Alternative Title心筋血流画像を読影する際に、初心者が熟練者と同様の解釈を得るための人工知能の有用性
Periodical titleThe International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
Degree grantor/typeNagasaki University (長崎大学)
Note (General)This study examined whether using an artificial neural network (ANN) helps beginners in diagnostic cardiac imaging to achieve similar results to experts when interpreting stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI). One hundred and thirty-eight patients underwent stress MPI with Tc-labeled agents. An expert and a beginner interpreted stress/rest MPI with or without the ANN and the results were compared. The myocardium was divided into 5 regions (the apex; septum; anterior; lateral, and inferior regions), and the defect score of myocardial blood flow was evaluated from 0 to 4, and SSS, SRS, and SDS were calculated. The ANN effect, defined as the difference in each of these scores between with and without the ANN, was calculated to investigate the influence of ANN on the interpreters' performance. We classified 2 groups (insignificant perfusion group and significant perfusion group) and compared them. In the same way, classified 2 groups (insignificant ischemia group and significant ischemia group) and compared them. Besides, we classified 2 groups (normal vessels group and multi-vessels group) and compared them. The ANN effect was smaller for the expert than for the beginner. Besides, the ANN effect for insignificant perfusion group, insignificant ischemia group and multi-vessels group were smaller for the expert than for the beginner. On the other hand, the ANN effect for significant perfusion group, significant ischemia group and normal vessels group were no significant. When interpreting MPI, beginners may achieve similar results to experts by using an ANN. Thus, interpreting MPI with ANN may be useful for beginners. Furthermore, when beginners interpret insignificant perfusion group, insignificant ischemia group and multi-vessel group, beginners may achieve similar results to experts by using an ANN.
長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医歯薬)甲第1351号 学位授与年月日:令和3年6月2日
Author: A. Chiba, T. Kudo, R. Ideguchi, M. Altay, S. Koga, T. Yonekura, A. Tsuneto, M. Morikawa, S. Ikeda, H. Kawano, Y. Koide, M. Uetani and K. Maemura
Citation: The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, Article in Press; 2021
identifier:Nagasaki University (長崎大学), 博士(医学) (2021-06-02)
Collection (particular)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
Date Accepted (W3CDTF)2021-08-09T17:15:52+09:00
Data Provider (Database)国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション