name Up from slavery The adventures of Oliver Twist The picture of Dorian Gray Sir Ha...
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
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- Note (General)...editors of "Feminist formalism and early modern women's writing": Allyson Poska, Abby Zanger
- Related Material...iety, politics and patronage Gender, race and religion in the colonization of the Americas Literary circles and gender in early modern Europe : a cross-cultural approach Women and epistolary agency in early modern culture, 1450-1690 Publishing women's life stories in France, 1647-1720 : form voice to print Early modern Habsburg women : transnational......, dynastic continuities Midwiving subjects in Shakespeare's England The mother's legacy in early modern England Subordinate subjects : gender, the political nation, and literary form in England, 1588-1688 Baptist women's writings in revolutionary culture, 1640-1680 Education and women in th...
- Alternative TitleWomen & gender in the early modern world
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- Note (General)Former title: Medieval Iberian Peninsula
- Related MaterialThe Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia : a sup......liography, 2010-2012 Islamic and Christian Spain in the early Middle Ages Messianism and puritanical re......rm : Mahdīs of the Muslim west Hispania in late antiquity......ives Queen as king : politics and architectural propaganda in twelfth-century Spain Pedro de Valencia and the Catholic apologists of the expulsion of the Moriscos : vis......f Christianity and kingship Envisioning others : race, color, and the visual in Iberia and Latin America The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia : a sup......liography, 1984-2003 In praise of song : the making of courtly culture in al-Andalus and Provence, 1005...
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- Related MaterialMexico City blues The sea of fertility Memories of the Ford administration : a novel Light in August Shooting an elephant and other essays Meetings with remarka......ette's feast ; and other stories The outsider The longest journey In the making : the story of a childhood Near to the wild heart The samurai The room : a novel The philosophy of Andy Warhol : from A to B and back again The waves The Pat Hobby stor...... pitch Charlie and the chocolate factory The trial The green child : a tale of the seaboard Go down, Moses, and other stories Shadows on the grass The home and the world The unvanquished South wind Ninet...
- Alternative TitleModern classics
- Alternative TitleModern classics
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- Related MaterialFrom codex to hypertext : reading at the turn of the twenty-first century H...... manuscript, print, and political culture in revolutionary England The Holocaust and the book : destruction and preservation America the middlebrow : w......progressivism, and middlebrow aut......orship between the wars What Midd......etown read : print culture in an American sm...... book can do : the publication and reception of Silent spring The labor of : democracy and literary culture in modern Chile Getting at the author : reimagining books and reading in the age of America...... realism Picturing Canada : a history of Canadi...
- Alternative TitlePrint culture and the history of the book
- Alternative TitlePrint culture and the history of the book
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- Note (General)Editor: Herbert B. Adams Publisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press
- Related MaterialErin's daughters in America : Irish immigrant women in the nineteenth century The criminal law system of medieval and Renaissance Fl......cipal problems in mediæval Switzerland French freemasonry under the Third Republic Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public service...... Daniel Dulany the elder Fashoda reconsidered : the impact of dome...... French policy in Africa, 1893-1898 Renaissance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuenca, 1500-1650 A study of judicial administration in the state of Maryland South C...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
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- Note (General)General editors: Gillian Beer, Catherine Gallagher
- Related MaterialDickens and the daughter of the house domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home Charles Darwin and Victorian visu......ature, energy, and the ecological imagination The Brontës and the idea of the human : science, ethics, and the Victorian imagination Victorian women writers and the woman question......epresentation, and the arts in nineteenth-century Shakespeare and Victorian women The Victorian parlour Dickens and the popular radical imagination Translati......transformation in Victorian poet......elics of death in Victorian literature and culture Science, fiction, and the fin-de-siècle periodical ...
- Author HeadingBeer, Gillian Gallagher, Catherine
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- Related MaterialState against development : the experience of post-1965 Zaire The Afro-Yankees : Provi......lack community in the antebellum era The political philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr Black nov......white racist : the myth of Black inferiority in the novels of Osca...... Public policy and the Black hospital......segregation to integration Ghana......folk dramatist in the protest tradition, 1921-1943 Black music in the Harlem Renaiss...... essays Ebony kinship : Africa, Africans, and the Afro-American The slave drivers ......or supervisors in the antebellum Sou......ester Williams and the origins of the pan-African movement, 1869-19...
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- Related MaterialGynecology and textuality : Reading comics : language, culture, and the concept of the superhero in comic books Af...... literature of the 1960s : pens of fire Writing the public in cyberspace : redefining inclusion on the net Public discourse and academic inquiry Making villains, making heroes : Jose...... McCarthy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the politics of Am......n memory "When the spirit says sing!" : the role of freedom songs in the civil rights m......tical cartoons in the 1988 president......age, metaphor, and narrative The origins and early development of......ional football The flamingo in the garden : Amer...
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- Related Material...on of articles The study of religion under the impact of communities in the Near East : co......cted papers of the International Sym......osium "Alevism in Turkey and Comparable Communities in the Near East in the Past and Present" : Berlin, 14-17 April 1995 Religion and reductionism :......Eliade, Segal, and the challenge of the social sciences for the study of religion Re-imagining South Asian r......gions : essays in honour of prof......rold G. Coward and Ronald W. Neuf......ldt Gabriel's wing : a study into the religious idea......reams, Sufism, and sainthood : the visionary career of Muhammad ...
