検索結果 2 件
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA80242117
- LCCHV6762.A3
- 件名Disappeared persons -- ......gresses Political prisoners -- ...... Congresses Human rights -- Congresses
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00245453
- 一般注記"the late Harry Bradford Stanton, called Harry "the Hat", the founder of Bradford books." --(MIT Press's advert.): It is simply means that books' field ......hology, ... et al., rather than series
- 関連情報Preference, belief, and similarity : selected......Confessions of a medicine man : an essay in popular philosophy Changing minds : computers, learning, and literacy Naturalizing intention in action Mental spaces : aspects of meaning construction in natural language The meaning of language Medical ethics : a clinical textbook and reference for the health care professions Beyond modularity : a developmental perspective o...... science Computationalism : new dire......ence of mind : a tribute to Michael S. Gazzaniga The creative cognition approach Spatial schemas and abstract thought Coherence in natural language : data structur...