
World War II Naval Histories and Historical Reports; Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, Battle Experiences, December 1941 - August 1945

憲政資料室 作成












この機密情報ブレティン(Secret Information Bulletin)は、第二次大戦中とその直後、継続して作成されていた。最初の報告「真珠湾からミッドウェーまでの戦闘記録」は、1943年2月に作成された。


Secret Information Bulletinの番号順に収録。

Reel 1
  • No. 1 Battle Experience from Pearl Harbor to Midway, December 1941 to June 1942, including Makin Island Raid, 17-18 August
  • No. 2 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands Actions, August and September 1942, including Bombardment of Kiska, 7 August 1942
  • No. 3 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands Actions, October 1942
  • No. 4 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands Actions, November 1942
  • No. 5 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands Actions December 1942−January 1943
  • No. 6 Experience: Solomon Islands and Alaskan Actions, January−February 1943
  • No. 7 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands and Alaskan Areas, March 1943
  • No. 8 Battle Experience: Solomon Islands and Alaskan Areas Bombardments, May & July 1943
  • No. 9 Battle Experience: Assault and Occupation of Attu Island , May 1943
  • No. 10 Battle Experience: Naval operations, Solomon Islands Area, 30 June - 12 July 1943 フィルム不鮮明
  • No. 11 Battle Experience: Naval Operations, Solomon Islands Area , 12 July -10 August 1943
  • No. 12 Solomon Islands and Alaskan Areas, July-October 1943
  • No. 13 Battle Experience: Bombardment of Wake Island , 5 & 6 October 1943: Dress Rehearsal for Future Operations
  • No. 14 Battle Experience: Naval Operations , South and Southwest Pacific Ocean Areas, 6 October - 2 November 1943
Reel 2
  • No. 15 Battle Experience: Supporting Operations before and during the occupation of the Gilbert Islands , November 1943 (First Major Stepping Stone Westward) フィルム不鮮明
  • No. 16 Battle Experience: Battle off Cape St. George, New Ireland, 24-25 November 1943; Surface and Air Attacks on Nauru Island, 8 December 1943
  • No. 17 Battle Experience: Supporting Operations for the Occupation of the Marshall Islands, Including the Westernmost Atoll , Eniwetok, February 1944 (Second Major Stepping Stone Westward)
  • No. 18 Battle Experience: Battleship , Cruiser, and Destroyer Sweep around Truk , 16 - 17 February 1944. Bombardments of Satawan and Ponape , 30 April - 1 May 1944
  • No. 19 Battle Experience: Supporting operations for the Invasion of Northern France June 1944
  • No. 20 Battle Experience: Supporting Operations for the Capture of the Marianas Islands (Japan, Guam, and Tinian), June-August 1944 (Third Major Stepping Stone Westward)
  • No. 21 Battle Experience: Night Action and Subsequent Bombardment of Chichi Jima and Ani Jima , Bonin Islands , 4 - 5 August 1944; Destruction of Japanese Convoy off Bislig Bay, 9 September 1944; Supporting Operations for the Occupation of Palau and Ulithi , September - October 1944
  • No. 22 Battle Experience: Battle for Leyte Gulf; (A) Battle of Surigao Strait, (B) Battle off Samar, (C) Battle off Cape Engano ( East of Luzon ), 23 - 27 October 1944
  • No. 23 Battle Experience: Bombardments of Iwo Jima, November 1944 -January 1945; Third Fleet operations in Support of Central Luzon Landings -- including the South China Sea Sweep 30 December 1944 - 23 January 1945
  • No. 24 Battle Experience: Radar Pickets and Methods of Combating Suicide Attacks off Okinawa, March-May 1945
  • No. 25 Battle Experience: Encountering Typhoons or Storms, June -August 1945
  • No. 26 Battle Experience: Final Operations of Units of the Pacific Fleet off the Shores of Japan , July - August 1945 フィルム不鮮明

米合衆国艦隊は、1922年に大西洋と太平洋の艦隊を合体して設置されたが、1941年2月にはその組織は廃止され、大西洋艦隊と太平洋艦隊が再設置されていた。しかし、1941年12月に、太平洋、大西洋、アジアの3艦隊及びすべての海軍沿岸部隊の作戦を指揮するものとして合衆国艦隊司令長官のポストが復活し、アーネスト・キング(Ernest J. King)が司令長官に任命された(同ポストは1945年10月10日廃止)。1942年3月12日の大統領行政命令(第9096号)により、海軍作戦部長と合衆国艦隊司令長官とは兼任できるようになり、キングはスターク(Harold R. Stark)に代わり海軍作戦部長にも任命された(両者の職掌の違いはあいまいであった)。


米海軍歴史センター作戦文書課(Naval Historical Center, Operational Archives Branch)


この文書はScholarly Resources 社がマイクロフィルム化して市販している。当館では、2002年度に購入した。公開は2003年3月31日。2011年9月7日に請求記号をYF1-A1からYF1-A31に変更した。


