検索結果 3,579 件
- 件名Carbon sequestration Piégeage du carbone
- 件名Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide industry Gaz carbonique Gaz carbonique--Industrie carbon dioxide.
- 要約等Carbon materials form......s diameters in carbon nanotubes, to ......olycrystalline carbon materials. The...... attributes of carbon materials are ......iation. Porous Carbons: Syntheses an......tion of porous carbons. It considers......nd macropores. Carbon foams, sponges...... 3D-structured carbons are detailed.......ues for porous carbons, and their modern applicatio...
- 件名Porous materials Carbon Carbone Carbon. Porous materials.
CO2 capture, utilization, and sequestration strategies First edition (Sustainable energy strategies)
- 要約等...ook emphasizes carbon capture, utilization, and seq...
- 件名Carbon sequestration Piégeage du carbone Carbon sequestration.
- 件名Carbon dioxide mitigation Carbon sequestration Gaz carbonique--Réduction Piégeage du carbone Carbon dioxide mitigation. Carbon sequestration.
- 件名free electron laser / Cherenkov / electron beam / micro-emitter / carbon nanotube / far-infared
- 件名Carbon sequestration Carbon dioxide mitigation Carbon sequestration-......s Piégeage du carbone Gaz carbonique--Réduction Piégeage du carbone--Innovations Carbon dioxide mitigation. Carbon sequestration.
- 要約等Molecular carbon chains have at......of long linear carbon chains, "carby......s of elemental carbon, which were tw...... properties of carbon materials. Carbyne is a 1D se...
- 内容細目...i Discovery of carbon nanowires and ...... single-walled carbon nanowires by p......of long linear carbon chains confine......n multi-walled carbon nanotubes / Yi......n processes of carbon nanowires / Yi......carbyne inside carbon nanotubes by t......Lei Shi Linear carbon chains formed ......c discharge of carbon nanotube catho......tion of atomic carbon chains in the ......lorian Banhart Carbon chain stripped......m graphene and carbon nanotube / Koj......ne-dimensional carbon / Chi Ho Wong, Tao Mengying, ...
- 件名Carbynes Carbon nanotubes Polyynes
- 件名nanospace / supercritical carbon dioxide / silica membrane / l...
- 要約等...nstration of a carboncarbon (CC) single bond beyond 1.8 a...
- 件名Chemical bonds Carbon compounds Carbon compounds. Chemical bonds.
- 件名Thin Film Polycrystalline film Sputtering Carbon Carbyne Chaoite
- 内容細目FEM and FIM of carbon nanotubes / Ya......scillations of carbon field emitters......of point-typed carbon nanotube field...... patterns from carbon nanotubes / To...... emission from carbon nanotubes / Al......y full aligned carbon nanotube elect......of long linear carbon chains after serious field em...
- 件名Carbon Carbon nanotubes--Ind......l applications Carbon nanofibers--In......rons--Emission Carbone Nanotubes de carbone--Applications...... Nanofibres de carbone--Applications...... électronique Carbon. Electrons--Emission.
- 要約等...cent trends in carbon management and......n on different carbon management str......of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The g......of atmospheric carbon dioxide concen......e past decade, carbon management by ...... way to manage carbon dioxide emissi......of sustainable carbon dioxide manage......(a) minimizing carbon dioxide emissi......hnology toward carbon dioxide mitiga...... d) converting carbon dioxide into v......oks related to carbon management att......t to cover the carbon capture and sequestration, carbon mineralization......questration of carbon dioxide from t......ribed in other carbon management books. In order to...
- 内容細目Part I. General. Advances in carbon capture and ut......arwal Part II. Carbon capture as nat......al phenomenon. Carbon capture : inno......shi Geological carbon capture and st...... P. Singh Soil carbon sequestration ......t III. Advance carbon management tec......-combustion of carbon capture techno......anta Medisetty Carbon bio-capturing ...... treatment and carbon capture for en......um Arunachalam Carbon dioxide captur......griculture for carbon capture and carbon sequestration ......e soil organic carbon and major nutr......s. Biochar : a carbon negative techn......nd P. C. Joshi Carbon sequestration potential of di...
- 件名Carbon dioxide mitigation Carbon sequestration Gaz carbonique--Réduction Piégeage du carbone Carbon dioxide mitigation. Carbon sequestration.
- 要約等...n the field of carbon composite cata......ding graphene, carbon nanotubes, mesoporous carbons, graphitic carbon nitrides, and ...... activities of carbon materials. Som......more efficient carbonaceous catalyst......cialization of carbon composite cata......est studies of carbon-based composite catalysts for...
- 内容細目Carbon composites and......aphene foam as carbon composites catalysts Nano carbon-based catalysts Carbon composites and......nic pollutants Carbon composites and......s Sulfur-based carbon aerogel compos...... for catalysts Carbon composites as ......rocatalysis of carbon-based composite catalysts Carbon composites cat......ll application Carbon composite cata...... Co2 reduction Carbon composite cata......tion reactions Carbon composite cata......tion reactions Carbon composite cata......hase reactions Carbon composite catalysts for liqui...
- 件名Carbon composites Catalysts Carbon composites. Catalysts.
- 要約等This book describes carbon nanothreads wi......ons with other carbon-based nanomate......nal results of carbon nanothreads fo......information of carbon nanothreads an...... properties of carbon nanothreads ar...... mechanisms of carbon nanothreads in polymer compos...
- 内容細目... properties of carbon nanothreads El...... properties of carbon nanothreads Th...... properties of carbon nanothreads Carbon nanothreads re......rrangements of carbon nanothreads
- 件名Nanostructured materials Carbon nanofibers Nan...... Nanofibres de carbone Carbon nanofibers. Nanostructured ma...
- 内容細目Introduction: The Future of Carbon Materials - Th......ke The Element Carbon* / Wilhelm Fro......ger History of Carbon Materials / Ge......Description of Carbon as a Solid (19......o Polygranular Carbon and Graphite M......1 Polygranular Carbon and Graphite M...... Production of Carbon and Graphite* ......f Polygranular Carbon and Graphite M......ard Wege 6.5.5 Carbon Electrodes* / ......her Classes of Carbon* / Otto Vohler......m, Erhard Wege Carbon and Graphite f......hweiss Part 2. Carbon and Graphite f...... Wen Activated Carbon* / Klaus-Dirk ......Hartmut Kienle Carbon Black / Conny ......, Manfred Voll Carbon Fibers / Michael Heine 12.1 C...
- 件名Carbon Graphite Carbon. Graphite.