Search results 15
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingArt, Zen.
- Note (General)Translation of Zen to Bijutsu.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingArt, Zen
- Subject Heading (ID)Art, Zen
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Platform sutra of the Sixth Patriarch : the text of the Tun-huang manu......i of Ema Saikō The Vimalakirti Sutra The Huainanzi : a guide to the theory and practice of go...... of Chikamatsu The essential Huainanzi The Lotus Sutra Scenes for mandarins : the elite theater of the Ming The Columbia antho......ional Japanese theater : an anthology of plays The essential Lotu......elections from the Lotus Sutra The pillow book of...... t'zu poems of the Sung dynasty The Kojiki : an ac......ncient matters The sound of the kiss, or, The story that mus...... never be told The Columbia antho......ngji) Ryōkan : Zen monk-poet of Japan Han Fei Tz...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe literature of the New Testament ......nese tradition The conquest of Co......ntroduction to the history of his......ieval trade in the Mediterranean ...... on things at hand : the neo-Confucian anthology The History of Yab......rian patriarch and of his vicar B...... ambassador to the Frankish courts at the end of the thirteenth century The letters of Ger......s Sylvester II The art of courtly......e Scripture of the lotus blossom of the fine dharma The murder of Charles the Good, count of Flanders Lanzelet : ......ce of Lancelot The literature of the Old Testament development The recovery of the Holy Land Two...
- Alternative TitleRecords of civilization : sources and studies series
- Alternative TitleRecords of civilization : sources and studies series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...trees Japanese fine arts Japanese etiquette Hiroshige and Japanese landscapes History ......umour Hirosige and Japanese landscapes Japanese...... of Japan Judo and aikido Japanes......mono Japanese handicrafts Japanes......orative design Zen and Japanese Buddhism The Japanese dance Tray landscapes (Bonkei and Bonseki) Tea c...... Japan : an aesthetic pastime Flo......anese proverbs and proverbial phr......Nō plays Tray landscapes : (bonkei and bonseki) Japanese lacqer ware
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Also published by Bollingen Foundation, Pantheon Books etc.
- Related MaterialMyths and symbols in Indian art and civilization The Mustard Seed G......a facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shan......ition Avicenna and the visionary recital Psychology and alchemy Chapman's Homer : The Iliad The origins and history of con......Spiritual body and celestial Eart......o Shīʿite Iran The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon The practice of psychotherapy : essays on the psychology of the transference and other subjects Civi......esearches into the phenomenology of the self The shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon The roots of roman......archetypes : mother, rebirth, spirit, trickster The king and the corpse : tales of the soul's conquest of evil Picas...
- Alternative TitleThe Bollingen series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialPsychology and alchemy Chapman's Homer : The Iliad The Shrines of Tut......esearches into the phenomenology of the self The king and the corpse : tales of the soul's conques......yth, religion, and mother right : selec....... Bachofen Man and transformation Plato The tragic sense of life in men and nations On the Iliad African ......les Aspects of the feminine Chris......of its origins The practice of psychotherapy : essays on the psychology of the transference and other subjects Flyi......things seen in the skies The hieroglyphics ......athustra Blake and antiquity The mythic image Pandora's box : the changing aspects of a mythica...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related schools You and music Object-o......tology : a new theory of everything Anxiety and neurosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States ......f politics England in the seventeenth ce......tury Apes, men and language A his......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and growth of mode...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scrol...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab re......ary history of the Middle East conflict The floating repub...... an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The struggle for the Middle East ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other publisher : Plume
- Related Material...rt stories 2 : the writers select their own favorites Of mice and magic : a hist......mated cartoons The making of The African Queen,......ogart, Bacall, and Huston and almost lost my......e Managing for the future : the 1990s and beyond Teachin...... Montessori in the home : the school years Banana : the fate of the fruit that changed the world The book of looks ......'s best reveal and discuss their favorite fil......lim women lift the veil of silence on the Islamic world to colleges The Spanish Inquis......ting happiness and health in mome...... of connection The Fed : the inside story of how the world's most powerful financi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... righteousness The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church : the first part, containing the Sermones catho......of Ælfric : in the original Anglo...... writings Luke the physician : the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the the Apostles Pvrch......r relations of the world and the religions obse......ed in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto ......ury Experience and nature Is this theosophy? : (1936......s of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore : comprising their life and work as recorded in their diaries from...... consciousness and the psychology of ...... Tracings from the Acts of the Apostles or thirt...
- Alternative Title...eprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger'...
- Alternative Title...eprints : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger'...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe great cat : po......merican master The world of apple......Jacob Drachler and Virginia R. Terris The many worlds laughter : the life of Noel C...... A pagan place The wonderful Wiza......ations Lisa in the jungle An era of total war and uncertain peace, 1938-1980 The best of Archy and Mehitabel France and Algeria : comp......ranklin street The Great Northwest : a history The Camerons : a novel The idiot The end of your li......omy Tristram Shandy The new deal in ol...... government in the ancient world ......odern problems The mansion of hap......istory of life and death Of love and other demons The short storie...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...montov's verse and prose Kedang : a study of the collective tho......5 : a study of the Ottoman polici......ued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial con......quences during the period 1870-18......cheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflec......l tradition in the poetic Khon-Ngan : the growing divide...... literature in the Soviet Union 1......of measurement and associated dis......nited Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rapprochement between the Fed...
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
- Alternative TitleBritish theses
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAh, but your land is beautiful The enigma of arri......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African stor....... Tell no lies The struggles of A......oods Sweetness and power : the place of sugar......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mice and men and Cannery row Go...... is back : how the global is changing the world A passage to India The ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...uvelle-Espagne The inner life of ......ria, Palestine and the Holy land Physiology and hygiene : with......Buel P. Colton and Louis Murbach The revenge : a is acted at the Theatre-Royal in D......ts An essay on the history of civ......, Hercegovina, and Dalmatia The little ballet ......Meditations on the Life of Christ Democracy and social ethics ......ations of Demosthenes The union of England and Scotland : a study of i......tional history The children's Bib......tory A view of the American Indians : their general char......eligious rites and traditions The Creoles of history and the Creoles of romance Cinq n...
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger ...
- Alternative TitleThousands of scarce and hard-to-find books Kessinger ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ttérature allemandes = German language and literature ISS......oire = History and allied studies......ged: Economics and management = V......alian language and literature ISS......saxon language and literature ISS...... 23: 07213409: Theologie = Théologie = Theology ISSN for ......caines = Asian and African studie...... 30: 07213662: Theatre-, Film- un......ssenschaften = Théâtre, cinéma, télévivion = Theatre, film and television ISSN for subser. 3...
- Related Material...publik Deutschland Verwaltungsger......wendige Eigenständigkeit? Quality......publik Deutschland : hemmende und......Basis der Verständigung : Chr. F. Gellerts Brieftheorie Intention in action : the philosophy of ......stinkt der Verwandtschaft : Heinr......zgeschichten Luthers Stellung zum......ches Ethos im Wandel : zum erzieh......hen Selbstverständnis in der Bund......publik Deutschland nach 1945 Der ......publik Deutschland Religiöse Rede als Sprachhandlung : eine Unt......robleme zum Anwartschaftsrecht aus......ziehung von Anwartschaftsrecht zum......atur der Schwarzen Romantik Die a......Modernisierungstheorie) : Am Beispiel konfuziani...