検索結果 3 件
- 要約等In this rhyming update of the fairy tale of the "Twelve Dancing Princesses, " twelve princesses wear out their shoes playing basketball.
- RLINDCLC2002000777-B
- 典拠情報(ジャンル・形式用語/「を見よ」参照)児童書 子どもの本 ヤングアダルト図書 Children's book Young adult book
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA59219625
- 関連情報Garrick's jubilee......ubert's pride Hal, the highwayman Wapping old stairs! Alfonso, king of castile : tragedy, 5 acts The marriage day; or, the life Chase Glitter Godefroi and Yolande Take that girl away! The storm fiend of the Appennines and the Arcadian bowers; or, harlequin prince of the blood red plume Rookwood The gay deceivers: or, more laugh than love Fast friends Fennel Beau Austin Twice killed Gordon the Gypsey : melodrama, 2 acts Miss in her teens; or, the medley of Lovers Miriam's crime Georgette Death and the lawyer Brand The widow bewitch'd; or, love at fault Le troisième mari The end of the tether; or, a lege...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Nineteenth century English drama
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA56409974
- 関連情報Canonicus The devil's dance Rosemi Shell; or, my daughter! oh! my daughter Rookwood The podesta's daughter Smith, shepherd of the Wissahickon The old wayside inn Favorite authors A game of chance; or, alotting the bride Minette's birthday Giorgione, the painter of Venice My uncle, the captain Oleomargarine A masque et culture......purposes Two dramas of brandy A case for divorce Valentine's wager Haunted house Hélène de la Seiglière A fool for luck Mammy Crittie and baby Suzon Deaf in a horn Azon, the invader of Eden; or, immortality snatched from tree of life Matilda di Shabran and Corradino; or, the triumph of beauty Christmas E...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Nineteenth century American drama