検索結果 7 件
- 件名Puerto Ricans -- New York (State) -- New York -- Social cond......- 20th century Puerto Ricans -- New York (State) -- New York -- Public opinion Puerto Ricans -- Government relations New York (N.Y.) -- Emig......- 20th century Puerto Rico -- Emigra......- 20th century New York (N.Y.) -- Ethnic relations New York (N.Y.) -- Poli......t -- 1898-1951 New York (N.Y.) -- Politics and govern...
- 件名(識別子)Puerto Ricans -- New York (State) -- New York -- Social cond......- 20th century Puerto Ricans -- New York (State) -- New York -- Public opinion Puerto Ricans -- Government relations New York (N.Y.) -- Emig......- 20th century Puerto Rico -- Emigra......- 20th century New York (N.Y.) -- Ethnic relations New York (N.Y.) -- Poli......t -- 1898-1951 New York (N.Y.) -- Politics and govern...
- 一般注記Summary: "The 'Puerto-Rican Problem' in Postwar New York City presents the first comprehensive examination of the emergence, evol......onsequences of the 'Puerto Rican problem' movement and narrative in New York City from 1945 to 1......his notion originated in an intense public ca......ign that arose in reaction to the entry of Puerto Rican migrants to the city after 1945. The "problem" narrative influenced their incorporation in New York City and other regions of the United States w...... they settled. The anti-Puerto Rican campaign led to the formulation of ......ic policies by the governments of Puerto Rico and New York City seekin...
- 関連情報...ue Zapotecs on the move : cultural......ical processes in transnational perspective The making of Chicana/o studies : in the trenches of academe In search of the Mexican Beverly Hills : Latino suburbanization in postwar Los Angeles Fa...... struggles and the politics of non......hip Deportes : the making of a sporting Mexican diaspora The "Puerto Rican problem" in postwar New York City Becoming Mexipino : multiethnic......nd communities in San Diego Southwest Asia : the transpacific ge......ture Disenchanting citizenship :......n migrants and the boundaries of belonging Mexico on main street : trans......l film culture in Los Angeles before World War ...
- 関連情報... notes written in a Federal peni......rxist textbook The crisis of U.S. capitalism and the fight-back : report to the 21st convention of the Communist Party......r and nation : the folk heritage in music Selections from the prison notebook......ary of Afro-American slang Economic......cripts of 1844 The unfolding drama : studies in U.S. history The Vietnamese revo...... : fundamental problems and essential......free : studies in American Negro history Workingclass giant : the life of William Z. Foster Postwar struggles, 1918-1920 American neo-colonialis...... its emergence in the Philippines and Asia U.S......neocolonialism in Africa Economics of racism U....
- 並列タイトル等(連結)New world books NW
- 並列タイトル等New world books NW
- 一般注記Series editor: Bernard Johnpoll (as of 1987) Also published by Praeger in Westport
- 関連情報The tragedy of Chil......ve perspective International theory : to the brink and beyond Harry S. Truman, the man from Independence County governments in an era of change Getting the donkey out of the ditch : the Democratic Party in search of itse......press releases in American political camp......h for autonomy in southern Afric......and conflict : the Palestine area conflict......ystem Lyndon Baines Johnson and the uses of power Corporatist decline in advanced capitalism The U.S. Constituti......n policy : terminating the Taiwan Treaty International dyn......ons policy and the political proce......cal coalitions in Congress Government violence ...
- 一般注記Series editors of "In Levittown's shadow": Lilia Fe...
- 関連情報..., and religion in postwar Detroit The elusive ideal :......pportunity and the federal role in Boston's publi......eighbors shape the city Places of their own : African American suburbanization in the twentieth century Purging the poorest : public housing and the design politics......ities Harlem : the unmaking of a ghetto P......h boundaries : the Catholic encounter with race in the twentieth-centu......nds : Asian Americans, housing, and the transformation ......od and culture in nineteenth-century New York Brown in the Windy City : Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago Making the unequal metropolis : school de...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Historical studies in urban America
- 関連情報...lic-Protestant interpretations o......urch and state The European revolu......ndence with Gobineau Anatomy of an African kingdom : a histor...... Kierkegaard African odyssey : an a......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of ou......re A scientist in the city Science in the later middle ag......XVII centuries Inflation : a growing world-wide disaster The Bible for stude......d art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen ......Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern China and its Confucian past : the problem of intellectual continuity Class, citizenship, and s...
- 一般注記...(series XIII, Linguistics, ), 07......ries XXVII, Feminist studies)
- 関連情報The voices of African American women : the use of narrativ......uthorial voice in the works of Harrie...... Romans 13:1-7 in modern Japan Villasandino y su hablante......opian colleges The return of the gods : a philos......reappraisal of the writings of Ernest Be......led defense of the mother world A ......e practice and the piano sonata, opus 111 Anger in the Old Testament The co-existence of......al theoretical inquiry on the notion of act in the metaphysics of ......ristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas A linguistic study of American punctuation Po...... modernity and the (un)Commonwealt......a novela argentina contemporánea The promised e...