Mt. Daisen
A mountain in western Tottori Prefecture. The highest mountain in the Chugoku region. Since ancient times, it has been worshiped as a mountain where deities dwell. From the Kamakura period to the Muromachi period, it flourished as a center for mountain ascetics based around Daisenji Temple. In the Edo period, it attracted local farmers' worship related to farming.
Nishiki-e and Paintings
六十余州名所図会 伯耆 大野大山遠望
日本風景選集 4
日本名勝旧蹟産業写真集 中国・四国・九州地方之部 新訂
Landmarks around Mt. Daisen
Mihonoseki Matsue Castle Matsue Lake Shinji Gokei Valley Karo Izumo Taisha Tottori Oki Islands Korakuen Garden