検索結果 134 件
- 要約等"Strategic innovation dynamically brings about strategic positioning through new p......ucts, services and business models, and is a dynamic v......rporation to maintain its competitive advantage and establish sustainable growth. Fo......ons have to be innovators that can reinforce their existing positions through incremental innovation, while......r destroy existing business through radical innovation. This ...... The Strategic Innovation System......ieve strategic innovation. As a ...... the Strategic Innovation System......eed of changes and uncertainty in the environmen......ies can change and even evolve their capabilitie...
- 内容細目...retical model, and the research a......abilities building through dynam......abilities building through the innovation proces......abilities building through the exploitation and exploration ap......oach Strategic innovation system...... The strategic innovation system......-case analyses in high-tech comp......sed view (BBV) and the attention-......V) - a longitudinal study of the......communications industry Implication and future research issues
- 件名Management--Technological innovations Information technology--Management Kn......Strategic planning Organizational change
- 要約等"Using empirical dat......he dynamics of innovation within public sector organisations and identifies the......s that promote innovation or the determinants that enhance innovation activi......esents a macro and micro analysis of workplace innovation in the Australian......itten by a combination of practitioners and academics to p......th theoretical and practical insights. The boo......etween culture and workplace innovation as a m......al, subjective and context specif......enomenon operating dynamically a......organisational innovation, organ......al climate for innovation, team and individual innovation. It identifies a vari...
- 件名Organizational change--Australia Organizational behavior--Au......alia Public administration--Technological innovations--Aust......ia Leadership. Organizational behavior. Organizational change. Public administration--Technological innovations. Australia.
- 要約等...nsformation of information into digital form......ociety - firms and organizations are embracing this developm......types of IT to increase internal efficiency and to achieve ext......nal visibility and effectiveness ...... there is data in abundance and the challenge is to manage and make use of it......alization era, and offers novel p......ctives on managing the digital landscape. The topi......ntial to renew organizations, markets, and society. The c......are structured in three topical ......n also be read individually. The......tured to offer insights into the developm......e place at the intersection of the management, ...
- 件名Management information systems Information technology--Management Technological innovations Electronic information resou......ces Electronic information resources. Information technology--Management. Management information syste...... Technological innovations.
- 関連情報Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology
- 要約等"With recent advances in IT in areas such as AI and IoT, collabora......ems such as business chat, cloud......ices, conferencing systems, and unified commun......e rapidly becoming widely used a......T applications in global corpora......ities. Through in-depth longitudinal studies of global corp......ical framework and implications f......capabilities using collaboration......trategy theory and organization theory. The co......sed on longitudinal analyses tha......search methods including ethnography, ......ction research and in-depth case studies of global corporations in Europe, the United States and Asia that actively use collab...
- 件名Information technology--Technological innovations Knowl...... management Business enterprises......-Technological innovations Business enterprises......-Technological innovations. Information technology--Technological innovations. Knowledge managemen...
- 要約等... of the Danish innovation system......tal challenges including the green imp......ative of achieving growth with e......ronmental sustainability and the need to adapt to new and possibly disruptive changes in technology, often referre...... to as the 4th Industrial Revolu......ook is divided into 4 main sections. The ......ribes the evolving characteristi......em of research and innovation with s......t the national and regional level......ion focuses on interorganizational relations, including the position ......f Danish firms in national and global value chains. The third section examines changes in labour markets and in the edu...
- 件名Technological innovations--Econ......pects--Denmark Technology and state--Denmark Sustainable development--Denmark Denm...
- 関連情報Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology
- 要約等"This book provides valuable insights into the Kingdom of Saudi A......a thorough examination of Saudi ......ces. Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia: ......usses how this initiative will a......the government in achieving its envisione...... goals by creating a culture of research, innovation and entrepreneurship. It studies the current st......s new policies and reforms in Saudi Arabia w......n systems, ICT infrastructure, and a vibrant innovation landscape that includes academia, the public and private sector, and civil society.......real-life case studies as a model of inspiration for cross-sector dev...
- 内容細目Kingdom of Saudi A......The Historical and Social Context......eneurship Case Studies and Analysis Knowl......-based Economy in Saudi Arabia and Vision 2030 : ......o far Research and Development (R&D) in Saudi Arabia E......mation through Incubation and Entrepreneurship : (In the light of S......di Vision 2030 and National Transformation Progr...
- 件名...abia. Research and development pr......nomy. Research and development projects. Saudi A...
- 要約等"Business and Development Studies: Issues and Perspectives p......lection of cutting edge theoretical and empirical cont......ns to the emerging field of business and development studies. Compared to m......traditional business school accounts of business in developing countries whi......the challenges and opportunities of doing business in developing countries, th......s whether, how and under what conditions business contributes......nomic, social, and environmental goals in developing countries. Th......mic work on business and development, i......ate of the art in relation to th......cademic field, and establishes a future research...
