Chuson-ji Temple
Chuson-ji Temple is a Tendai sect temple located in Hiraizumi, Iwate. It is said to have been founded in 850 by Ennin of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei. Later, in the early 12th century, Fujiwara no Kiyohira constructed a large-scale hall and pagoda. In 2011, it was registered as a World Heritage site as part of "Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land". Konjikido is a National Treasure.
旅の家つと 第7 陸奥の巻
旅の家つと 第7 陸奥の巻
平泉志 第3版
Landmarks around Chuson-ji Temple
Ichinoseki Ishinomaki Matsushima Shiogama Shrine Morioka Sendai Mt. Iwate Kamaishi Lake Tazawa Risshaku-ji Temple