- Alternative TitleStudies in the history of rel......Numen) Studies in the history of rel...... series) Texts and sources in the history of religions
- Alternative TitleStudies in the history of rel......Numen) Studies in the history of rel...... series) Texts and sources in the history of religions
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- Note (General)Edited by the Faculty of Pol......sity Edited by the University Faculty of Politic...
- Related MaterialWage differentials : the case of the unskilled The recognition policy of the United States The peaceable Americans of 1860-1861 : a study in public opinion The I.W.W. : a stu......dicalism Crime in its relations ......ress Treaties, their making and enforcement The civil war and reconstruction in Florida The ratification of the federal constitution in North Carolina The syndical and corporative institutions of Italian fascism The economic theory of cost of living index numbers Early New England towns : a comp......ative study of their development Intermarriage in New York City ......tical study of the amalgamation of European peop...
- Author Heading (ID)DA03999887
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- Note (General)The series was formerly known as "Studies in history, economics and public law"
- Related MaterialFarmers and workers in American politics Privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States India's demand for transporta......ilway monopoly and rate control The Puritan frontier town-planting in New England colonial development, 1630-1660 Valuation and rate-making : the conflicting theories of the Wisconsin Railroad Commission, 1905-1917. With a chapter on the uncertainty of the United States ......urt decisions, and a concluding chapter on the need of a revised principle of utilit......luation An hypothesis of populati......owth Sociology and education : an analysis of the theories of Spencer and Ward ...
- Alternative TitleColumbia University studies in the social science Columbia studies in the social sciences
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- Note (General)General editors: Marilyn Butler, James Chandler
- Related MaterialBlake, sexuality and bourgeois poli......ommodification and social concern : the poetics of modernity The romantic refor......gious politics in English literature, 1789-1824 Keats, narrative, and audience : the posthumous life of writing Romanticism and childhood : the infantilization o......terary culture The anti-Jacobin novel : British conservatism and the French revolut...... Literary magazines and British Romanticism Britain, France and the Gothic, 1764-1820 : the import of terror Romanticism and caricature Reading daughters' fictions 1709-1834 : novels and society from, education, and romanticism : reading as soci...
- Author HeadingButler, Marilyn Chandler, James K.
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- Related MaterialStory and philosophy for social change in medieval and postmodern writing : reading for change Ec......formation : on the uses of alterity in the Middle Ages The persistence of......ive adventures in contemporary culture The legend of Charlemagne in the Middle Ages : power, faith, and crusade Saint Vincent Ferrer, his world and life : religion and society in late Medieval ......esentations of early Byzantine empresses : image and empire The laborer's two ......ies : literary and legal productions in Britain, 1350-1500 Antimercantilism in late medieval ......ture Tolkien's modern Middle Ages Be......f Castile (1180-1246) and political women in t...
- Alternative TitleThe new Middle Ages series
- Alternative TitleThe new Middle Ages series
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- Related MaterialThe politics of identity in Irish drama : ......ugusta Gregory and J.M. Synge Fighting the flames : the spectacular at Coney Island "Foreign bodie...... corporeality, and textuality in contemporary A......ulture Negotiating copyright : authorship and the discourse of l......roperty rights in nineteenth-century America......acial ideology in the literature and popular culture of the 1920's Race, immigration, and American identity in the fiction of Sal......Ralph Ellison, and William Faulkner Beyond the sound barrier : the jazz controversy in twentieth-century American fiction The colonizer abro......eign soil, 1846-1912 Ruined by design : shapin...
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- Related MaterialElizabeth Stoddard and the boundaries of ......s culture Creating Yoknapatawpha : readers and writers in Faulkner's fic......n Henry Miller and religion Willi......m Dean Howells and the ends of realis......ormac McCarthy and the myth of Americ......ican flaneur : the cosmic physiog......ious eroticism and poetics Yeats and theosophy George O......l, doubleness, and the value of decency All the world's a stag......ic sensibility in Mary Shelley's novels The artist, society, & sexuality in Virginia Woolf's nove...... Naked liberty and the world of desir......s of anarchism in the work of D. H. ......nce "Unnoticed in the casual light of day" : Ph...
- Alternative TitleMajor literary authors Studies in major literary authors : outstanding dissertations
- Alternative TitleMajor literary authors Studies in major literary authors : outstanding dissertations
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- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columb......ity Press, MerwinAsia, University of Washington Press, The University of ......rsity Press, Princeton University Press, MIT Pr...
- Related MaterialFinancial politics in contemporary policy, 1947-1968 Japanese sources on the history of the Chinese Communist m......y of materials in the East Asiatic L......bia University and the Division of Or......ongress Palace and politics in prewar Japan The Korean Communi...... movement, 1918-1948 The North Korean revolution, 1945-1950 The first Vietnam crisis : Chinese Communist strategy and United States involvement, 1953-1954 Food of sinful demons : me......vegetarianism, and the limits of Buddhism in Tibet Mobilizing without the masses : control and contention in China Inheritance of loss : China, Japan, and the political ec...
- Alternative TitleA study of the East Asian Institute Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columb......y A studies of the East Asian Institute, Columb......ity Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columb......ity A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
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- Related MaterialEducation, the family and leisure A form......dable foe Explaining comprehensivism Industry, vocationalism and employers' needs Problems in athe biological and human sciences Damping, forcing and resonance Educ......n for adults : the institutions Oscillations and energy Topics in earth sciences Materials and models ; Putting materials to work The structure and management of ......ystems Methods in machine design Lifelines Brain and spinal cord ; Compa...... systems Music and revolution, Verdi Small-scale research in primary school......eader for learning and professional d......velopment First-order differential equations A...