- 件名International business enterprises--Developing countries Economic development--Developing countries
- 関連情報Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology
- 要約等"Using real cases of food firms and agriculture supply chains as a context,......lization Affecting Agri-food? New Business Models, Strategies and Organizational Forms aims to understand the key themes in strategic and organizational research in this area. Des......rtance of food and agriculture in the current political and societal conte......digitalization and information technologies on the industry is still......h is to understand the direction ......nge. With case studies of food firms and agriculture supply chains it sets out t......ze food organizing and organizations as a fruitful object of inquiry, both at the intra and i...
- 件名Food industry and trade--Technological innovations Food ......-Technological innovations Organizational change BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General
- 関連情報Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology
- 要約等"The Future of Work in the Asia Pacific and Beyond presents the findings and associated implications arising from a collab...... of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR - or Industry 4.0) on ......s, occupations and associated fut......e competencies and skills across ......transformation in society and business which involves an interface between technologies in the physical, digital and biological disciplines. The book ex......elated issues, including the nature of......, generational and socio-cultural......sues, economic and political pers......ctives, public and private sector similarities and differences, business strateg...
- 件名...-Pacific Area. Industrial policy...... Technological innovations--Government policy. Industrial policy. Labor market....
- 関連情報Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology
- 要約等..."gig economy," and "sharing economy" are ......ze the current intense discussio......of the economy and work around th......g both experts and laypersons. Immense changes in the ways goods......nufactured, business is done, wo...... accomplished, and so on, are cle...... means that demand for careful, f...... the phenomena in question is rapidly growing. This edited ......me gathers distinguished researc...... economics, business studies, organization studies, medicine, social psych......h, pedagogics, and sociology to p......articular work in both public and private sectors and education in both academic and vocational ...
- 件名Labor--History--21st century Industries--Socia...... technological innovations on Industries--Socia...... technological innovations on.
- 一般注記Includes index
- 要約等...pment of the aging society and the increased importa......isk management in recent years, ......lenges - advancing medical treat......ical treatment and care, the introduction of e......tronic charts, and rising costs - are emerging as social iss......rld. Hospitals and other medical institutions must develop and maintain superior manag...... care, welfare and health while enabling "support innovation." Key ...... care, welfare and health industries play a crucial role in this, but also......are management innovation models......"collaborative innovation" by closely linking diverse field......equipment, machinery and transport. Looking acr...
- 件名Medical care--Technological innovations. Medical technology--Management. Medical technology--Economic aspe......ts. Biomedical Technology. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......s Research. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS......Management. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General.
- 件名... Technological innovations--Social aspects. Information society.
- 件名Public administration--Technological innovations. Internet in public administration. Public administration--Technological innovations--Europe. Internet in public administration--Europe. Public administration--Technological innovations--North America. Internet in public administration--North America.
- 内容細目Introduction Global business environment......obalization of innovation : a co......tual framework Innovation environment in emerging economies Global innovation in India Global innovation in China Global innovation in Brazil Global innovation in South Africa I......plications for innovation systems Innovations in emerging economies : i......r other developing countries (So......nsion) Summary and conclusions.
- 件名Creative ability in business -- Developing countries -- Case studies. Research, Industrial -- Developing countries -- Case studies. Globalization -- Developing countries -- Case studies.
- 一般注記Published in association with the International Development Reseac...
- 内容細目Introduction Tech......of communities and peer production: disentagling power relations in FL/OSS develop......methodological and disciplinary issues Commercial involvement and FL/OSS The com......nity, the firm and the two economies Learning and the division of labour in FL/OSS The sto......of communities and peer production Conclusions.
- 一般注記...r biographical information http: //catdir.loc.g...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology ; 15.
- 内容細目Introduction : creativity and innovation / Janet Chan and Leon Mann National innovation systems and creativity / Jonathan West Innovation and creativity in industry and the service se......u Space, place and innovation / Jane...... to creativity and innovation / Simo......ches to understanding and promoting innovation / Josh......ans Creativity and innovation: a leg...... perspective / Andrew Christie Promoting creativity and innovation throug...... of creativity and innovation / Leon......ann Creativity and innovation manage......: play's the thing / Mark Dodgson Inducing and disciplining creativity in organisations under escalatin...
- 件名Business enterprises -- Technological innovations. Technological innovations -- Management.
- 一般注記...r biographical information http: //catdir.loc.g...
- 件名Technological innovations -- Ec......reneurship. Business -- Environm...... aspects. Sustainable development.
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in innovation, organization, and technology ; 11.
- 件名Technological innovations -- Marketing. Technological innovations -- Management. New p...
- 著者標目Sandberg, Birgitta.
- 件名Technological innovations. New products. Democ...
- 件名Technological innovations -- Japan. Industries -- Technological innovations -- Japan -- Case studies.