Search results 38
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Over the last half-century, Southeast Asia has undergone innumerable, far-reaching changes that ......or large-scale institutions and processes, but......topic of power in relation to th......ansformations, and looks at its v......ious, economic and political forms. Consisting of empiricall......ground up, seeking to capture Southeast Asians' own perspec......eptualizations and experiences of......cusses the machinations of Indonesian politicians and the aspirations and struggles of marginal Lao well as looking at the mass '......Power' rallies in the Philippines and the self-culti......n practices of individual Thai Buddhists. Drawi...
- ContentsForeword : in search of power in Southeast Asia / Victor T. King Introduction : power and orientation in Southeast Asia / Liana Chua .......bject of power in Southeast Asia / Shelly Errington Power, protection and perfectibility : aspiration and materiality in Thailand / Joanna Cook ......idered : power and the disenchantment of the world / Adrian Vickers Landscape, power and agency in eastern Indonesia / Catherine Allerton The ......unsettled dead and the imagined state in contemporary Singapore / Ruth E......cians, prowess and power in Indonesia / Loren......ratic migrants and the potential of prosperity in upland Laos / Sarinda Singh L...
- Subject HeadingPower (Social sciences)--Southeast Asia. Ethnology--Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia--Social life and customs.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAsia -- Foreign relations. Asia -- Politics and government -- 1945-
- Note (General)Running title: World powers in S. & S.-E. Asia. "Issued under......he auspices of Indian Council of World Affairs."
- Author HeadingImam, Zafar. Indian Council of World Affairs.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingAnthropology -- Asia, Southeastern
- Subject Heading (ID)Anthropology -- Asia, Southeastern
- Related MaterialModernity and Malaysia : settling the Menraq fo......omads Identity and the state in Malaysia Kinship, population and social reproduction in the 'new Indonesia' : a st......ience The changing village environment in Southeast Asia : applied anthropology and environmental reclamation in the northern Philippines The Orang Su...... Laut of Riau, Indonesia : the inalienable gift ......itory The changing world of Bali : religion, society and tourism Continuity and change in Brunei Darussalam Origins, history and social structure in Brunei Darussa......ment relations and politics in Indonesia : conflicting ecologies Democracy, corrupt...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...chichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die......luids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by de......Opere Versuch einer Geschichte d......ques : ou sont inserées les The anatomy and philosophy of ......x Memoir, containing an abridged t......he cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ... L'art......ectionner les vins Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus d......'Amerique More worlds than one : th......he philosopher and the hope of th......eschichte von einigen Liebhabern......Wissenschaften Introduction a l'étude de la chi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCapital and entrepreneurship in South-East Asia Trade, industrial restructuring and development in Hong Kong Agri......ultural growth in Indonesia : productivity change and policy impact since 1880 Thailand's industrialization and its consequenc......n rubber : the interwar years The agrarian origins of commerce and industry : a stud...... peasant marketing in Indonesia Money and finance in the economic d......Taiwan The shaping of Malaysia Foreign capital and industrialization in Malaysia Southeast Asia's industrialization : industrial policy, capabilities and sustainability The last stand of Asian autonomies : responses to mo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... policy reform in South-east Asia and the South-west Pacific The Chinese in Malaysia Ah Ku and Karayuki-san : prostitution in Singapore, 1870-1940 The Nation and economic growth : the Philippines and Thailand Transformation with industrialization in peninsular Malaysia Unity and diversity : re......ic development in Indonesia since 1970 Plantat......ions, capital, and the state in Peninsular Malaysia Contesting space : power relations and the urban built environment in colonial Singapore Malaysia's industrialization......ogy On the margin of capitalism : people and development in Mukim Plentong......generation Meanings of multiethnicity : a case-...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialJapan's island troubles with China and Korea : prospects and challenges for......ution Monarchy in South-East Asia : the faces of tradition in transition China, arms control, and nonproliferati......rights society in Singapore : 1965-2015 Japan and China in the world political economy Realism and interdependence in Singapore's foreig......globalization, and political change in Asia : organizing between family and state Asian states : beyo......arian politics in Asia Communitarian ideology and democracy in Singapore The nexus in Northeast Asia Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia : ASEAN and th...
