清水, 和弥, 伊藤, 隆, 根岸, 秀世, 清水, 太郎, 山西, 伸宏, Shimizu, Kazuya, Ito, Takashi, Negishi, Hideyo, Shimizu, Taro, Yamanishi, Nobuhiro宇宙航空研究開発機構2004-10-29宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料: 平成15年度総合技術研究本部宇宙領域研究成果報告書:輸送系 = JAXA Research and Development Memorandum: FY15 Annual Report of Research & Development on Space Technology in the Institute of Space Technology and Aeronautics: Space Transportation SystemJAXA-RM-04-009p.31-36
- 件名...me temperature engine performance
- 一般注記...to improve the engine performance. The effect of the film cooli...
谷, 香一郎, 苅田, 丈士, 工藤, 賢司, 秋久, 大輔, Tani, Koichiro, Kanda, Takeshi, Kudo, Kenji, Akihisa, Daisuke航空宇宙技術研究所2000-07航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1409Tp.1-21
- 件名...precompression engine performance flight simulation wind tunnel...
航空宇宙技術研究所, National Aerospace Laboratory航空宇宙技術研究所1998-02航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1347p.1-106
- 件名...on air heating engine performance evaluation supersonic engine ...
- 一般注記...for evaluating engine performance in the M8 flight condition. T...
山本, 武, 田丸, 卓, Yamamoto, Takeshi, Tamaru, Takashi航空宇宙技術研究所1994-04航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1233p.1-17
- 件名...luff body flow engine performance study spaceplane propulsion r...
- 一般注記...nvestigate the engine performance over a wide op......ed to simulate engine performance over a wide operating range. ...