- Alternative TitlePolitics in Asia Routledge politics in Asia series
- Alternative TitlePolitics in Asia Routledge politics in Asia series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...els for estimating development and ripening of crops Lowe......oposphere soundings : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Obs......he preparation and use of weather maps by mariners The use of ......llite pictures in weather analysis and forecasting Aviation hail......m . Turbulence in clear air and in cloud . Ice fo......t . Occurrence and forecasting of cirrostrat......louds The planning of meteorolog......tion regime of inclined surfaces /by......of aerological instruments : an ......ion : (Current investigations and problems) . Tr......ns Data-processing by machine methods : report ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...hencourt, Caroline Elkins, Durba Ghosh Publisher varie...
- Related Material...r performances in America, 1750-1860 Law and imperialism : criminality and constitution in colonial India and Victorian England Class and colonialism in Antarctic expl......tronage, power and aesthetics in princely India British of the self and other British imperialism and Turkish nationalism in Cyprus, 1923-1......9 : divide, define and rule Australia......y Spender Race and British colonialism in South-East Asia, 1770-1870 : John Crawfurd and the politics o......ical thought : indigenous Australians and the language o......ularism, Islam and education in India, 1830-1910 ......English empire in America, 1602-1658 : beyond J...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"The Max Planck Institute for Soc......began its work in Halle (Saale), Germany, at th...
- Related MaterialExploring the edge of e......a anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia Caucasus parad......ies, histories and the making of the world area Why do Uz......lims ? : exploring religiosity in the Ferghana V......of religiosity in eastern christ......ious processes and social change in Ukraine "Not the hors......neoliberalism, and Eurasia What it means ......: the practice and image of reindeer husbandry among the Ko......rn Russia Studying peoples in the people's d......a anthropology in East-Central Europe Reindeer nomads mee......ture, property and globalisation ......e "end of the land" Land and power in Khorezm : farmer...
- Author HeadingHann, C. M. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropolog...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNavies of South-East Asia : a comparativ......dy Naval power and expeditionary ......eral campaigns and new theatres warfare Stalin's ocean-going fleet : Sovie......naval strategy and shipbuilding programmes, 1......ez 1900-2000 : influences and actions Technology and naval combat in the twentieth century and beyond The Roy......y, 1930-2000 : innovation and defence Dreadnought gunnery and the Battle of Jutland : the question......time diplomacy in the 21st century : drivers and challenges The Royal Navy and maritime power in the twentieth century India's naval strategy and Asian security Naval strategy and operations in narrow seas Twe...
- Alternative TitleCass series : naval policy and history Naval policy and history Routle......: naval policy and history
- Alternative TitleCass series : naval policy and history Naval policy and history Routle......: naval policy and history
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe global left behind child in China : "unintended consepuences" in capitalism Implementing anticorruption in the PRC : patt......c of globality in the contemporary suburban landscape of Calcutta China's environment......we care? Unity-in-diversity? : r...... identity building in Southeast Asia From the cater......w social force in China Sayōnara nuke......ion strategies and organisation o......uclear protest in Japan after th......nsumer citizen in contemporary China Path, creativity and Japan's compet......eness The changing nature of the......iron triangle" in the postal industry and postal reforms in J...
- Alternative TitleWoring paper
- Alternative TitleWoring paper
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...guly, Joseph Chinyong Liow, Andrew Scobell ("D......tic transition and security in Pakistan")
- Related MaterialConflict and cooperation in multi-ethnic states : institutional incentives, myths and counterbalancing The arms race in Asia : trends, causes and implications Understanding security practices in South Asia : securitization theory and the role of no......state actors Chinese-Japanese competition and the East Asian security complex : vying for influence US Taiw......icy : constructing the triangle Indian foreign and security policy in South Asia : regional pow......stan, Pakistan and strategic change : adjusting western regional policy China's rising sea power : t......A Navy's submarine challenge Chinese military strategy in the t...
- Author HeadingGanguly, Sumit Liow, Joseph Chinyong Scobell, Andrew
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWomen's conversations in a Minangkabau market......ward an understanding of the social...... trade between India and Southeast Asia : a link in the development of a world trading system The Br......tish residency in Brunei, 1906-1......Theatre states and oriental despotisms : early Southeast Asia in the eyes of th......s, self-images and the travellers in the Malay Arch...... The Rejang of Southern Sumatra Pic......ultan Abdul Momin and Sultan Hashim between 1881 and 1906 The language of number and numerical ability in Eastern Sumba development in North-East Thailand : case studies in migration, ...
- Author HeadingUniversity of Hull. Centre for South-East Asian Studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe rise of the international org......Eastern Europe and the origins of the Second World War From Versa......o Maastricht : international organisation in the twentieth ......entury Germany and the approach of war in 1914 Chamberlain and appeasement : British policy and the coming of the Second World War The Versai......ment : peacemaking after the First World War, 1919-1923 France and the origins of the First World War France and decolonisation......1900-1960 Britain and from empire in the post-war world The approach o......ion of peace : international relations in Europe, 1918-1933 France and the origins of the Second Wor...
- Alternative TitleThe making of the twentieth century
- Alternative TitleThe making of the twentieth century
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOil and security : problems and prospects of importing countries Nuclear warfare and deterrence Strategic defence in the nuclear ag......role of the G8 in international peace and security The e......ity policy Continuity and change in Israeli securi......ilitary policy and African securi......ces of dispute in the new ocean ......ation security initiative : making waves in Asia Soviet policy towards Iran and the Gulf Understanding contemporary international arm......War arms trade and supplier strategies for limiting conventional ...... proliferation Investing in peace : aid and conditionality......ement : connecting ambition and reality The rol...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCattle in Australia The Water power and irrigation The......der The wonderland of the ocean Living geography Interesting Eastern peopl......tes of America India astir The s......n Architecture and sculpture The story of England This nuclear a...... voyage to the South Seas Our mineral wealth The inland sea Safety fir......Major Mitchell and "Australia Fel......" The Dark Continent Africa Peoples of South-East Asia New Zealand Man's progress through inventions The first fleet In search of the southland Our place in space Ancient ......wards a better world Canada From St......rt to the overland telegraph Wheat The emergence...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editor: Kelly DeVries Founding editors: Theresa Vann, Paul ...
- Related MaterialNeptune and the Netherlands : state, economy, and war at sea in the Renaissanc...... Late medieval and early modern f......: transmission and tradition of martial arts in Europe (14th-1......: perspectives in First World War studies Just wars and moral victorie......ise, deception and the normative ......f European war in the later Middle Ages Scotland and the Thirty Yea......fferent vistas World military histo......hy : premodern and nonwestern military institutions and warfare The Ru......o-Japanese War in global perspective : World War Zero From ......lomatic parity in eleventh-century China : Sung's foreign relations w...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWomen's health in India : risk and vulnerability Hinduism for our t......hor for modern India The archaeo......ogy of ancient Indian cities Imp......ure of the Raj Indian and British English : a handbook of usage and pronunciation ......ligion, state, and society in medieval India : collected......ul Hasan Trade in early India Intellectual property rights in the WTO and developing contries Jung......: child labour in India Viraha-bhak......Kṛṣṇa devotion in South India An Antholog...... of Urdu verse in English, with the original poems in Devanagari Hum......ation : claims and context Studies in Islamic culture in the Indian...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published in association wi...... published: Basingstoke : Palgrave in association wi......hts violations and the question of indifference": Dan Healey, Leigh...
- Related MaterialIdeology, mobilization and the nation : t...... Irish, Basque and Carlist nation......list movements in the nineteenth and early twentiet......berg : Leo Alexander and the Nazi docto......hrough the looking glass of East Asia Moving the Maasai :, modernity, and entrepreneursh......the Malays Law and policy in Latin America : transforming courts, institutions, and rights On spec......lness : essays in Anglo-American......State security and regime securit......t Syngman Rhee and the insecurity dilemma in South Korea, 1953-60 Warriors and peasants : the Don Cossacks in late Imperial ......labour markets and democratization : Chile and t...